

一國最高領導人在新年之際發表“新年賀詞”, 是許多國家都有的傳統。

現在, 咱們再來看幾個其他國家的新年獻詞吧!


美國 the US

“What a year it’s been, and we’re just getting started. Together, we are MAKING AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!”

“一年過去了, 而我們剛剛開始。 我們正在共同使美國再次偉大!”

“We gave birth to the modern world and we will shape tomorrow’s world with the strength and skill of American hands.”

“我們曾孕育現代世界, 通過美國人的力量與技巧, 我們將繼續塑造世界的明天。 ”

俄羅斯 Russia

“Allow me to offer special congratulations to all the people who are currently at work – people fulfilling their professional or military duty, work their shift at hospitals, steer trains and aircraft. We’re all together in this New Year's night, and we’re all together in our daily pursuits as well.”


包括醫院值班的醫務人員、駕駛飛機和列車的工作人員。 我們共同慶祝這一美好的新年夜。 我們在平日裡的共同事業中也團結一心。 ”

“May trust and mutual understanding always accompany us.”

“讓信任和相互諒解永遠與我們同在。 ”

英國 the UK

“I believe 2018 can be a year of renewed confidence and pride in our country.”

“我相信2018年可以是我們國家重振信心和驕傲的一年。 ”

“And whatever challenges we may face, I know we will overcome them by standing united as one proud union of nations and people.”


身為一個自豪的人民, 我相信國家將會團結一致共同克服問題。 ”

“A year in which we continue to make good progress towards a successful Brexit deal, an economy that's fit for the future, and a stronger and fairer society for everyone.”

“新的一年, 我們將繼續以披荊斬棘之勢, 一步一步實行脫歐進程, 並在未來迎來經濟更好、更強大、更公平的新社會。 ”

法國 France

(Macron pledged to “listen and respect” the country’s political opposition, but he added that “in the end I will do what you are expecting me to.”) (本句via thestar.com)

“我知道一些人並不認同政府的決策, 我尊重他們並會傾聽他們的意見,

但我不會停止行動。 ”

“Europe can become this global power economically, socially, on the fight for climate, scientifically, that can face China and the U.S., with its own values.”

“我們需要重建歐洲雄風, 在經濟、社會、環保和科技等方面應對中國及美國。 ”

朝鮮 North Korea

“The U.S. should know that the button for nuclear weapons is on my table.”

“美國應該知道, 核按鈕就在我的辦公桌上。 ”

“The entire area of the U.S. mainland is within our nuclear strike range. … The United States can never start a war against me and our country.”

“美國全境都在朝鮮的核打擊範圍內……決不容許美國向我和朝鮮發起戰爭。 ”

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