

1. 我們拭目以待吧/走著瞧。 ——薩甘最常見的回答。

We'll see. ——Peter's most favorite and most frequent answer whatever the question

2. 我不知道。 ——薩甘回答問題時的口頭禪。

I don't know. ——Peter's second most favorite and frequent answer whatever the question

3. 這個問題不會困擾我。 ——薩甘。

It doesn't bother me. ——Peter's third most...blab bla bla

4. 我英語很棒棒。 我只是喜歡說一些奇怪的廢話, 不讓他們來打擾我。 神秘是很酷的, 這增加了我的神秘感。 坎切拉拉會說一些奇怪的英語, 沒有人取笑他。

My English is perfect. I just like to say garbled nonsense to throw people off and keep them from bothering me. Cryptic is cool and it just adds to my mystique. I mean, Cancellara says some wacky stuff in English and nobody makes fun of him.

5. 什麼也沒發生, 我只是尿不出來。 ——2012年環瑞士, 薩甘有一次在藥檢中心待了很長一段時間。

Nothing happened, I just couldn’t pee. ——after spending quite a long time in the anti-doping control room at the 2012 Tour de Suisse

6. 我想要一個富婆包養我——薩甘,


I want a rich girlfriend who will take care of me. ——Peter Sagan (interview in 2010)

7. 我餓。 ——薩甘回答記者的問題“今天你對什麼印象最深”

I'm hungry. ——Peter answers a journalist's question 'What are your impressions of today's stage'

8. 哥哥建議我試一試自行車, 然後我發現騎車是世界上最棒的事情。 有人覺得我們是怪胎, 然而我卻毫不在意。 ——彼得·薩甘

My brother persuaded me to try cycling and I realised it was the best thing in the world. People thought we were strange but I couldn’t have cared less.

9. 只有自然災害才能阻止我贏得綠衫(薩甘立下的Flag)

Only a natural disaster will prevent me from winning the green jersey.

10. 我不知道怎麼打領帶, 我不得不去看穀歌教程。 ——薩甘有一次西裝革履地參加在斯洛伐克的自行車晚會。

I didn't know how to tie a tie. I had to google video instructions.

11. 去做你愛做的事情吧。 這是我唯一的建議。 ——薩甘

Just do what you love doing. That's my only advice.

12. 每一場比賽我都是沖著勝利去的。

I always race to win.


13. I used to hate road cycling when I was younger.

14. 我覺得我更愛山地車, 不過那時候, 公路車可以謀生。

I guess I still prefer mountain biking, but then, road cycling can make a living.

15. 我不覺得他比我強。 ——評價格萊佩爾

I don't think he's stronger than me.——On Greipel

16. 我經歷過無數次的摔車。 有一次是在停車場, 汽車從我身上壓過去。 還有一次是頭撞上了一輛車, 然後砸穿了玻璃(笑)。 ——彼得·薩甘

I've had a lot of bike crashes. Once a car ran me over in a parking lot. I also had a head-on collision with a car and smashed through its front window. ——Peter Sagan

17. 我想要贏得一切——當問及薩甘, 他是否有機會拿下世界冠軍的時候。

I want to win everything! —— when asked about his chances to be a world champion

18. 說句大實話, 公路車於我來說是無聊的運動。 看著沒多大意思。 在電視上我只看最後的五公里, 或是衝刺。 沒別的了。 我就是不能忍受連續看四五個小時。 這也是為什麼我在終點的時候會抬前輪或是慶祝勝利。 我是為觀眾做的, 為了鼓勵他們對這項運動的興趣, 來讓這項運動更有生氣......我並不是不尊重對手,我只是想給這項運動帶來一些興奮感。而這正是自行車運動缺乏的。也許會有人因此譴責我,不過我不關心他們的想法。——薩甘2012年語錄

To be honest, cycling is a boring sport to me. Boring to watch. When it’s on TV I watch only the last five kilometers or the final sprint. Nothing more. I just can’t stand watching it for 4 or 5 hours. That’s why I do these wheelies and victory celebrations at the finish. I do it all for people, to encourage their interest in the sport, to liven it up, to make it at least a bit exciting to watch....... I don’t mean to show disrespect to my competitors, I only want to bring some thrill into the sport because that’s what cycling lacks and needs so desperately. There will always be someone to criticize me for what I do, but I don’t care what they think.

19. 自行車是非常艱苦的運動。如我我有孩子的話,我不希望我的孩子成為一個PRO車手。

Cycling is a very tough sport. I wouldn't want my own kid, if I ever had one, to be a pro cyclist.

20. 如果你想贏,那你必須是魯莽的。

You have to be brash if you want to win.

21. 我不想和其他車手比較,我只想做彼得·薩甘。

I don't want to be compared to other riders. I want to be Peter Sagan.

22. 我希望我能多訓練,多騎車,多贏幾場。但是我不希望我要接受太多的採訪。

I expected that I'd have to do a lot of training, cycling, winning. I didn't expect I'd have to do a lot of interviews."

