


當你發現某個特定星座之人對你來說是多麼重要的時候, 你會以一種高度興奮的狀態進入這個聖誕周。 你木有理由不去享受這個比之前更好的節日之月。 買一件更貴更好的禮物。 當你看到誰會出現的時候, 你會需要它的。 在社交中談談你的職業, 可以為你展示一個你之前沒有注意到過的新開端。 現在致電我可以為你說明。

TAURUS (April 21st-May 21st)

Confrontations you have been dreading can and will actually turn out to be a good thing. You realise that you were in control all along, even though you thought you weren’t. Those involved were just waiting for the chance to show you this fact. Christmas Eve promises to put you in the path of someone you’ve really missed. Ring now to hear how Mercury promises to surprise this festive week.


你曾害怕的對抗, 實際上可以並將會變成一種好事。 你意識到你自始至終都掌握主動, 即使你認為你並沒有。 涉及的那些人就一直等待機會向你說明這個事實。

聖誕平安夜預期把你真正地是錯過的某個人帶到你身邊來。 現在致電傾聽水星是如何在這個節日周帶來驚喜的。

GEMINI (May 22nd-June 21st)

If close ones are asking you for promises and commitments you don’t really want, then talk to them Gemini. You have spent far too long in recent weeks and months worrying about things, but not actually doing anything about them. Freedom is yours if you ask for it. You’ve just forgotten how to take control., Ring now to hear who you will have the most fun with this Christmas month.


如果身邊人正要求你實際上不想給的承諾, 那麼跟他們談, 雙子。 最近數周和數月你花太多時間擔心事情, 但是實際上對它們啥都沒做。 如果你要求, 自由屬於你。 你只是忘了如何採取控制••••••來電, 聽這個聖誕月你跟誰在一起最有意思。

CANCER (June 22nd-July 23rd)

Stop worrying about what has happened in the past and instead take control over what is going on in the here and now. Try to sit down and do your sums before Christmas day, as offers will be coming your way you’re going to want to take, but you are going to need to know your financial status to accept them. Ring now to hear why this Christmas appears to be your most honest yet!

巨蟹(Prologue):停止擔心那些已經發生在過去的事吧, 讓自己試圖掌控當下發生的事來代替。 在耶誕節前試著坐下來做做加法, 因為一些你想要的機會正在路上, 可是接受前你要先看看你的財政狀況

LEO (July 24th-August 23rd)

You are so much stronger than you think Leo. This festive week will prove this fact as you begin to take the lead in areas of your life you usually give others control in. Your ruling planet the Sun, helps you to get back on track over Christmas with those you have grown distant from. Phone calls bring you an apology boxing day. Ring now so I can help you celebrate in true Leo style.


親愛的獅子, 你比自己想像中的還要強大!這個節日季就會證明這點,

你將主宰曾被他人領導的生活領域, 通過這個聖誕, 幫助你重回正軌, 在聖誕的後一天, 會有人給你打道歉電話。

VIRGO (August 24th-September 23rd)

You don’t mean to offend those you love, but if someone buys you a gift you don’t really want, then your disapproval is likely to be written all over your face. Try to deal with what is really on your mind before Monday, so you can make this Christmas one worth really celebrating. Ring now to hear why this is the week you may finally decide which career is written in your stars for the future.


你並不想要冒犯你所愛的人, 但是如果有人給你買了你並不真正想要的禮物, 那麼你的不滿就會被寫在臉上。 試著在週一之前處理好你的壞情緒, 這樣你就可以在這個耶誕節開心慶祝了。 現在打電話來聽聽為什麼這一周你可能會最終決定你未來的職業生涯。

LIBRA (September 24th-October 23rd)

There is a really naughty feel to your chart, which could see you doing the opposite of what people ask just to make a statement. Know how far is too far to go my friend, or you will only end up undoing all of the repair work you did in November. I know you miss someone who is not around and this seems to be the source of your behaviour. Ring now so we can put this right.


你的星盤給人相當滑稽的感覺, 別人只想講一下, 而你卻完全南轅北轍。 離譜到不行了親, 你得明白這樣下去只會讓11月份的全部修復努力功虧一簣。 知道你思念沒在身邊的某人, 貌似這就是你的行為動機。


SCORPIO (October 24th-November 22nd)

Problems which you think have got the better of you this Christmas are actually nothing more than a storm in a teacup. You finally start to focus on having fun from Sunday. You realise that others can’t control your decisions and actions this week, but you can and you will. Last minute changes to Christmas day bring relief and pleasure. Ring now so we can look deeper into your future.


你認為自己搞不掂的這個耶誕節大麻煩, 實際上也沒什麽, 不過是小題大做而已。 自周日起, 安心享樂模式終於開啟。 你明白自己的決定和行動別人沒辦法控制干預, 除非自行且自願。 解脫與釋然, 隨耶誕節最後一分鐘的逆襲而降臨。


SAGITTARIUS (November 23rd-December 21st)

The hard times you went through in recent months have only served to make you stronger Sagittarius. You use this Christmas to show thanks and to feel grateful for all that is now going right with your life. Don’t be afraid to say no to those who invite you out if you don’t want to spend time with them. This is your week to relax and not just for others to enjoy. Ring now so we can talk.


最近數月你經歷的艱難時光只會讓你更強大, 射手。 你利用這個聖誕去表示感謝, 去感受生活中人生中所有正確進行事物的恩澤。 不要害怕拒絕那些想要邀請你出去的人, 如果你不想跟他們共度時光的話。 這是你休養生息的一周, 不只是為別人去享受。 來電, 這樣我們能談談。

CAPRICORN (December 22nd-January 20th)

You gave so much loyalty to those who gave you nothing but disrespect in return. It has taken you a long time to make sense of what happened over the last three months, but I know and you will soon, that you have come out of everything a better person. You’re emotionally richer and decisions you make Christmas and Boxing Day prove this. Ring now so we can move forward with pride.



但是我知道你會好起來並且成為更加優秀的人!在耶誕節和其後一天, 會證明你是個感情豐富之人。

AQUARIUS (January 21st-February 19th)

You want to back out of something you committed to, but you are not quite sure how to do so, are you Aquarius. Luckily for you, those involved have already picked up on your feelings and will be making such decisions easy for you. The need to tell others’ secrets on Boxing day must be resisted. Ring now to hear why you cannot afford to play any more games in love this month.


你想收回你曾經做出的諾言, 但你不確定該怎麼做, 是嗎, 瓶瓶。 幸運的是, 牽涉其中的人已經體會到了你的感受, 並且會讓你做出決定容易點兒。 在節禮日(聖誕次日)說出他人的秘密, 這樣的情況你得避免。 現在打電話來聽聽, 為什麼這個月你不能耍任何的愛情遊戲(!!!?)。

PISCES (February 20th-March 20th)

Advice you both give and take in the week ahead can help you to shape your life so it is more suited to your needs. It may be Christmas week, but you still seem to have your professional head on and you will be taking steps to shape your career ideas ready for the New Year. A delay on a legal dealing is actually a blessing. Ring now for more on this very memorable time.


未來一周建議你施與受兩者兼有, 能幫你打造你的人生更適合你的需要。 這是聖誕周, 但是你似乎仍然一腦門子工作,

你將採取措施去形成你的事業理想, 為新年做準備。 一個法律交割的延遲實際上是個好事。 來電, 為更多關於這個非常難忘的時期。

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