

年輕的我們擁有一個別人沒有的資本——時間。 但是時間是有限的, 時間總是偷偷的小跑步如果你不跟緊他的步伐就會被他甩的很遠。 年輕時要做的30件事, 你做到了幾條快點來數數吧!

1. Make yourself a priority


If you don’t take care of yourself, nobody else will. You have to be number one. All things in your life stem from your happiness. Be someone who makes you happy!

如果自己不照顧好自己, 別人就更指望不上了。 把自己放在首位。 生活中一切因你的快樂而存在。 做個為自己的快樂而生的人吧!

2. Enjoy the small things


Take walks more often. Stop and look at a babbling brook. Sit in an oversized chair at Barnes & Noble and read a great book. Observe an elderly couple holding hands. Life is made up of these small and seemingly insignificant things. They aren’t insignificant. Be sure to take the time to appreciate them.

多散步。 因潺潺流水而駐足;閑坐在巴諾書店的大號椅子上讀本好書;觀察一對手挽手的老夫婦;生活就是一連串看似微不足道的瑣事。 它們雖不起眼,


3. Get outside


Being outdoors is good for you. Soak in the sunlight, get those endorphins kicking, and enjoy the beauty that nature offers.

戶外活動有益身心。 沐浴陽光下, 啟動內啡肽, 享受自然的美。

4. Be confident in who you are


Every person is unique and special in their own way. Understanding this early in life is critical. Be proud of who you are and don’t be afraid to let the world know it.

每個人都與眾不同。 年輕時, 清楚這一點至關重要。 為自己感到驕傲, 而且要勇敢地讓世界知道這一點。

5. Take calculated risks


Life is a series of risks and rewards. Be smart with your risks and understand the consequences.

生活伴隨著風險與回報。 在風險面前保持警醒, 並有勇氣承擔後果。

6. Focus on the present


Worrying to a certain degree about your future is normal, but don’t overlook the power of being in the present moment. You can’t change the past, but you can control what you do right now.

對未來有些擔心很正常, 但不要忽視活在當下的能量。 你無力改變過去, 但現在卻由你掌控。

7. Stop caring about what people think of you


Fear of criticism is one of the most destructive fears known to humanity. It can debilitate you to the point paralysis. Learn early in life that it doesn’t matter what people think of you. It really doesn’t. And besides, people are too worried about what you think about them to care about you!

對人類來說, 擔心受指責是最具毀滅性的恐懼之一。 它會使你脆弱得不堪一擊。 年輕時就要懂得, 人們怎麼看你無關緊要。 的確如此。 另外, 人們過於擔心你對他們的看法而無暇顧及你。

8. Remember that people are good at heart


Being a lifelong cynic can and will make your life an uphill climb. Recognize that people are inherently good and you will embrace relationships in a far greater capacity.

與憤世疾俗為伍, 只會使生活艱難。 承認人善的本性, 你就會敞開胸懷, 廣交朋友。

9. Be a positive person


Make being positive a habit early in life. Your success in life will come from your thoughts and your thoughts can be either negative or positive. Only you can control which you choose.

年輕時就要養成積極向上的習慣。 生活成敗取決於思想, 而思想有積極和消極之分。 只有你是自己思想的主宰。

10. Let go of negative influences


Avoid bad situations, unhealthy relationships, and people who make your life worse. Letting go of a good friend who is going to drag you down is a difficult yet intelligent decision. Failure to do so can negatively affect where you end up in life.


對使你止步不前的好朋友說再見雖難卻是明智之舉。 如果不忍割捨, 那只會讓你的生活變得一團糟。

11. Surround yourself with positive people


Jim Rohn said “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” And it’s completely true. If you want to be a success, hang around with successful people. If someone has what you want, you can do what they do, and get what they’ve got.

吉姆·雷恩說:“你最常接近的5個人的平均值就是你。 ” 這句話完全正確。 如果你渴望成功, 那就應多接觸成功人士。 如果某人擁有你希望得到的東西, 你可以按照他們的做法, 得到他們擁有的東西。

12. Worry less


Worrying about that big test is normal, as is worrying about that possible job promotion, but when you begin to worry excessively, it can become a real problem. Worrying can lead to stress and anxiety, which can become disorders and negatively affect all areas of your life.

