

喬治·貝斯特是一名已故北愛爾蘭職業足球運動員, 是北愛爾蘭球壇歷史上最為人熟悉的球員。 他被公認為英國足球史上最偉大的球員之一, 也有不少人認為他是足球史上最有天賦的球員。 在貝斯特多姿多彩的人生中, 醇酒美人和他的美妙球技確實是相互映襯的孿生樂章。 因為他英俊的容顏, 貝斯特可以得到任何他想得到的美人, 他也是這麼做的。 球迷在他葬禮上打出的標語:Maradona good;pele better;George Best(馬拉多納, 好的;貝利, 更好的;喬治, 最好的!)姓氏是Best, 英文中的意思是“最好的”, 他是上帝賜予世間最好的禮物:不僅賜予他一雙導演漂亮足球的雙腳,

還讓他擁有天使般俊美的外表。 著名媒體《Sabotage Times》盤點了喬治-貝斯特生前最著名的33句話, 讓我們一睹為快吧!

33. ”In 1969 I gave up women and alcohol. It was the worst 20 minutes of my life.”

“1969年, 我一度戒掉了女色和酒精, 那可真是我人生中最灰暗的20分鐘。 ”

32. On leaving Manchester United: “It had nothing to do with women and booze, car crashes or court cases. It was purely football. Losing wasn't in my vocabulary. When the wonderful players I had been brought up with - Charlton, Law, Crerand, Stiles - went into decline, United made no real attempt to buy the best replacements. I was left struggling among fellas who should not have been allowed through the door. It sickened me that we ended up being just about the worst team in the First Division.”

在離開曼聯時:“這個決定與那些女色、美酒、車禍或上法庭的案子毫無關係, 這只和足球有關。 我的字典裡從沒有‘失敗’一詞, 伴隨我一起成長的那些球星——查爾頓、鄧尼斯-勞、克雷蘭德、斯泰爾斯都老去了, 但曼聯一直沒去尋找他們的替代者, 現在和我一起踢球的那幫人簡直都不配進俱樂部大門。 我們簡直是頂級聯賽裡最差勁的一支球隊, 想想就覺得噁心。 ”

31. “If I had been born ugly, you would have never heard of Pelé.”

如果我生的醜一點, 可能你連貝利是誰都會不知道了。

30. On David Beckham: "He cannot kick with his left foot, he cannot head a ball, he cannot tackle and he doesn't score many goals. Apart from that he's all right.”


也不會頭球, 搶斷也不行, 進球數更是差得遠。 除了這些, 他的其它部分還可以。 ”

29. “I always wanted more – more of everything.”

我永遠都想得到更多——任何事物。 ”

28. “They say I slept with seven Miss Worlds. I didn't. It was only four. I didn't turn up for the other three.”

人們說我和7個世界小姐睡過覺, 其實我沒有, 我僅僅睡了4個而已, 另外3個是子虛烏有的。 ”

27. On his spell at Hibernian: “I can remember earning 5,000 a game playing for Hibs at the end of the Seventies. They let me commute from London, train on the Friday and play on Saturday. That lasted until my friends at the Inland Revenue decided to take two-thirds. That wasn't very entertaining for me.”

對於在希伯尼安(蘇格蘭球隊)效力:“我仍記得70年代末在希伯尼安踢球的時候, 每場比賽能掙5000英鎊。 那個時候, 球隊同意我在倫敦居住, 我週五坐車去球隊訓練, 在周日比賽。 在國稅局的朋友們決定對我的錢收2/3的稅的時候, 這段快樂日子戛然而止了, 這真是糟糕透了。 ”

26. “I was born with a great gift, and sometimes with that comes a destructive streak. Just as I wanted to outdo everyone when I played, I had to outdo everyone when we were out on the town.”

“我擁有與生俱來的天賦, 這給我帶來了一些戰鬥欲。 就像在比賽中, 我想做得比任何人都好一樣;在性生活中, 我也同樣要超過所有人。

25. On having blood transfusion after a liver transplant: I was in for 10 hours and had 40 pints - beating my previous record by 20 minutes.

對於在肝臟移植手術後接受輸血:“我在10個小時裡喝了40品脫, 這比我之前的紀錄要快20分鐘。 ”

24. “I once said Gazza's IQ was less than his shirt number and he asked me: ‘What's an IQ?’”

“有次我對加紮說, 你的智商比你球衣的號碼都低!結果加紮問我, 智商是什麼?”

23. “When birds start to take their clothes off, they say: ‘I’m not doing this because you’re George Best’.”

 當女人在我面前寬衣解帶時, 她們會說:“我們這樣做, 並不是因為你是喬治-貝斯特。 ”

22. “People always say I shouldn’t be burning the candle at both ends. Maybe they haven’t got a big enough candle.”

“人們說我不應該在場外耗盡自己的精力, 我想那是因為他們自己的蠟燭太細太小。 ”

21. On Thierry Henry: “There isn't a single player I would pay to watch. You can say Thierry Henry, he's a fabulous striker, with pace and power, but a great entertainer needs to have charisma, too. Does he have charisma? No.”

對於亨利:“還沒有一個球員能讓我去付錢去看他踢球。 比如亨利, 他是一位出色的前鋒, 腳步迅速而且力量十足。 但是, 一名優秀的球員需要有魅力, 亨利有魅力嗎?顯然沒有。 ”

20. "Pele said he thought I was the greatest ever player. I have always thought I was the best ever player – that's the way you have to look at it. I have never looked at another player and felt inferior.”

