
外語中東歐| 保加利亞從1月1日起接任歐盟理事會輪值主席國

從1月1日起, 保加利亞接任歐洲聯盟理事會今後六個月的主席職務。 保加利亞擔任主席國的口號是『團結力量大』。

歐盟的28個成員國輪流擔任理事會主席, 每次為期6個月。 在此期間, 主席主持召開會議, 提出指導方針, 並起草歐盟委員會作出決定所需的協商方案。



Jan.1 (Xinhua) Bulgaria took over the six-month rotating presidency of the Council of the European Union(EU) on Monday. It's the first time Sofia held the post since it joined the EU in 2007.

Sofia chose "United We Stand Strong",the motto of National Assembly and of the Coat of Arms of the Republic of Bulgaria, as the slogan for the presidency.

According to the website of the Bulgarian presidency, Sofia prioritizes four key areas in its six-month term: future of Europe and young people, Western Balkans, security and stability and digital economy.

Bulgaria ranks 21st in the 28-state EU in terms of Gross Domestic Product(GDP). It is outside the 19-member Eurozone with its national currency lev pegging to the euro (1 euro equals 1.9558 Bulgarian lev).

The country, bordering Turkey, was once a transit-stop for tens of thousands of illegal migrants who fled for Europe at the peak of the refugee crisis in 2015.

Unlike the European Council which is made up of heads of states, the Council of the EU consists of one ministerial-level representative from each member state for a given policy area.

The Council meets in different configurations depending on the issues under discussion.

The rotating presidency chairs all the configuration other than foreign affairs council, which is chaired by Federica Mogherini, the EU's foreign policy chief.




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