擔心重要的考試很正常, 擔心可能的工作升遷也是一樣。 但當你開始過分擔心時, 擔心本身可能成為問題。 擔心可以產生壓力, 導致焦慮, 而混亂接踵而來, 你生活的方方面面將受到消極影響。

13. Learn from your past but don’t dwell on it

以史為鑒, 但不要糾結於過去

Being caught up in your past can lead to stagnation and the inability to progress in your life. Understand that life is just a series of events and move on. You can change the future but you cannot alter your past decisions.

沉浸於過去讓你停滯不前、無力進取。 要知道,

生活是一系列不斷發展的事件。 你可以改變未來, 卻不能對過去的決定做出改變。

14. Travel


Most of you want to travel the world, see new things, and meet new people. But statistics show that the average mother in the U.S. will start a family at age 25, meaning that your travel options will become quite limited for a number of years after you start having children. And even if you do tell yourself that you’re going to travel, most of you won’t. Don’t put it off. Get out there and see the places you desire most.

大多數人渴望周遊世界, 接觸新事物, 結交新朋友。 但資料顯示, 美國婦女一般在25歲時開始做母親, 這意味著此後的數年之內, 你的旅行機會相當受限。 即使你不斷告訴自己, 你有出遊的想法, 但大多實現不了。 不要猶豫, 收拾行裝, 去欣賞你最心儀的美景吧。

15. Learn a new language


In this day and age, knowing a second (or third) language is no longer just a hobby, it can help you in your career. Being able to communicate with people from multiple cultures not only makes good business sense, but expands your personal growth.

當今時代, 懂二種或三種語言不再是愛好, 你的職業生活將因此受益。 具備與多種文化交流的能力不僅能鑄就你良好的商業意識, 還是你個人成長的助力。

16. Overcome some of your biggest fears


Your fears will haunt you for your entire life if they aren’t dealt with. Do you really want to go through life being deathly afraid of flying? Do you want the fear of public speaking to control you? Of course not. Take these challenges head on and early on and overcome them.

如果聽之任之, 恐懼將縈繞你一生。 你真得希望終其一生都怕飛翔怕得要死嗎?你希望在大家面前講話時總是誠惶誠恐嗎?當然不。

直面挑戰, 克服它們。

17. Experiment


Life is chock full of experiences. Try new things. Get out there and fail often. Learn from your mistakes. You only get one chance at this life. Get as much in as you can.

生活中皆是經驗。 嘗試新事物。 大膽走出去, 接受失敗, 從錯誤中學習。 你只能活一次, 儘量多嘗試。 想學習更多英語知識, 請關注口袋英語aikoudaiyy

18. Appreciate your parents


As children, we adore our parents. As teens, we ignore our parents. And in adulthood, we take them for granted. Knowing that they did the best possible job they could raising you will help you appreciate them. Make a phone call right now to tell them so.

孩提時, 我們崇拜父母;青春年少時, 我們忽視父母;成年後, 我們認為他們做的一切都是應該的。 他們盡最大的努力撫養你, 懂得這一點將使你感激他們。 馬上拿起電話, 告訴他們你的感激之情。

19. Stay close with the important people in your life


Most of you will lose contact with childhood friends, college buddies, and past coworkers. But chances are that you’ve made some great friends along the way. If you’ve found that you’ve lost touch with someone who was important to you, reach out to them and try to reconnect. People who you consider important are few and far between, so do your best to keep them in your life.

你們中的大多數會與兒時玩伴、大學好友和曾經的同事失去聯繫。 但是一路走來, 你可能已經交了一些不錯的朋友。 如果你發現, 你與曾經對你很重要的人失去聯繫, 找到他們, 重要建立聯繫。 被你貼上重要標籤的人少之又少,所以儘量不要讓他們淡出你的生活。

20. Remember that you do not know it all


It’s a given that teenagers believe they know it all, but as an adult it’s important to recognize how little you know. Make learning something new part of your daily routine. Started at an early age, you will be amazed at how much you can learn in a lifetime.


21. Listen to your parents


As crazy as it may seem, they have much more life experience than you and do know what they are talking about. Take the time to listen to their stories. They have more wisdom than you believe.


22. Face the bully


Most of you have had a bully in one shape or another in your lifetime. Do not let your fear control you. The best way to handle any bully is to confront them. Most are cowards hiding behind their size and/or power. Confronting them will get their attention, and in many cases, their respect.


