

近日, 智聯招聘最新發佈薪酬資料顯示, 2017年第四季度, 全國37個城市的平均薪酬為7789元/月, 本季度平均薪酬繼續上升, 環比上升幅度2.5%。 遙遙領先的依舊是北京, 而上海、深圳緊追其後。

圖片源自網路, 版權屬於原作者

在這薪酬水準排名前十的行業中, 金融行業以10358元的月薪取代專業服務成為排名第一!!而排名第二的是仲介服務行業, 以10292元的平均月薪穩居第二。 排名的第三是專業服務行業, 平均月薪為10003元。 報告一出, 一大片網友紛紛表示心塞、愧疚:“對不起, 我又拖大家後腿了!因為我, 才把大家的平均值拉低的……”

圖片源自網路, 版權屬於原作者

相信這時候已經有不少人在心底已經默默地盤算著, 不要阻止我, 我已經決定去迪拜撿垃圾了。 看到這裡大家會不會好奇, 2017年外國的薪酬平均水準到底有多高呢?是不是比我們強?下面, 阿卡索小編就給大家爆料一下美國、日本、英國等國家的平均薪酬吧!

美國( The United States of America):

2017年美國人的月收入為3000美元。 不過, 美國各州的居民收入水準還是不一樣的, 聯邦的最低時薪是7.25美元, 而發達一些的地區則可以達到10美元以上了。 那麼, 美國薪資最高的職業是什麼呢?美國薪資最高的職業其實是麻醉師,

其次有外科醫生、產科醫生、軟體工程師等等。 看來醫學專業在美國非常吃香啊!

The US economy expanded an annualized 3.2 percent on quarter in the third quarter of 2017, slightly below a second estimate of 3.3 percent and lower than market expectations of 3.3 percent, the final reading from the BEA showed. Still, it is the highest growth rate since the first quarter of 2015.

圖片源自網路, 版權屬於原作者


相信不少人都聽說過, 日本的消費水準高, 福利待遇也不錯, 那麼日本人的平均月薪怎麼樣呢?日本東京統計了1748家上司公司,

其中有52家公司的平均年收入就超過了1000萬日元, 也就是人民幣60萬!在2017年7月, 日本厚生勞動省也對大學應屆畢業生就職月薪進行了調查, 結果顯示2017年春季畢業生的第一個月的平均工資就已經達到了20.61萬日元, 也就是人民幣12106元。 日本薪資最高的行業是運輸行業類, 最高月薪可達到6萬人民幣, 其次是醫療行業和教育行業。 看來日本人的平均薪酬也是非常不錯!

The Japanese economy advanced 0.6 percent quarter-on-quarter in the September quarter of 2017, stronger than the preliminary estimate of a 0.3 percent expansion and following an upwardly revised 0.7 percent growth in the prior quarter. It marked the seventh straight quarter of growth, supported by exports while business spending grew much faster than anticipated. GDP Growth Rate in Japan averaged 0.50 percent from 1980 until 2017, reaching an all time high of 3.20 percent in the second quarter of 1990 and a record low of -4.90 percent in the first quarter of 2009.

圖片源自網路, 版權屬於原作者

英國(The United Kingdom):

相信大家都會好奇英國的工資怎麼樣, 根據美國《商業內幕》報導表示, 2018年英國的勞動大軍將再次迎來工資不會上漲的一年……受脫歐影響, 英鎊貶值及通貨膨脹的速度大大超過了工資漲幅, 所以英國的工資漲幅都不會太大。 2017年英國25歲以上的勞動人群, 最低工資標準時薪是7.5英鎊左右。 看來, 今年英國的薪資也要經歷瓶頸期了!

GDP Growth Rate in the United Kingdom averaged 0.60 percent from 1955 until 2017, reaching an all time high of 5 percent in the first quarter of 1973 and a record low of -2.70 percent in the first quarter of 1974.




The Canadian economy advanced 0.4 percent on quarter in the three months to September of 2017, following a downwardly revised 1 percent growth in the previous period. It is the smallest expansion since the second quarter of 2016 after work stoppages and changes to certain models destined for the American market weighed down on exports of motor vehicles while rising household consumption was the main driver of the expansion.




The economic development of the country has been uneven geographically with the Moscow region contributing a very large share of the country's GDP. There has been a substantial rise in wealth inequality in Russia since 1990 (far more than China and other Eastern European countries). In 2016, the GDP per capita in Russia was around 8,945.64 U.S. dollars.


2017全球工資最高的國家Top 3


列士敦士登(Principality of Liechtenstein):


Liechtenstein is bordered by Switzerland to the west and south and Austria to the east and north. It has an area of just over 160 square kilometres (62 square miles), the fourth smallest in Europe, and an estimated population of 37,000. Divided into 11 municipalities, its capital is Vaduz and its largest municipality is Schaan.


盧森堡(The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg):


With an area of 2,586 square kilometres (998 sq mi), it is one of the smallest sovereign states in Europe, about the same size as the US state of Rhode Island or the English county of Northamptonshire. In 2016, Luxembourg had a population of 576,249, which makes it one of the least-populous countries in Europe, but by far the one with the highest population growth rate.


挪威(The Kingdom of Norway):


Norway has a total area of 385,252 square kilometres (148,747 sq mi) and a population of 5,258,317 (as of January 2017).The country shares a long eastern border with Sweden (1,619 km or 1,006 mi long). Norway is bordered by Finland and Russia to the north-east, and the Skagerrak strait to the south, with Denmark on the other side.









The Canadian economy advanced 0.4 percent on quarter in the three months to September of 2017, following a downwardly revised 1 percent growth in the previous period. It is the smallest expansion since the second quarter of 2016 after work stoppages and changes to certain models destined for the American market weighed down on exports of motor vehicles while rising household consumption was the main driver of the expansion.




The economic development of the country has been uneven geographically with the Moscow region contributing a very large share of the country's GDP. There has been a substantial rise in wealth inequality in Russia since 1990 (far more than China and other Eastern European countries). In 2016, the GDP per capita in Russia was around 8,945.64 U.S. dollars.


2017全球工資最高的國家Top 3


列士敦士登(Principality of Liechtenstein):


Liechtenstein is bordered by Switzerland to the west and south and Austria to the east and north. It has an area of just over 160 square kilometres (62 square miles), the fourth smallest in Europe, and an estimated population of 37,000. Divided into 11 municipalities, its capital is Vaduz and its largest municipality is Schaan.


盧森堡(The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg):


With an area of 2,586 square kilometres (998 sq mi), it is one of the smallest sovereign states in Europe, about the same size as the US state of Rhode Island or the English county of Northamptonshire. In 2016, Luxembourg had a population of 576,249, which makes it one of the least-populous countries in Europe, but by far the one with the highest population growth rate.


挪威(The Kingdom of Norway):


Norway has a total area of 385,252 square kilometres (148,747 sq mi) and a population of 5,258,317 (as of January 2017).The country shares a long eastern border with Sweden (1,619 km or 1,006 mi long). Norway is bordered by Finland and Russia to the north-east, and the Skagerrak strait to the south, with Denmark on the other side.






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