
「中英」2018酒店業五大趨勢 你都知道嗎?

【旅遊高參】2018伊始, 各行各業的人們都對新的一年充滿了憧憬和規劃, 讓我們一起來看看新的一年酒店業將有哪些值得關注的趨勢。

智能客房 Smart rooms

拉斯維加斯永利酒店(Wynn Las Vegas)有近5000個房間可通過亞馬遜Echo音箱來語音啟動。 與此同時, 希爾頓正在Beta測試自己首個以移動科技為核心的酒店房間。 入住的客人只需點擊手機螢幕, 便可控制房間內的溫度、照明、百葉窗、恒溫器和電視。 同樣, 萬豪酒店也即將試運營自己的“物聯網房間”, 在房間內提供的服務包括可按需播放瑜伽視頻教程的鏡子和可上傳親友照片的數位相框等。

Almost 5,000 rooms at Wynn Las Vegas are already voice-activated via Amazon Echo. Meanwhile, Hilton is beta testing its first mobile-centric hotel room, where guests can control temperature, lightning, blinds, thermostat and TVs with just a tap on their phones. Similarly, Marriott is about to soft-launch its “Internet of Things room”, offering services like mirrors with on-demand yoga tutorials and digital frames to upload friends and family photos during one’s stay.

這樣的趨勢是顯而易見的。 2018年, 人工智慧、家居自動化以及物聯網將使得個性化的概念邁向一個在五年前難以想像的水準。 如今客人一入住, 便可在房間內緊接著上次的情節觀看網飛的電視劇或播放Spotify中最愛的歌曲。

The trend is pretty clear: in 2018 AI, domotic and IoT will bring the concept of personalization to a level that was unthinkable just five years ago. Guests can now resume their favorite Netflix series right where they left off or play their favourite Spotify playlist as soon as they check in.


並相應地優化房間內的溫度和照明。 或許我們不禁會認為, 這看上去像是上世紀50年代科幻小說裡面的情景。 然而, 就在你讀這段話的同時, 希爾頓已有200個房間的門被數字鑰匙打開。

Bed sensors will know when they are awake or asleep and optimize the room temperature and lightning accordingly. We may be tempted to think that this all sounds like the plot from a cheap sci-fi novel from the 50’s, but by the time you finished reading this paragraph, 200 doors were unlocked by a digital key at Hilton.

運營管理軟體 Operation management softwares


從未像現在這樣重要過。 遺憾的是, 酒店各部門之間打太極已是常態。 因此, 酒店要保持競爭力, 就必須要審視自己的工作流程。

Improving the quality of staff interaction in hotels has never been as important as it is today. Ping-pong communication between departments is, sadly, more the norm than the exception and, in order to stay competitive, hotels will have to review their workflows.

令人欣慰的是, 科技的進步、雲計算以及越來越多可擴展型協力廠商應用程式介面和酒店管理系統以及客戶關係管理系統的整合, 都使得運營管理軟體的成本相對更划算。 這樣, 規模較小的獨立酒店最終將能夠從Roomchecking、Quore和Properly等技術解決方案受益。 利用即時工具來提高客戶滿意度、促進團隊之間的溝通, 再也不是可有可無, 甚至對於“落後者”來說也是必需開展的工作。

The good news is that advancements in technology, cloud computing and more scalable third-party API integrations with PMS and CRM made operation management software relatively affordable, so smaller independent hotels will be finally able to benefit from solutions such as Roomchecking, Quore and Properly. Implementing real-time tools to improve guest satisfaction and facilitate team communication is not an option any longer, not even for “laggards”.

大資料和客戶關係管理系統 Big data and CRMs

還記得酒店預訂處能做的只有接聽電話和回復郵件的日子嗎?是的, 這樣的日子已一去不復返。 如今的客人通過大量的聯絡點與酒店互動, 包括評論網站、社交媒體、即時資訊傳送應用軟體以及線上旅遊代理商。 因此, 酒店業者要每週7天、全天24小時在所有管道予以回應已變得更加困難。 正因為如此, 客戶關係管理系統(CRM)才必須在2018年煥然一新,

要從只由市場行銷部掌握的一項過度複雜的工具, 轉變為所有部門均可使用、可輕鬆解讀的集中式樞紐。

Remember when all a reservation office had to do was answering to phone calls and emails? Well, those days are long gone. Today’s guests interact through a ridiculously high number of contact points: review sites, social media, real-time messaging apps and OTAs, so it’s getting harder for hoteliers to be reactive on all channels 24/7. That is why customer relationship management systems will have to reshape themselves in 2018, by shifting from overcomplicated tools in the hands of S&M departments exclusively to easy-to-interpret centralized hubs accessible to every department.

A good CRM system will have to process data from all sources and present a clear and readable recap of each guest needs, tastes and shopping habits. “Experiential marketing”, “tailor-made service” and “personalization” are nothing but overused buzzwords if hotels fail to correctly aggregate and exploit data. Companies such as Cendyn, Data Vision Tech and Experience Hotel, just to name a few, are shifting more and more to this centralized approach.