23. Give unconditionally


Understanding the sheer power of giving unconditionally can shape the course of your life. Learn this early.


24. Working too much


Working yourself half to death throughout your 20s and 30s may seem like a great idea for rising up the corporate ladder, but remember that those are your golden years. Make time for the things you are most passionate about while you are healthy enough to do so.


25. Develop good habits


The outcome of your life will be based on the decisions you make. Making good decisions comes from having good habits. Educate yourself on how to start adopting positive ones and removing the negative ones.


26. Find what you excel at and begin to master it


Spending years languishing in uncertainty is the fastest way to living an average life. Find where your strengths meet your passions and become great at them. Don’t be a jack of all trades. Be the master of a few.


27. Spend as much time with your children as possible


If you lose your time with your children, you will never get it back. Embrace this time with all your heart. Being a parent is the single most important job on the planet.


28. Learn to be grateful


This is easier said than done, but being appreciative of what you have can make the difference between a life of wanting and a life of co ntentment.


29. Start a business


Don’t spend your life only knowing what it’s like to be an employee. Start your own venture, whether it be mowing lawns or running Internet security, try your hand in business. Lessons in entrepreneurship cannot be learned in a classroom. Real world experience will prove invaluable.


30. Be crazy


Well, not literally. Do something wild and adventurous. As you grow older, you will begin a career, and/or settle down and start a family and will be less inclined to let it all hang out. Be bold and daring. And have fun with it!


While it’s never too late to work on your personal growth, getting these things done early in your life can truly make the difference between a life lived on your terms or a life lived on someone else’s.


你看這些知識,雖然很簡單,課本上卻往往學不到,廣州雅思英語學校有著全英文的學號:烤鴨學堂 地道英語、雅思、託福、SAT、新概念、全日制英語、小升初、留學規劃……你想要的,這都有!


20. Remember that you do not know it all


It’s a given that teenagers believe they know it all, but as an adult it’s important to recognize how little you know. Make learning something new part of your daily routine. Started at an early age, you will be amazed at how much you can learn in a lifetime.


21. Listen to your parents


As crazy as it may seem, they have much more life experience than you and do know what they are talking about. Take the time to listen to their stories. They have more wisdom than you believe.


22. Face the bully


Most of you have had a bully in one shape or another in your lifetime. Do not let your fear control you. The best way to handle any bully is to confront them. Most are cowards hiding behind their size and/or power. Confronting them will get their attention, and in many cases, their respect.


23. Give unconditionally


Understanding the sheer power of giving unconditionally can shape the course of your life. Learn this early.


24. Working too much


Working yourself half to death throughout your 20s and 30s may seem like a great idea for rising up the corporate ladder, but remember that those are your golden years. Make time for the things you are most passionate about while you are healthy enough to do so.


25. Develop good habits


The outcome of your life will be based on the decisions you make. Making good decisions comes from having good habits. Educate yourself on how to start adopting positive ones and removing the negative ones.


26. Find what you excel at and begin to master it


Spending years languishing in uncertainty is the fastest way to living an average life. Find where your strengths meet your passions and become great at them. Don’t be a jack of all trades. Be the master of a few.


27. Spend as much time with your children as possible


If you lose your time with your children, you will never get it back. Embrace this time with all your heart. Being a parent is the single most important job on the planet.


28. Learn to be grateful


This is easier said than done, but being appreciative of what you have can make the difference between a life of wanting and a life of co ntentment.


29. Start a business


Don’t spend your life only knowing what it’s like to be an employee. Start your own venture, whether it be mowing lawns or running Internet security, try your hand in business. Lessons in entrepreneurship cannot be learned in a classroom. Real world experience will prove invaluable.


30. Be crazy


Well, not literally. Do something wild and adventurous. As you grow older, you will begin a career, and/or settle down and start a family and will be less inclined to let it all hang out. Be bold and daring. And have fun with it!


While it’s never too late to work on your personal growth, getting these things done early in your life can truly make the difference between a life lived on your terms or a life lived on someone else’s.


你看這些知識,雖然很簡單,課本上卻往往學不到,廣州雅思英語學校有著全英文的學號:烤鴨學堂 地道英語、雅思、託福、SAT、新概念、全日制英語、小升初、留學規劃……你想要的,這都有!

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