


年末了, 許多政府部門都會制定來年的規劃和預算方案。 這很常見。

但是, 美國的一個機構在搞預算報告時, 卻讓全國都震驚了……

美國有個機構叫“疾病控制與預防中心”, 聽名字就知道是幹啥的。 這機構簡稱CDC(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), 歸美國的衛生及公共服務部(Department of Health and Human Services)管。

年末, 這個疾控中心也按慣例來制定2018年的預算了。 結果……

據說, 特朗普旗下有人特意耳提面命:哎你們這個疾控中心注意點, 預算方案裡有幾個詞不許出現!


據媒體表示, 不讓出現在方案裡的詞有7個, 分別是:



vulnerable 弱勢的






看到這種比較詭異的事情, 起先大家多半是不信的。

結果, 一看報導這件事的媒體……

Washington Post

New York Times



這些大名鼎鼎的媒體擺在面前, 信源至少是可靠的, 分量也是足夠的。 雖然後兩者為了謹慎起見, 標題也用了模棱兩可的語氣, 但華盛頓郵報的標題簡直和板上釘釘沒啥區別了。


The Trump administration is prohibiting officials at the nation’s top public health agency from using a list of seven words or phrases— including “fetus” and “transgender” — in official documents being prepared for next year’s budget.

Policy analysts at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta were told of the list of forbidden words at a meeting Thursday with senior CDC officials who oversee the budget, according to an analyst who took part in the 90-minute briefing. The forbidden words are “vulnerable,” “entitlement,” “diversity,” “transgender,” “fetus,” “evidence-based” and “science-based.”

Other CDC officials confirmed the existence of a list of forbidden words.It’s likely that other parts of HHS are operating under the same guidelines regarding the use of these words, the analyst said.

CDC gets list of forbidden words: Fetus, transgender, diversity (via Washington Post)

按照報導的說法, “禁詞”的名單是在一次報告會上公佈的, 疾控中心的官員和一些政策分析員都在場。 之後, 一個分析員把“禁詞名單”告訴了媒體。

此外, 也有其他疾控中心的官員證實了有“禁詞名單”這麼回事兒。 而且似乎還不止是疾控中心, 衛生部其他的下轄機構也有類似的規定。

可是……這些詞都還挺常見的, 要是不讓用了, 你讓人怎麼好好說話?


上面有建議他們用些可以替代的詞句。 比方說……

In some instances, the analysts were given alternative phrases. Instead of “science-based” or ­“evidence-based,” the suggested phrase is “CDC bases its recommendations on science in consideration with community standards and wishes,” the person said. In other cases, no replacement words were immediately offered.

CDC gets list of forbidden words: Fetus, transgender, diversity (via Washington Post)

這這這……咋特朗普政府還喜歡玩文字遊戲啊?要人家這樣繞來繞去的, 有意思嗎

“science-based” “evidence-based”這類的詞, 至少還能有類似的表達方式, 如果硬要被替換, 倒也算了。

但是……把“diversity多元”和 “transgender跨性別”列為禁詞是啥意思?跟性少數群體過不去?

而且被禁用的還是疾控中心, 這真的很值得玩味了。

且不說這次的“禁詞”, 負責管疾控中心的部門——咱們前面提到的衛生部(HHS), 以及其他重要的政府部門, 最近就出過不少“好事”……

Several key departments – including HHS, as well as Justice, Education, and Housing and Urban Development – have changed some federal policies and how they collect government information about lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Americans. → 衛生/司法/教育/住房與城市發展等部門, 都更改了關於性少數群體的一些聯邦政策, 以及收集該群體資訊的方法。

In March, for example, HHS dropped questions about sexual orientation and gender identity in two surveys of elderly people. → 衛生部曾在兩個關於老人的調查中, 刪去了關於性取向與性別認同的問題。

HHS has also removed information about LGBT Americans from its website. The department’s Administration for Children and Families, for example, archived a page that outlined federal services that are available for LGBT people and their families, including how they can adopt and receive help if they are the victims of sex trafficking. → 衛生部還在官網上刪掉了一些關於性少數群體的資訊。

CDC gets list of forbidden words: Fetus, transgender, diversity (via Washington Post)


這枚向媒體通風報信的分析員, 也回顧了一下當時會議上聽到這個“禁詞名單”之後, 大家的反應。


The reaction of people in the meeting was “incredulous,” the analyst said. “It was very much, ‘Are you serious? Are you kidding?’ ” →“真的嗎?”“確定嗎?”“沒開玩笑吧?”

“In my experience, we’ve never had any pushback from an ideological standpoint,” the analyst said.

