


Record different aspects of yourself. Make a list without bias or judgement - just observe.

客觀記錄下自己的不同面貌, 列一個清單-無需判斷, 只是記錄下觀察到的地方。

Figure out your state of mind. Are you usually happy, sad or just going with the flow. Figuring this out will be a huge step in your self discovery.




Understand your thought process. Is your natural response to be angry, sad or confused? Recognize how you react.

理清你的思緒, 在何時你會很生氣, 何時你會很難受, 或是覺得很困惑?記錄下你的反應。

Understand your motives. Do you follow certain guidelines or are you rebellious in nature?

理清自己的動機。 你做事有原則麼, 還是出於直覺?


Understand your response to stress. Perhaps you have a supportive friend or deal with things on your own.

理解你對壓力的反應。 或許你有知心好友, 或者是自己獨自承受。 你是如何面對壓力的?

Understand what pleases you most. Eating a cupcake or an apple? A walk in the woods or a nap? Having things or having very little?

想想最讓你快樂的時候, 是吃一塊蛋糕還是吃一個蘋果?是林中漫步, 或是偶爾的小憩?


Understand your own body. Some people are short, others are very tall. Do you compromise for certain aspects?

接受你自己的身體。 有的人個子小, 有的人很高, 你找到了自己外在的平衡點嗎?

Understand your independence. You may have the assistance of others or you do everything for yourself.

想想你是否獨立。 想想你是喜歡倚賴倚賴他人還是一切倚賴自己。


Understand your privacy. Are you completely open, hidden or disguised?


你是傳統保守, 還是樂觀開放還是喜歡偽裝的人?

Understand your habits. Do you do the same thing in the same way or do you do things differently each time?

想想你的愛好。 你喜歡總是作同一件事還是試圖找尋不同的方法?


Understand your motivation. Do you procrastinate or are you ambitious? How long does it take to get something started?

想想你的行動力。 你喜歡拖延還是喜歡說到做到?一件事你大概要多久才會去做?

Understand your ability to learn. Is it easy to memorize, comprehend and incorporate things you’ve learned?

想想你的學習能力。 你很容易記住或是理解自己所學過的東西嗎?


Understand your approach. Do you dive in without knowledge or experience? Perhaps you take more time, understanding each aspect before moving on to another.

想想你的接受能力。 缺乏專業知識和經驗的時候, 你會怎麼處理?或許你會先花更多時間去瞭解自己所要做的事情, 再去實施。

Understand your technique. Are you efficient and thorough? Perhaps performing one small aspect is certainly sufficient.

想想你的專業能力。 你辦事能力怎樣?你是一個考慮周到, 動作效率高的人麼?


Understand your focus. Are you able to concentrate, easily bored or quickly scattered?

想想你的注意力。 你會很容易擔憂, 容易感到乏味, 或是被影響嗎?

Understand your effect on others. Are you compassionate, communicating effectively or do you ignore others?

想想你的交際能力。 你是個多愁善感的人,

還是一個很容易相處的人, 或是一個容易忽視他人的人嗎?


Understand your generosity. Are you selfish, feel deprived or in service to others?

想想你的包容能力。 你是一個自私的人麼, 還是一個佔有欲特別強的人呢?

Understand your effect on our planet. Do you have a car, bicycle or walk?

想想你對交通工具的接受能力。 你會開小轎車上班嗎?還是騎自行車或者步行?

行動起來, 改變自己

If you figure out who you are and don’t like it, change it.

如果你發現現在的自己不是你想要的, 那麼行動起來, 改變自己。

If you’re always getting angry or are sad, then you have no idea who you are. Try and figure this out.

如果你總是容易生氣和難過的話, 趕緊看看自己的問題出現在哪。 試著調整。

當你真正認識自己, 瞭解自己的生存狀態時, 你會滿意還是不滿意?

如果生活不如意, 我們總得做出改變。

讓自己變得越來越好, 是走向快樂的唯一方式。

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