
記住:“我很忙”不是I'm very busy!

不知道大家有沒有聽過周傑倫的《牛仔很忙》呢?在這個生活節奏越來越快的時代, 環顧四周, 你會發現幾乎每個人都很忙, 忙著學習, 忙著工作, 忙著談戀愛, 忙著養孩子, 忙著各種各樣的事情。 那麼很忙用英語怎麼說呢?你肯定會第一時間反應“I am very busy !”, 殊不知這種說法已經太過於簡單, 無法深刻的表達出“忙成狗”的含義啦!

1、have/get one's hands full 很忙, 應接不暇

Three emergency cases came into the hospital at the same time and the doctors really had their hands full.

三個急診病人被同時送到醫院, 醫生們真是應接不暇。

2、be up to one's neck 忙得不可開交

I can't possibly come out tonight, I'm up to my neck in work.

今晚我不可能出來, 我的工作忙得不可開交。

3、a million things 很多很多事情

It's hard to slow down when you are trying to do a million things.


4、be as busy as a bee 忙忙碌碌, 忙死忙活的

He was as busy as a bee trying to put the house in order.

他為了要把家里弄得整整齊齊, 忙了好一陣子。

5、busy as a beaver 忙得團團轉

He is working so hard that he is as busy as a beaver.

他沒日沒夜地工作, 看起來很忙。

6、be tied up 被佔用, 很忙

I'll be tied up the rest of the week, I am afraid.


7、in the middle of something 正忙於某事

I'm in the middle of something. Could you call back later?

我現在很忙, 你能過會給我打電話嗎?

8、time to catch one's breath 喘口氣的功夫

I don't even have time to catch my breath.


其實我們課本上學到的英文, 都太應試, 要想真正學好英文, 像一個native speaker一樣說英語, 就得學習地道實用的日常生活英語。 想第一時間獲取這些文章, 關注廣州雅思的:烤鴨學堂

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