CDC gets list of forbidden words: Fetus, transgender, diversity (via Washington Post)

華盛頓郵報這文章一出來, 老實說,大多數人不太相信的。


最主要的,還是“禁詞名單”這玩意實在是有些魔幻了……(不過放在特朗普身上,似乎也沒什麼奇怪了,他啥玩意幹不出來 )



“The assertion that H.H.S. has ‘banned words’ is a complete mischaracterization of discussions regarding the budget formulation process,” an agency spokesman, Matt Lloyd, said in an email. “H.H.S. will continue to use the best scientific evidence available to improve the health of all Americans. H.H.S. also strongly encourages the use of outcome and evidence data in program evaluations and budget decisions.” → 衛生部的一枚發言人表示,所謂的“禁詞名單”實屬誤讀。

Mr. Lloyd did not respond to other questions about the news report, which was published late Friday by The Washington Post. → 但發言人沒有對前一天《華盛頓郵報》的報導作何回應。

Uproar Over Purported Ban at C.D.C. of Words Like ‘Fetus’ (via New York Times)





The Times confirmed some details of the report with several officials, although a few suggested that the proposal was not so much a ban on words but recommendations to avoid some language to ease the path toward budget approval by Republicans. → 列個“禁詞名單”可能有誤解,但共和黨要求避免一些詞句的用法,這估計是沒跑了。

A former federal official, who asked not to be named, called the move unprecedented.

“It’s absurd and Orwellian, it’s stupid and Orwellian, but they are not saying to not use the words in reports or articles or scientific publications or anything else the C.D.C. does,” the former official said. “They’re saying not to use it in your request for money because it will hurt you. It’s not about censoring what C.D.C. can say to the American public. It’s about a budget strategy to get funded.” → 總之就是一個不願意透露姓名的聯邦官員把“禁詞”罵了一頓……預算裡面就別寫這些詞了,畢竟你是在要錢。小心受傷的還是你自己

A former C.D.C. official, who asked not to be identified, said that some staff members were upset because the purported ban suggested that their work was being politicized.

“I don’t know exactly who said what in the meeting, but I have to assume this came from H.H.S. people, because they’re the ones who have to make the budget,” the former official said. → 總之就是又一個不願意透露姓名的前疾控中心官員表示大家很沮喪……

Uproar Over Purported Ban at C.D.C. of Words Like ‘Fetus’ (via New York Times)


倒是有衛生部下轄的另一個機構——食藥監——趕緊跳了出來:嗯,我們這邊目前沒收到啥“禁詞名單”哈。(“The Food and Drug Administration was quick to note that it had gotten no such instruction.”)

另一權威通訊社——美聯社,也在報導裡援引了下衛生部發言人的“闢謠”。不過,一句“實屬誤讀”(“a complete mischaracterization”)到底算不算闢謠,這實在不好說。


"Here's a word that's still allowed: 'ridiculous,'" said Rush Holt, chief executive officer of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, in a statement reacting to the report. → “呵呵,‘荒謬’這個詞沒禁吧?”

Dr. Sandro Galea, dean of Boston University's School of Public Health, says these things matter "because the words that we use ultimately describe what we care about and what we think are priorities." → “我們用什麼詞,就代表了我們最關心、最在乎的是什麼。”

"If you are saying you cannot use words like 'transgender' and 'diversity,' it's a clear statement that you cannot pay attention to these issues." → “如果你連‘跨性別’‘多元’這類的詞都不讓用,那說明你對這些根本不關心。”

A CDC ban on 'fetus' and 'transgender?' Experts alarmed (via AP)






“給各位個准信:疾控中心沒有什麼‘禁詞’。我們會繼續討論一些重要的公共健康項目。”(via Twitter)


@Dr Brenda Fitzgerald:

You may be understandably concerned about recent media reports alleging that CDC is banned from using certain words in budget documents. I want to assure you that CDC remains committed to our public health mission as a science- and evidence-based institution.





Thank you.


We suggest a new CDC report focusing on the "Vulnerability of Transgendered Fetuses if cuts made to Science-based and Evidence-based research." ;-)

既然這樣,希望疾控中心能出個新的報告,“如果把‘遵循證據’且‘基於科學’的研究削減,對給‘跨性別’的‘胎兒’們造成什麼‘弱點’。” (你贏了……)


Who's lying? You, or all the people who spoke with the Washington Post?

到底誰在說謊?你?還是華盛頓郵報採訪的所有 人都一致說謊了?


Dr. Fitzgerald, I understand this may be more nuanced than a word ban, but even advising the analysts not to use words like "transgender" or "vulnerable" suggests a level of politicization of key issues for public health.



Please officially state that CDC employees are permitted to use “vulnerable,” “entitlement,” “diversity,” “transgender,” “fetus,” “evidence-based” and “science-based” in official and unofficial reports and studies that they write.



