

現在, 剛好是許多高校的“考試周”。

考試周結束後, 就要放寒假啦~~很多在中國讀書的留學生, 也要回家了……

最近, 一枚19歲的南非小姑娘給我們投稿, 說她在中國結束了一個學期的學習, 馬上要回國了。

在中國的這半年, 她經歷了很多, 也收穫了很多。

在臨走之前, 她給中國寫了這樣一封“信”……


Selycia Curwen, South Africa

My time here in China is sadly drawing to a close. I arrived in September of 2017 and have enjoyed many opportunities to experience various sides of Shanghai society and Chinese culture that most tourists don't get to see. This I am proud of.

真遺憾啊, 在中國的時光就要告一段落了。 我是2017年9月來上海的, 在這裡有了許多接觸社會方方面面、體驗中國文化的機會, 這是大多數普通遊客所看不到的。 能有這樣的經歷, 真讓人值得驕傲啊~

I came to China specifically to learn and improve my Putonghua. I came here being able to read only a handful of characters; now I am able to recognize roughly 1,000. My understanding of the language is much better, so I now am able to communicate my thoughts and ideas better too.

我來中國, 主要是想學習和提高一下普通話的水準。 剛來的時候, 我只能讀懂一丟丟的漢字, 現在可以認識差不多1000個了喲。 對漢語的理解也好了許多, 現在也能更好地將自己的所思所想表達出來了。

China as a country has many technological advancements that I will also miss. A few examples being the ease with which one can pay for almost anything using WeChat (this was a huge plus for me, as I needn't worry about carrying cash), the metro, which has been a very easy and convenient way to get around the city, and shared bikes, which have revolutionized the way people commute in Shanghai.

中國有著許多的技術創新, 離開後我也會想念不已。 比方說移動支付, 買啥都可以用微信付錢(這是超級加分項!我就再也不用擔心沒帶現金啦~);地鐵也四通八達, 去城市的各個角落都很輕鬆方便;還有上海的共用單車, 對人們的通勤方式簡直是革命性的改變啊~

As for Chinese food, there is so much variety if you know where to look. I have tasted quite a few variants of rice, which is the staple food here in the south. Pounced rice buns with different fillings are amongst some of my favorite variations here. I was lucky enough to try making my own jiaozi, which is a lot harder than it looks, almost an art form to say the least.

至於中國的食物……哎呀, 只要你找對了地兒, 吃啥啥都有啊!我已經嘗過好多種不同的米飯, 畢竟米飯是南方人的主食嘛~!尤其是各種餡兒的包子窩窩頭, 個人最愛!我還很幸運地嘗試過包餃子,

真的比看起來要難一些, 包這玩意兒簡直是門藝術活啊!

I have also never eaten so many different types of mushrooms before I came to China, and hope to find them back home and cook up a storm. Something I think many countries don't know is that Chinese food is actually rather spicy, especially Sichuan cuisine, which is famous for their spices. I've become so accustomed to spicy food that now I tend to crave it, something I think my mom would be very surprised to hear since, prior to my coming to China, spicy food was never my favorite.

在來中國之前, 我也從沒吃過這麼多種類的蘑菇, 希望回家之後還能買到這些蘑菇, 來大秀一番廚藝。 有件事兒估計很多國家都不知道:中國的美食其實挺辣的, 尤其是川菜, 都以辣聞名了。 我已經很習慣吃辣了, 甚至對此有些欲罷不能。 估計麻麻知道之後也會很驚訝吧~畢竟在來中國之前, 我對辣的東西絕對不感冒的。

Shanghai has a very rich artistic flair. You are oftentimes able to see traditional and ancient influences with a modern twist, such as sewn silk portraits and modern designs on traditional pottery and tea sets. I think it's great that ancient traditions are still present in everyday objects and everyday life here; many Western countries have started to lose this ideal, unfortunately.

上海是座富含藝術天分的城市。 在這裡, 傳統意象與古代精髓與摩登都市相得益彰, 你可以看到許多絲綢的肖像, 傳統陶瓷上的現代設計, 以及各類茶具。 古為今用, 推陳出新, 這種歲月的傳承值得點贊。 只可惜, 許多西方國家已開始將傳統拋諸腦後了。

I also managed to tick something off my bucket list: Shanghai Disneyland! A dream came true. We went during the week so as to avoid all the chaos and crowds, and tickets were cheaper too. I may only be 19 years-old, but on that day I felt even younger, and had the time of my life. We went on some rides, which luckily didn't have extremely long queues, and walked through the entire park twice. Not many people can say that.

啊對了, 清單上還有一項是要達成的——上海迪士尼!真是夢想成真啊~~我們是工作日去的, 避開了人山人海, 票價也會更便宜。 雖然我目前也還只有19歲, 但在迪士尼的那天, 我覺得自己更年輕啦, 簡直度過了生命中最美好的時光。 我們玩了一些項目, 挺幸運的那天沒怎麼排長隊, 還在園區裡整整晃悠了兩遍。 這樣的成就可不是很多人都能達成的喲。

Although I've seen my fair share of China and its culture, there are still so many places to go to and experience. A holiday trip to China seems to be the best idea and next time I'll take my friends and family with me. I could use the trip to test how much Putonghua I still remember, as I won't have as many opportunities to practice at home.

雖然我已經在中國體驗了不少, 但還有許多值得我去的地方, 還有許多的事等待我去經歷。 今後假期再來中國旅旅遊, 似乎是個不錯的注意, 嗯, 我會和家人朋友們再來的~到時還可以檢驗下我的語言水準, 看普通話我到底還記得多少。

畢竟, 回家之後就沒那麼多機會聯繫中文了呢。

China holds a special place in my heart. It always will. The country and its people have played a major role in my personal development and the maturation of my perspective of the world. I'm left amazed by how many opportunities there are out there. I recommend studying in Shanghai if you plan on expanding your world view. China, thank you for your lessons, memories and opportunities, I'll see you again someday.

在我的心裡, 中國已經並將永遠佔據著一個特殊的角落。 這個國家和它的人們, 為我的個人成長助力頗多, 也讓我對於世界的認知愈加成熟。 中國有著太多太多的機會, 這讓我十分驚訝。 真的, 如果你想要開拓世面增加閱歷, 強烈推薦你來上海學習一段時間。 謝謝中國, 謝謝你給了我那麼多的經歷、回憶與機會, 期待未來與你的再次相見。 ❤

原文:Selycia Curwen


圖:Chen Xia、網路

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