

年度最佳第六人這個獎項表面上是用來表彰本賽季表現最好的板凳球員的, 但這個獎項的評選一向都不太重視球員在防守端的表現,


The Sixth Man of the Year Award ostensibly recognizes the best bench player of the NBA season. However, the history of the award is of defense being strongly undervalued, so we usually wind up with recognition for the best offensive bench player.

今年的評選也應該會遵循這個原則, 所以在談論最佳第六人候選人時, 盧卡斯-諾蓋拉和德威恩-戴德蒙——猛龍和馬刺替補席上的防守大閘——都很少被人提及。 儘管這個獎項的評選更多地把目光聚焦到場地的一邊, 但它的歸屬總能引起激烈的討論。 這裡我們就來談談幾個經常被提起的候選人, 看看他們各自都為球隊做出了什麼樣的貢獻。

That’s likely to be the case again this year, as players like Lucas Nogueira and Dewayne Dedmon — defensive linchpins for the bench rotations of the Raptors and Spurs, respectively — have rarely been mentioned as candidates. Even with the knowledge that this award is probably going to recognize one side of the ball more than the other, there are still plenty of fascinating arguments. Here are a few of the names likely to be mentioned, along with a brief summary of their cases for this award.


Joe Ingles

雖然我們討論的是替補球員, 但最佳第六人的候選人通常都會有充足的上場時間並打出不錯的場均資料, 但......喬-英格爾斯並沒有。 這個賽季, 他每晚會為爵士出場23.6分鐘, 但他的場均資料只有7.1分,

3.6個籃板和2.6次助攻。 然而, 他之所以會在這裡被提及, 是因為他為球隊帶來的用資料無法體現的實際影響。

Even though we’re focused on bench players, Sixth Man of the Year candidates usually play healthy minutes and have robust per game stat lines. Joe Ingles…does not. He’s played 23.6 minutes per game for the Jazz this season but averages just 7.1 points, 3.6 rebounds, and 2.6 assists. However, his case is about legitimate impact, even if it’s not captured by the box score.

英格爾斯擁有著聯盟頂級的三分投射, 本賽季出手了259次三分球, 命中率達到了驚人的44.8%。 同時他也是一個精明的傳球手, 有的時候他會在場上擔任球隊進攻二號推進者的角色。 無論爵士隊排出怎樣的首發陣容, 英格爾斯很好地補充爵士在進攻端的火力。 而且最重要的是, 英格爾斯在防守端很好的完成他的防守任務。 英格爾斯的運動能力並不算出眾, 但他打的很聰明, 而且防守很可靠:他每100回合可以完成2.6次搶斷。 也許英格爾斯本人都沒有意識到, 本賽季的他已經成為了爵士隊輪換陣容中的最關鍵的球員之一。

Ingles is currently leading the league in 3-point shooting, knocking down 44.8 percent of his 259 attempts this season. He’s also a savvy passer and has helped out as a secondary facilitator for the Jazz offense at times. Ingles has been a perfect offensive complement to a variety of Jazz lineups and, most importantly, he’s also held his own on defense. Ingles is not much in the athleticism department but he’s played smart, reliable defense, generating a healthy 2.6 steals per 100 possessions. Ingles may not look it, but he’s one of the most important players on the Jazz roster this season.


Enes Kanter

坎特已經提升了自己的防守, 但他依然是典型的最佳第六人候選者, 他是雷霆進攻端的支柱力量。 他在進攻端勢如猛獸, 他的低位進攻對雷霆有非常重要的戰略意義——這個賽季他每次低位進攻可以得到1.05分, 超過了聯盟88%的球員。

Kanter has improved on defense but he’s still very much a traditional Sixth Man of the Year candidate, propping up the Thunder’s offense when he comes in the game. He is a monster on the offensive glass and his post game is hugely important to the Thunder — he’s currently averaging 1.05 points per post-up possession, which ranks in the 88th percentile.

坎特在威少不在場的情況下出場了700分鐘的比賽(將近他本賽季全部出場時間的一半)。 在這段時間裡, 他每36分鐘可以得到26.1分, 使用率達到了33.8%, 真實命中率高達61.4%。 他可以和首發隊員一起配合, 他也可以在威斯布魯克下場休息時高效地扛起球隊的進攻大旗, 這就是坎特對雷霆如此重要的原因。

Kanter has played about 700 minutes (roughly half his season total) without Russell Westbrook. In those minutes, he’s averaging 26.1 points per 36 minutes, with a usage rate of 33.8 percent and a 61.4 true shooting percentage. He can play with the starters but his ability to efficiently carry the Thunder offense while Westbrook rests is what makes him so key.


