

還記得快船和勇士的比賽中格裡芬受傷的一幕嗎?當時格裡芬底線突破, 在躲開庫裡的抄截之後準備上籃, 可是不巧的是被麥基無意中的抬手動作肘擊到了投出, 倒地後格裡芬失去知覺, 手在不停抽搐, 這一幕讓無數人揪心不已。 而庫裡此時做出了一個非常暖人的舉動, 他主動放棄進攻, 留在後場查看格裡芬的傷情, 這一舉動也被攝像機捕捉到了, 頓時吸粉無數。


That’s actually pretty cool and respectful

真不賴, 充滿了尊重。

We're so lucky that the faces of the NBA are good people

我們這一代球迷真幸運啊, NBA的門面擔當們都是好人。

There isn't a superstar in the league right now who's nearly as problematic as Barkley, MJ, or Karl Malone or even as problematic as more recent stars like AI, Arenas, Kobe, Rose, or Kidd.

Seriously, I think Kobe might be the last All-NBA player to have ever had serious legal trouble or major scandal. We have a good crop of role models in the league rn.

現在聯盟裡沒有超級明星像以前的巴克利, 喬丹或者卡爾-馬龍那樣麻煩纏身。 甚至跟艾弗森, 阿裡納斯、科比、羅斯或者吉德這些前幾年的球星比, 聯盟如今的超巨們也真的算是好好先生了。

說真的, 我認為科比可能是最後一個出現嚴重法律問題或重大醜聞的全明星了。


What did Kidd do?


really?? DUI, and hit his wife pretty big scumbag and he's a terrible head coach.

(樓上的)你真的不知道嗎?酒駕, 家暴, 而且他還是一個糟糕的主教練。

Good guy Curry back at it again. Mad respect


Most wholesome dude in the league. Such a good role model

聯盟中最佳典範, 真是個好榜樣。

But he chews on his mouth guard tho

勇士球迷:(黑子們會說)可是…可是, 他嚼牙套呀!

Can't believe I used to hate him because I didn't think a frail shooter could be considered top 5/better than Russ. I've since stopped watching ESPN and youtube highlight mixes.

凱爾特人球迷:簡直不敢相信我討厭過他, 因為我當時覺得一個脆弱的射手不能被當做聯盟前五/比威少強。 我真該停止看ESPN和Youtube的高光集錦了。

Pornhub highlights are where it's at


God the YouTube comments, "Imagine if Kyrie got injured... Do u think LeBron would've helped???"


Didn't LeBron check on Hayward when he got injured? Youtube comments are so cancerous ffs


Pretty sure he even checked in on him in the locker room too

爵士球迷:而且, 我應該沒記錯, 詹姆斯甚至還親自去更衣室問候海沃德了啊。

Damn so he just laid there for the whole possession and no one goes to help until after? Thats kinda insane.

天呐, 所以快船的這個防守回合格裡芬就一直躺在場上, 直到庫裡過去前沒有人過去幫他?太瘋狂了。

The insane thing is that no one on his team fouls so they can help him. The Clippers just run a normal play with 4 guys while they can all clearly see Griffin down at the other end.

最瘋狂的是, 他的球隊中沒有人故意犯規(讓比賽停下)來幫助他。 快船的其他4名球員正常進行比賽, 即使他們都能清楚地看到格裡芬正躺在球場的另一端。

Curry passed the ball and gave up on the play to go check on Blake. Love the respect and concern he showed.

庫裡直接把球傳了出去, 放棄進攻, 轉去詢問格裡芬的傷勢。 我喜歡他所表現出來的關心和尊重。

I mean, at the same time, that pass was a bullet to McGee. Gotta feel like Steph is so good its like, "Man I gotta go check on Blake, lemme get this assist real quick"

Jokes aside, what he did is such a class act

勇士球迷:與此同時, 庫裡傳給麥基的球還是子彈式的直塞。 庫裡也太狠了, 就像是“哎呦我得去看看格裡芬咋樣了, 先讓我麻溜地送個助攻”。

不過不開玩笑的說, 庫裡此舉真有風度。

球迷朋友們, 看了美國球迷朋友們的評論是不是覺得很精彩, 下面我們也來一起討論討論吧!

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