“貝利曾說我是史上最優秀的球員, 其實我自己也是這樣想的。 你得認清這一點, 我從沒見過其他球員能夠讓我甘拜下風。


19. When asked ‘What happened next?’ on A Question of Sport: “There's no point in asking me. I can't remember what happened last night.”

在《體育問答》中被問及“接下來發生了什麼”時:“這種問題對我毫無意義, 因為我甚至都記不住昨天晚上發生的事。 ”

18. On Kevin Keegan: “He’s been very, very lucky, an average player who came into the game when it was short of personalities.”

 對於凱文-基岡:“他非常非常幸運, 如此平庸並且缺乏個性的球員竟然能上場踢球。 ”

17. “I found it difficult to watch myself playing on TV because I couldn’t identify with the person on the screen. I couldn’t get to grips with it. It was as if it was all happening to someone else.”

“我覺得從電視上看自己踢球真是費勁, 因為我分辨不出電視上這些人都是誰, 這對我太難了, 好像場上那些事全部都是發生在別人身上一樣。 ”

16. On being sent to prison for drink driving in 1984: “Well, I suppose that's the knighthood f****d.”

對於1984年因醉駕入獄:“**, 我還以為我是騎士呢!”

15. “Footballers today are millionaires by the time they're 22 or 23. More and more of them are going out and looking for something to give them a buzz outside football, be it gambling, drugs or booze. I got my buzz from playing. Players now have a groin injury for months and months and I often think they don't really give a toss whether they're playing or not because they're getting paid anyway.”

現在的球員在22或23歲時就已經是大富翁了, 他們中越來越多的人就會在球場之外找樂子, 比如賭博、吸毒或酗酒。 但對我而言, 我的樂子就是踢球。 現在的球員似乎每個月都得把腹股溝弄傷, 我覺得那是因為他們沒好好踢, 因為無論踢不踢球工資都是照拿不誤。


14. “It is typical of me to be finishing a long and distinguished drinking career just as the government is planning to open pubs 24 hours a day.”

當政府決定將酒吧的營業時間改為24小時的時候, 我就知道我將擁有一個輝煌而持久的飲酒生涯。

13. On the ‘pizza-gate’ incident between Manchester United and Arsenal: That’s what children do – throw food. That’s not fighting. We were real men. We’d have chinned them.

對於曼聯和阿森納之間的“披薩門”事件:“只有小孩把吃的亂扔, 這根本不是打架。 我們都是純爺們, 能動手就別吵吵。 ”

12. “I might go to Alcoholics Anonymous, but I think it would be difficult for me to remain anonymous.”

“我也許該去匿名戒酒互助社, 但我覺得讓我在那裡匿名是不現實的。 ”

11. On why he moved to the North American Soccer League: “Because I saw an advert on the side of a London bus inviting me to ‘Drink Canada Dry’.”

解釋為何去北美足球聯賽:“我曾在倫敦大巴側面看到過一則廣告, 它邀請我‘把加拿大喝幹吧’。 ”

10. ”They'll forget all the rubbish when I've gone and they'll remember the football. If only one person thinks I'm the best player in the world, that's good enough for me.”

“當我離去的時候, 人們會忘記我的不羈, 但會記住我的足球。 只要還有一個人認為喬治-貝斯特是世界上最好的球員, 我就知足了。 ”

9. On Cristiano Ronaldo: “There have been a few players described as the new George Best over the years, but this is the first time it's been a compliment to me.”

對於C羅:“有很多球員都被譽為‘新喬治-貝斯特’, 但把C羅和我比, 我第一次覺得那是在抬舉我。 ”

8. ”If you'd given me the choice of going out and beating four men and smashing a goal in from thirty yards against Liverpool or going to bed with Miss World, it would have been a difficult choice. Luckily, I had both.”


7. “I've stopped drinking, but only while I'm asleep.”


6. On Eric Cantona: "I'd give all the Champagne I've ever drunk to be playing alongside him in a big European match at Old Trafford.”


5. “I used to dream about taking the ball round the keeper, stopping it on the line and then getting on my hands and knees and heading it into the net. When I scored against Benfica in the 1968 European Cup final I nearly did it. I left the keeper for dead but then I chickened out. I might have given the boss a heart attack!”


4. ”I used to go missing a lot... Miss Canada, Miss United Kingdom, Miss World.”


3. On being named Footballer of the Century in 1999: “It's a pleasure to be standing here. It's a pleasure to be standing up.”



2. ”Pele called me the greatest footballer in the world. That is the ultimate salute to my life.”


1. ”I spent a lot of money on booze, birds and fast cars. The rest I just squandered.”


8. ”If you'd given me the choice of going out and beating four men and smashing a goal in from thirty yards against Liverpool or going to bed with Miss World, it would have been a difficult choice. Luckily, I had both.”


7. “I've stopped drinking, but only while I'm asleep.”


6. On Eric Cantona: "I'd give all the Champagne I've ever drunk to be playing alongside him in a big European match at Old Trafford.”


5. “I used to dream about taking the ball round the keeper, stopping it on the line and then getting on my hands and knees and heading it into the net. When I scored against Benfica in the 1968 European Cup final I nearly did it. I left the keeper for dead but then I chickened out. I might have given the boss a heart attack!”


4. ”I used to go missing a lot... Miss Canada, Miss United Kingdom, Miss World.”


3. On being named Footballer of the Century in 1999: “It's a pleasure to be standing here. It's a pleasure to be standing up.”



2. ”Pele called me the greatest footballer in the world. That is the ultimate salute to my life.”


1. ”I spent a lot of money on booze, birds and fast cars. The rest I just squandered.”


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