Greg Monroe

在門羅初到雄鹿的第一個賽季, 他看起來與雄鹿的體系格格不入。 他讓球隊的進攻阻塞, 破壞了球隊的防守陣型。 但本賽季, 雄鹿針對球隊的傷病問題做出了許多調整, 揚尼斯-阿德托昆博獲得了巨大的進步, 門羅逐漸成為了雄鹿替補席上不可或缺的強大力量。

Monroe looked like a terrible fit in his first season with the Bucks, stopping up their offense and cratering their defense. This season, as the Bucks have adapted to injuries and the ascension of Giannis Antetokounmpo, Monroe has quietly been a huge force off the bench.

門羅經常會充當小球陣容中的那個傳統型大個, 通過在高位策應充當球隊進攻的支點, 他的場均助攻數和他的投籃命中率都接近了他的職業生涯新高。 就像坎特之于雷霆一樣, 雄鹿十分依賴門羅來支撐他們的第二陣容的進攻。 門羅正是雄鹿現在能夠牢牢攥緊手中的季後賽門票的重要原因之一。

Monroe usually plays as the lone traditional big in small ball lineups, acting as an offensive fulcrum with his passing from the middle of the floor. His assist numbers are near career highs, as is his shooting efficiency. Like Kanter, the Bucks have really relied on Monroe to help prop up their second-unit offense and he’s one of the reasons they’re firmly entrenched in a playoff spot.


James Johnson


Johnson has bounced around the past few years, never quite finding a niche. He parlayed a strong playoff performance with the Raptors into a contract with the Miami Heat this season and he’s been one of the biggest individual surprises on one of the league’s most surprising teams.


Johnson defends multiple positions, often assuming the most difficult defensive assignment. His versatility and tenacity on that end have been essential for Miami. On offense, Johnson has worked as a secondary facilitator and spot-up threat. He’s averaging 5.5 drives per game, more than players like Gordon Hayward and Paul George have managed in far more minutes. Johnson is also averaging career-highs in 3-point percentage and assist percentage. Johnson’s energy, effort, and versatile skill have been one of the biggest reasons for Miami’s late surge.


Lou Williams and Eric Gordon


I hate to lump guys together, but Gordon and Williams now play for the same team and essentially fill the same role. Williams began the year with the Lakers and put up strong individual numbers there, providing stability for their young backcourt rotation. He joined the Rockets at the trade deadline and hasn’t missed a beat.


Both Williams and Gordon operate as spot-up threats around James Harden, and secondary creators when he’s on the bench. Gordon has been a more reliable 3-point shooter in Houston but their per 36 minute stat lines are almost identical — 21.8 points, 3.9 rebounds, 3.5 assists for Williams, 20.0 points, 3.0 rebounds, 3.0 assists for Gordon. Harden has been magnificent for the Rockets this season, but having players like Williams and Gordon around him means that they can keep gunning for a full 48 minutes.


I’d like to think that a player like Ingles with a more well-rounded game would be recognized this season, but the offensive arguments of Gordon and Williams are probably too strong.




Monroe usually plays as the lone traditional big in small ball lineups, acting as an offensive fulcrum with his passing from the middle of the floor. His assist numbers are near career highs, as is his shooting efficiency. Like Kanter, the Bucks have really relied on Monroe to help prop up their second-unit offense and he’s one of the reasons they’re firmly entrenched in a playoff spot.


James Johnson


Johnson has bounced around the past few years, never quite finding a niche. He parlayed a strong playoff performance with the Raptors into a contract with the Miami Heat this season and he’s been one of the biggest individual surprises on one of the league’s most surprising teams.


Johnson defends multiple positions, often assuming the most difficult defensive assignment. His versatility and tenacity on that end have been essential for Miami. On offense, Johnson has worked as a secondary facilitator and spot-up threat. He’s averaging 5.5 drives per game, more than players like Gordon Hayward and Paul George have managed in far more minutes. Johnson is also averaging career-highs in 3-point percentage and assist percentage. Johnson’s energy, effort, and versatile skill have been one of the biggest reasons for Miami’s late surge.


Lou Williams and Eric Gordon


I hate to lump guys together, but Gordon and Williams now play for the same team and essentially fill the same role. Williams began the year with the Lakers and put up strong individual numbers there, providing stability for their young backcourt rotation. He joined the Rockets at the trade deadline and hasn’t missed a beat.


Both Williams and Gordon operate as spot-up threats around James Harden, and secondary creators when he’s on the bench. Gordon has been a more reliable 3-point shooter in Houston but their per 36 minute stat lines are almost identical — 21.8 points, 3.9 rebounds, 3.5 assists for Williams, 20.0 points, 3.0 rebounds, 3.0 assists for Gordon. Harden has been magnificent for the Rockets this season, but having players like Williams and Gordon around him means that they can keep gunning for a full 48 minutes.


I’d like to think that a player like Ingles with a more well-rounded game would be recognized this season, but the offensive arguments of Gordon and Williams are probably too strong.




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