

“你們知道世界上第一場自行車賽是什麼時候開始的嗎?是在世界上第二輛自行車製造好的那一刻。 ”

在自行車的歷史上, 有不少經典或是字字珠璣的語錄。 繼上一篇文章《車手語錄(一):有關禁藥》之後, 我們看一下名人們是怎麼看自行車還有騎行的哲學的吧。

只要你專心致志, 就沒有什麼事情是做不到的。 ——葛列格·萊蒙德(環法三冠王)

There are few things that you can't do as long as you are willing to apply yourself. ——Greg LeMond

按部就班是目光短淺者所為。 天才控制混沌。

——延斯·沃伊特(生於1971, 職業生涯曾穿上黃衫, 有名言:“Shut up legs”)

Having things organised is for small-minded people. Genius controls chaos. ——Jens Voigt

如果神存在的話, 那我應該還有兩個蛋蛋。 ——蘭斯·阿姆斯壯

If there was a god, I'd still have both nuts. ——Lance Armstrong

自由自在地生活, 這是世界上最美妙的事情了。 ——安杜蘭(91-95年環法五連冠)

To be free and to live a free life – that is the most beautiful thing there is. ——Miguel Indurain

關於自行車裝備, 車手們是矛盾的。 一方面, 我們和單車之間的情感紐帶深刻而持久。 另一方面, 我們就像情聖卡薩諾瓦一樣薄情而濫交。 ——Matt Seaton衛報編輯

We cyclists are contradictory and contrary in our attachments. On the one hand, the emotional bond we each have with our bikes is real and deep and enduring. On the other, we are as fickle and promiscuous as the most unfaithful Casanova. ——Matt Seaton

生活就像十速的單車, 大家都有從來用不到的齒輪。 ——Charles M. Schultz(史努比系列漫畫作家)

Life is like a 10-speed bicycle. Most of us have gears we never use. ——Charles M. Schultz

我看見成年人騎車, 我就不會對人類感到絕望。 ——赫伯特·喬治·威爾斯(英國科幻小說家)

Whenever I see an adult on a bicycle, I do not despair for the human race. ——HG Wells


身披美國國旗, 戴著有德州之星圖案的頭盔。 ——阿姆斯特蘭自傳小說《It's Not About The Bike: My Journey Back to Life》

I want to die at a hundred years old with an American flag on my back and the star of Texas on my helmet, after screaming down an Alpine descent on a bicycle at 75 miles per hour. ——Lance Armstrong

生活中每個人都有自己獨特的方式表達人生目標:律師有雄辯的口才, 畫家有調色板, 故事從文學家的筆下流出。 而我有自行車。 ——基諾·巴特利

Everyone in their life has his own particular way of expressing life's purpose – the lawyer his eloquence, the painter his palette, and the man of letters his pen from which the quick words of his story flow. I have my bicycle. ——Gino Bartoli

我一直努力來達到卓越的境界。 自行車教會我的一件事情是, 如果你毫不費力地就達到了目標, 那結果將不會讓人滿意。 ——葛列格·萊蒙德

I have always struggled to achieve excellence. One thing that cycling has taught me is that if you can achieve something without a struggle, it's not going to be satisfying. ——Greg LeMond

現實生活中的問題需要我們去改變。 形式非常複雜。 我想要對所有人說, 改變這個世界吧。 ——薩甘(薩甘在2015年首次贏得世錦賽之後, 表示來自敘利亞的難民是他贏得比賽的動力之一, 他想為他們發聲。 )

The problems in the world we have to change. The situation is very difficult. I want to say to all the people: change this world. ——Peter Sagan

什麼也比不上騎行單純的快樂。 ——甘迺迪(美國第35任總統)

Nothing compares to the simple pleasure of riding a bike. ——John F. Kennedy

單車是一種奇怪的交通工具, 它的乘客就是它的引擎。 ——約翰·霍華德(美國自行車運動員)

The bicycle is a curious vehicle. Its passenger is its engine. ——John Howard


When I got the bike I must have been the happiest boy in Liverpool, maybe the world. ——John Lennon


Doing the Tour again is like sex with you ex. The first five minutes is great and then you wonder why on earth you bothered. ——Anonymous rider


I used to work in a bank when I was younger and to me it doesn't matter whether it's raining or the sun is shining or whatever: as long as I'm riding a bike I know I'm the luckiest guy in the world. ——Mark Cavendish


Life is like riding a bicycle. In order to keep your balance, you must keep moving. ——Albert Einstein


Learn to ride a bicycle. You will not regret it if you live. ——Mark Twain


I inherited that calm from my father, who was a farmer. You sow, you wait for good or bad weather, you harvest, but working is something you always need to do. ——Miguel Indurain


Good is something you do, not something you talk about. Some medals are pinned to your soul, not to your jacket. ——Gino Bartoli


The biggest losers are those who care only about winning. ——Lance Armstrong


Just do what you love doing. That's my only advice. ——Peter Sagan


When I got the bike I must have been the happiest boy in Liverpool, maybe the world. ——John Lennon


Doing the Tour again is like sex with you ex. The first five minutes is great and then you wonder why on earth you bothered. ——Anonymous rider


I used to work in a bank when I was younger and to me it doesn't matter whether it's raining or the sun is shining or whatever: as long as I'm riding a bike I know I'm the luckiest guy in the world. ——Mark Cavendish


Life is like riding a bicycle. In order to keep your balance, you must keep moving. ——Albert Einstein


Learn to ride a bicycle. You will not regret it if you live. ——Mark Twain


I inherited that calm from my father, who was a farmer. You sow, you wait for good or bad weather, you harvest, but working is something you always need to do. ——Miguel Indurain


Good is something you do, not something you talk about. Some medals are pinned to your soul, not to your jacket. ——Gino Bartoli


The biggest losers are those who care only about winning. ——Lance Armstrong


Just do what you love doing. That's my only advice. ——Peter Sagan

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