23. 奧運賽事奇奇怪怪的。

The Olympic race is weird.

24. 我很高興如此多的人來看綠色的小丑。——薩甘看到如此多的人來看自己參加家鄉的活動。

I’m glad so many people came to see the clown in green.

25. 我的注意力在路上。——薩甘被問及是否有看到奧運會上路上的斯洛伐克國旗和車迷。

I have mostly noticed the road. ——when asked if he noticed Slovakian flags and fans lining the Olympic road

26. 我做出綠巨人的表情是因為當浩克憤怒的時候,他會變綠也會更加強大。

I did a Hulk expression because when he gets angry he turns green and more powerful. —— relieved after winning Stage 6 of the Tour de France

27. 我愛綠色。——贏得環法綠衫之後。

I like green. —— after winning the TdF green jersey

28. 你會把視頻發給我嗎?——當記者給他看一個小視頻:他給女粉絲的胸部簽名的視頻。

You send me this video? —— after seeing a journalist's video of him signing a female fan's breast


I'm certainly not a time trialist. But over short distances, like a prologue, I can maximize my power.

30. 我還年輕,我至今不知道我的極限在哪裡。

I'm a young guy. I still don't know what my limits are.

31. 過去經歷的一切都是對未來的經驗。今天我才意識到我可以贏得古典賽。

Everything is experience for the future. Today I realized that I can win a classic.

32. 我做這些就像阿甘一樣。當他們讓阿甘跑步的時候,阿甘就跑。當他們讓我贏得比賽的時候,我就去贏。

I do it like Forrest Gump. When they told him to run, he ran. When they tell me to win, I win.

33. 哈嘍,大家好,我是薩甘,我為佳能戴爾天然氣車隊騎車。還有......額就這些。 ——薩甘在視頻中的自我介紹。

Hello everyone, I'm Peter Sagan and I ride for Liquigas Cannondale and...that's al, heh. ——Peter's own self introduction in a video


To be honest, cycling is a boring sport to me. Boring to watch. When it’s on TV I watch only the last five kilometers or the final sprint. Nothing more. I just can’t stand watching it for 4 or 5 hours. That’s why I do these wheelies and victory celebrations at the finish. I do it all for people, to encourage their interest in the sport, to liven it up, to make it at least a bit exciting to watch....... I don’t mean to show disrespect to my competitors, I only want to bring some thrill into the sport because that’s what cycling lacks and needs so desperately. There will always be someone to criticize me for what I do, but I don’t care what they think.

19. 自行車是非常艱苦的運動。如我我有孩子的話,我不希望我的孩子成為一個PRO車手。

Cycling is a very tough sport. I wouldn't want my own kid, if I ever had one, to be a pro cyclist.

20. 如果你想贏,那你必須是魯莽的。

You have to be brash if you want to win.

21. 我不想和其他車手比較,我只想做彼得·薩甘。

I don't want to be compared to other riders. I want to be Peter Sagan.

22. 我希望我能多訓練,多騎車,多贏幾場。但是我不希望我要接受太多的採訪。

I expected that I'd have to do a lot of training, cycling, winning. I didn't expect I'd have to do a lot of interviews."

23. 奧運賽事奇奇怪怪的。

The Olympic race is weird.

24. 我很高興如此多的人來看綠色的小丑。——薩甘看到如此多的人來看自己參加家鄉的活動。

I’m glad so many people came to see the clown in green.

25. 我的注意力在路上。——薩甘被問及是否有看到奧運會上路上的斯洛伐克國旗和車迷。

I have mostly noticed the road. ——when asked if he noticed Slovakian flags and fans lining the Olympic road

26. 我做出綠巨人的表情是因為當浩克憤怒的時候,他會變綠也會更加強大。

I did a Hulk expression because when he gets angry he turns green and more powerful. —— relieved after winning Stage 6 of the Tour de France

27. 我愛綠色。——贏得環法綠衫之後。

I like green. —— after winning the TdF green jersey

28. 你會把視頻發給我嗎?——當記者給他看一個小視頻:他給女粉絲的胸部簽名的視頻。

You send me this video? —— after seeing a journalist's video of him signing a female fan's breast


I'm certainly not a time trialist. But over short distances, like a prologue, I can maximize my power.

30. 我還年輕,我至今不知道我的極限在哪裡。

I'm a young guy. I still don't know what my limits are.

31. 過去經歷的一切都是對未來的經驗。今天我才意識到我可以贏得古典賽。

Everything is experience for the future. Today I realized that I can win a classic.

32. 我做這些就像阿甘一樣。當他們讓阿甘跑步的時候,阿甘就跑。當他們讓我贏得比賽的時候,我就去贏。

I do it like Forrest Gump. When they told him to run, he ran. When they tell me to win, I win.

33. 哈嘍,大家好,我是薩甘,我為佳能戴爾天然氣車隊騎車。還有......額就這些。 ——薩甘在視頻中的自我介紹。

Hello everyone, I'm Peter Sagan and I ride for Liquigas Cannondale and...that's al, heh. ——Peter's own self introduction in a video

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