


生活口語是我們無時無刻都要用的句子或者短語, 如果你身邊有不錯的英語環境, 從A開始學英語李春老師建議你多多用, 畢竟用出來才是你自己的。

好了, 跟著從A開始學英語李春老師一起累積今天的學習內容吧!!!

I'm home.

(我回來了。 )

Welcome home!

(你回來了。 )

Did you have a good time?

(今天過得愉快嗎? )

How did it go today?

(今天怎麼樣? )

Can I go out to play?


I'm hungry.

(我餓了。 )

Where are the snacks?


I'm going to cram school now.

(我去補習學校了啊。 )

May I have my allowance?


I'm tired.

(真累啊! )

What would you like for dinner?


Would you help me set the table?


What should I make for dinner?

(晚飯做什麼好呢? )

It's good to be home.


Would you run to the store?


The bath is ready.

(洗澡水燒好了。 )

I'm taking a shower.

(我要衝個澡。 )

Is dinner ready?


What's for dinner?


Today, we're having curry.

(今天吃咖哩飯。 )

How soon can you get it ready?


Let's eat.

我吃了啊。 )

Please go ahead.


從A開始學英語李春老師和你分享的都是比較生活話的口語, 不過你出國旅遊還是幹嘛都可以用到。

This knife cuts well, doesn't it?

(這刀挺好使的, 是不是?)

The water is boiling!


Come and get it

(開飯啦! )

It's time to eat.


I'm coming.

(這就來啦! )

Did you wash your hands well?


Don't spill it!

(別弄灑了。 )

Eat all of your vegetables.

(把碗裡的菜吃光。 )

[09:21.38]Finish up your plate.

(把碗裡的飯吃乾淨。 )

It was very delicious. Thank you.

(謝謝您的款待。 )

Would you clear the table?

(能幫我收拾盤子嗎? )

Do the dishes!

(把盤子洗了。 )

I'll dry the dishes.

(我擦盤子。 )

What are you doing?

(你幹什麼呢? )

I'm watching TV.

(我看電視呢。 )

Are there any good programs on TV? (


Nomo is on TV.

(野茂上電視了。 )

What's on Channel 8?

(8頻道演什麼呢? )

Would you change the channel?

(能不能幫我換個台? )

I want to watch more TV.

(我還想看電視。 )

Let's spread out the futon.

(鋪床吧。 )

I'm sleepy.

(我困了。 )

Did you do your homework?

(作業做了嗎? )

[11:24.60]Study hard.

(好好學習。 )

]Hurry up and go to sleep.

(快點睡覺。 )

Enough with your video games.

(遊戲玩夠了吧。 )

Make sure you brush your teeth.

(一定要刷牙噢。 )

Are you ready for tomorrow?


I'm going to take a bath.

(我去洗個澡。 )

Time to go to sleep.

(該睡覺了。 )

You left the TV on.

(電視還開著呢。 )

Don't leave your stuff here.

(別把你的東西都攤在這兒。 )

I set the alarm clock for 8:00.

(把鬧鐘定在8點了。 )

Wake me up at seven tomorrow.

(明天7點叫醒我。 )

Good night.

(晚安。 )

Sweet dreams.

(做個好夢。 )

從A開始學英語李春老師祝你有一個好的學習旅程, 開始你的英語口有之旅吧。


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