

聖誕的禮物還沒開拆, 2018已經快到門口!

為了安撫小夥伴一年來疲憊的心情, 小編又為了大家準備了一份充盈的禮物。

快來接過這份禮物, 尤其適用於不久將來要在美國開始美好的生活的小夥伴們。

雖然我讀書少, 但我絕不騙你!


Test Prep Workbook for the NCCAOM Bio-medicine Module


This book is designed as a guide for the practitioner interested in taking the Bio-medicine portion of the NCCAOM exam. The NCCAOM Bio-medicine module is made up of 50 questions divided into three sections and this book is modeled after this exam, containing questions from each of the three categories. The book is divided into five tests containing 50 questions each. Each test includes an answer sheet, answer key and detailed explanations for most questions. Practitioners not interested in taking the Bio-medicine portion of the NCCAOM exam may also find the information contained in this book useful in their everyday clinical practice.

推薦理由:本書的目的是為參加NCCAOM考試的生物醫學部分的從業人員提供指導。 NCCAOM生物醫學模組由50個問題組成, 五個測試, 每個測試包含50個問題。 每個考試都包含答卷、答案和大部分問題的詳細解析。 從業者也可從本書中得到日常臨床實踐的指導。

630 Questions & Answers About Chinese Herbal Medicine: A Workbook & Study Guide


This book is a study guide and exam preparation workbook for Chinese herbal medicine. Its 630 questions cover all aspects of the theory and practice of Chinese herbal medicine including materia medica; medicinal combinations; processing of medicinals; formulas and prescriptions; additions and subtractions; case history analysis. This book is extremely useful for preparing for various school, state, or national Chines herbal exams. However, no matter what your degree of expertise, answering the questions in this book can help you reach a higher level of Chinese herbal practice.

本書是中草藥學習指導和考試準備手冊。 其630個問題涵蓋了包括中藥在內的中草藥理論與實踐的各個方面:藥用組合、藥物加工、配方和處方、加減法、病史分析。 這本書對考生準備各個中草藥考試都非常有用。

Test Prep Workbook for Basic TCM Theory Paperback – February 28, 2007


This book is a study guide and exam preparation workbook for Chinese herbal medicine. Its 630 questions cover all aspects of the theory and practice of Chinese herbal medicine including materia medica; medicinal combinations; processing of medicinals; formulas and prescriptions; additions and subtractions; case history analysis. This book is extremely useful for preparing for various school, state, or national Chines herbal exams. However, no matter what your degree of expertise, answering the questions in this book can help you reach a higher level of Chinese herbal practice.


對於準備NCCAOM考試基本中醫理論部分的人來說, 這也是非常有幫助的。 本書分為7個測試, 每個測試包含125個問題。 每個測試都包括答題紙和答案解析。

750 Questions and Answers about Acupuncture : Exam Preparation and Study Guide


This workbook is for students who are preparing for the NCCAOM Board exams and for licensed practitioners who wish to bone up on both point location and theory. All questions are written in Board Exam format and many questions use illustrations to test the reader's visual knowledge of point location as well.

本手冊適用於正準備參加NCCAOM考試的學生, 以及希望在點位和理論上都能得到指導的持證從業人員。 所有的問題都以書面考試的形式編輯,很多問題都使用插圖來測試讀者對點位置的視覺記憶。






以及希望在點位和理論上都能得到指導的持證從業人員。 所有的問題都以書面考試的形式編輯,很多問題都使用插圖來測試讀者對點位置的視覺記憶。






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