Nobody believes you











最主要的,還是“禁詞名單”這玩意實在是有些魔幻了……(不過放在特朗普身上,似乎也沒什麼奇怪了,他啥玩意幹不出來 )



“The assertion that H.H.S. has ‘banned words’ is a complete mischaracterization of discussions regarding the budget formulation process,” an agency spokesman, Matt Lloyd, said in an email. “H.H.S. will continue to use the best scientific evidence available to improve the health of all Americans. H.H.S. also strongly encourages the use of outcome and evidence data in program evaluations and budget decisions.” → 衛生部的一枚發言人表示,所謂的“禁詞名單”實屬誤讀。

Mr. Lloyd did not respond to other questions about the news report, which was published late Friday by The Washington Post. → 但發言人沒有對前一天《華盛頓郵報》的報導作何回應。

Uproar Over Purported Ban at C.D.C. of Words Like ‘Fetus’ (via New York Times)





The Times confirmed some details of the report with several officials, although a few suggested that the proposal was not so much a ban on words but recommendations to avoid some language to ease the path toward budget approval by Republicans. → 列個“禁詞名單”可能有誤解,但共和黨要求避免一些詞句的用法,這估計是沒跑了。

A former federal official, who asked not to be named, called the move unprecedented.

“It’s absurd and Orwellian, it’s stupid and Orwellian, but they are not saying to not use the words in reports or articles or scientific publications or anything else the C.D.C. does,” the former official said. “They’re saying not to use it in your request for money because it will hurt you. It’s not about censoring what C.D.C. can say to the American public. It’s about a budget strategy to get funded.” → 總之就是一個不願意透露姓名的聯邦官員把“禁詞”罵了一頓……預算裡面就別寫這些詞了,畢竟你是在要錢。小心受傷的還是你自己

A former C.D.C. official, who asked not to be identified, said that some staff members were upset because the purported ban suggested that their work was being politicized.

“I don’t know exactly who said what in the meeting, but I have to assume this came from H.H.S. people, because they’re the ones who have to make the budget,” the former official said. → 總之就是又一個不願意透露姓名的前疾控中心官員表示大家很沮喪……

Uproar Over Purported Ban at C.D.C. of Words Like ‘Fetus’ (via New York Times)


倒是有衛生部下轄的另一個機構——食藥監——趕緊跳了出來:嗯,我們這邊目前沒收到啥“禁詞名單”哈。(“The Food and Drug Administration was quick to note that it had gotten no such instruction.”)

另一權威通訊社——美聯社,也在報導裡援引了下衛生部發言人的“闢謠”。不過,一句“實屬誤讀”(“a complete mischaracterization”)到底算不算闢謠,這實在不好說。


"Here's a word that's still allowed: 'ridiculous,'" said Rush Holt, chief executive officer of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, in a statement reacting to the report. → “呵呵,‘荒謬’這個詞沒禁吧?”

Dr. Sandro Galea, dean of Boston University's School of Public Health, says these things matter "because the words that we use ultimately describe what we care about and what we think are priorities." → “我們用什麼詞,就代表了我們最關心、最在乎的是什麼。”

"If you are saying you cannot use words like 'transgender' and 'diversity,' it's a clear statement that you cannot pay attention to these issues." → “如果你連‘跨性別’‘多元’這類的詞都不讓用,那說明你對這些根本不關心。”

A CDC ban on 'fetus' and 'transgender?' Experts alarmed (via AP)






“給各位個准信:疾控中心沒有什麼‘禁詞’。我們會繼續討論一些重要的公共健康項目。”(via Twitter)


@Dr Brenda Fitzgerald:

You may be understandably concerned about recent media reports alleging that CDC is banned from using certain words in budget documents. I want to assure you that CDC remains committed to our public health mission as a science- and evidence-based institution.





Thank you.


We suggest a new CDC report focusing on the "Vulnerability of Transgendered Fetuses if cuts made to Science-based and Evidence-based research." ;-)

既然這樣,希望疾控中心能出個新的報告,“如果把‘遵循證據’且‘基於科學’的研究削減,對給‘跨性別’的‘胎兒’們造成什麼‘弱點’。” (你贏了……)


Who's lying? You, or all the people who spoke with the Washington Post?

到底誰在說謊?你?還是華盛頓郵報採訪的所有 人都一致說謊了?


Dr. Fitzgerald, I understand this may be more nuanced than a word ban, but even advising the analysts not to use words like "transgender" or "vulnerable" suggests a level of politicization of key issues for public health.



Please officially state that CDC employees are permitted to use “vulnerable,” “entitlement,” “diversity,” “transgender,” “fetus,” “evidence-based” and “science-based” in official and unofficial reports and studies that they write.



Nobody believes you









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