移動科技和預測型應用軟體 Mobile and predictive apps

“總有一天人們不再說‘他們在利用我的手機監視我’。 最終人們會說‘我的手機在監視我’”, 科幻小說作家Philip K.Dick曾這樣預測。 他說得沒錯。移動設備基本上存在于預訂歷程的所有微時刻裡。從搜索到規劃、從預訂到入住後的體驗分享,客人幾乎完全依賴於自己的手機。他們希望在酒店房間內能夠找到多個電源插孔和USB充電孔,並希望自己能夠利用移動設備做更多事,而不只是在Uber約車。

“There will come a time when it isn’t ‘They’re spying on me through my phone’ anymore. Eventually, it will be ‘My phone is spying on me’” predicted Philip K. Dick. And he was right. Mobile devices are virtually present in any micro-moment of the booking journey: from research to planning, from booking to post-stay experience sharing, guests depend almost entirely on their phones. They expect to find multiple electrical outlets and USB charging points in their rooms and they want to be able to do more with their mobile devices than just calling an Uber.


On top of that, travellers are more and more relying on their phones to get suggestions as well. Trips, Google’s Travel Assistant, is the perfect example: travellers simply have to connect the app to their email account and Trips will pull all the information about past and future hotels, restaurants, flights and taxi reservations automatically, suggesting things to do in the area, where to eat or drink and creating itineraries based on historical data from other users of the app.

據穀歌表示,Trips未來將推出更具前瞻性的建議(類似於Google Now)。聊天機器人購物應用Mezi等其他企業則在採納類似的預測型方式。另外,我們有理由相信旅客也不會由於過於擔心隱私而輕易放棄這樣的個性化建議。

According to Google, Trips will implement more proactive suggestions (à-la-Google Now) in the future, with other companies like Mezi adopting the same predictive approach. And if it is true that the EU General Data Protection Regulation lurks in the shadows like the character of a Lovecraft story, on the other side I doubt that travellers will easily give up to this kind of personalization in favour of more privacy.

機器人與會話式行銷 Bots and conversational marketing


That being said, it is easy to understand why 2018 will be the year of bots. With more than 100,000 active ones on Facebook Messenger only, the technology behind chatbots will become more and more scalable and affordable even for smaller companies. In fact, today a chatbot is an efficient yet inexpensive way for hoteliers to interact with their guests (and potential ones) during each step of the booking journey.

人工智慧會話式行銷或許是與客戶聯繫的最佳方式,因為此方法能夠以即時的方式向客戶提供極有針對性、極中肯的資訊。這意味著酒店可節約人工成本,客戶也可享受更優質的用戶體驗。例如Tell The Hotel就是一款可與幾乎所有客戶關係管理系統輕鬆整合的聊天機器人。其能夠説明潛在客戶獲取即時回復、預訂房間或管理已有預訂,過程中均不需要客戶與人工客服對話。

AI conversational marketing is probably the best way to connect with your customers, as it provides them highly targeted and pertinent messages in real-time. This means staffing cost saving for the hotels and better UX for the customers. Tell The Hotel, for example, is a chatbot that can be easily integrated with virtually any CRS, helping potential customers to get immediate answers, book a room or manage their existing reservation without the need to talk to a human being.


“There will come a time when it isn’t ‘They’re spying on me through my phone’ anymore. Eventually, it will be ‘My phone is spying on me’” predicted Philip K. Dick. And he was right. Mobile devices are virtually present in any micro-moment of the booking journey: from research to planning, from booking to post-stay experience sharing, guests depend almost entirely on their phones. They expect to find multiple electrical outlets and USB charging points in their rooms and they want to be able to do more with their mobile devices than just calling an Uber.


On top of that, travellers are more and more relying on their phones to get suggestions as well. Trips, Google’s Travel Assistant, is the perfect example: travellers simply have to connect the app to their email account and Trips will pull all the information about past and future hotels, restaurants, flights and taxi reservations automatically, suggesting things to do in the area, where to eat or drink and creating itineraries based on historical data from other users of the app.

據穀歌表示,Trips未來將推出更具前瞻性的建議(類似於Google Now)。聊天機器人購物應用Mezi等其他企業則在採納類似的預測型方式。另外,我們有理由相信旅客也不會由於過於擔心隱私而輕易放棄這樣的個性化建議。

According to Google, Trips will implement more proactive suggestions (à-la-Google Now) in the future, with other companies like Mezi adopting the same predictive approach. And if it is true that the EU General Data Protection Regulation lurks in the shadows like the character of a Lovecraft story, on the other side I doubt that travellers will easily give up to this kind of personalization in favour of more privacy.

機器人與會話式行銷 Bots and conversational marketing


That being said, it is easy to understand why 2018 will be the year of bots. With more than 100,000 active ones on Facebook Messenger only, the technology behind chatbots will become more and more scalable and affordable even for smaller companies. In fact, today a chatbot is an efficient yet inexpensive way for hoteliers to interact with their guests (and potential ones) during each step of the booking journey.

人工智慧會話式行銷或許是與客戶聯繫的最佳方式,因為此方法能夠以即時的方式向客戶提供極有針對性、極中肯的資訊。這意味著酒店可節約人工成本,客戶也可享受更優質的用戶體驗。例如Tell The Hotel就是一款可與幾乎所有客戶關係管理系統輕鬆整合的聊天機器人。其能夠説明潛在客戶獲取即時回復、預訂房間或管理已有預訂,過程中均不需要客戶與人工客服對話。

AI conversational marketing is probably the best way to connect with your customers, as it provides them highly targeted and pertinent messages in real-time. This means staffing cost saving for the hotels and better UX for the customers. Tell The Hotel, for example, is a chatbot that can be easily integrated with virtually any CRS, helping potential customers to get immediate answers, book a room or manage their existing reservation without the need to talk to a human being.

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