
英語閱讀:美國20歲小夥斬獲四億五千萬美元Mega Million彩票頭獎

英語閱讀:美國20歲小夥斬獲四億五千萬美元Mega Million彩票頭獎

20-year-old claims $451 million jackpot, hopes to 'do some good for humanity'

美國20歲小夥子頭中Mega Million(超級百萬)彩票一等獎, 獎金高達四億五千萬美元。


Good Morning AmericaJanuary 12, 2018


A $451 million mystery is over.


A 20-year-old "retired" background screening worker from Florida claimed the fourth-largest jackpot in Mega Millions lottery history, lotto officials confirmed.

一位年僅20歲現已“退休”的美國佛羅里達青年一舉投中Mega Million彩票歷史上第四次最大頭獎。 這位幸運兒原來從事“犯罪背景偵察”工作。

Shane Missler, of Port Richey, was the lone winner of the Jan. 5 jackpot. He elected to take a lump sum payout of $281.2 million, officials said.

此人叫Shane Missler, 來自弗羅裡達Port Richey市場。 他獨攬了1月5日開獎的Mega Million彩票。 他選擇了一次性取出獎金, 稅後獎金二億八千一百多萬美金。

Missler plans on plunking down some of the lottery loot for a new home in Tampa and then pursuing a "variety of passions," according to the Florida Lottery, as well as helping others.

他打算怎麼花這筆鉅資呢?先買套房, 再慢慢“追逐自己的其它夢想”。

"I intend to take care of my family, have some fun along the way, and cement a path for financial success so that I can leave a legacy far into the future," Missler said in a statement. "I have always been one to encourage the idea of chasing dreams and I believe life is about the pursuit of passion. I am 20 years old and my journey has only just begun.

包括:好好照顧家人, 同時好好享受生活, 同時還要在財務成功上好好打下基礎, 讓這筆“遺產”好好延續到未來。 他還說:我一直就是這樣一個人。 我一直鼓勵自己要追逐夢想。 我相信人生就是追逐夢想和激情。 我才20歲, 我的路才剛剛開始。

The win didn't come as a shock for Missler, whose attorney set up a private limited company called "Secret 007, LLC," officials said.

對Missler來說, 投中這個一等大獎一點不會讓他感到震驚。

In fact, Missler informed officials that after purchasing the ticket at the 7-Eleven convenience store on Ridge Road in Port Richey, about 40 miles northwest of Tampa -- he had “a feeling” he would win the jackpot.

He managed to scoop up the windfall by taking $5 in scratch-off lottery ticket winnings and then purchasing five Mega Millions of Quick Pick tickets, the officials added.

它他的這筆天外之財是這麼來的:先是買了即開型彩票, 中了5美金, 然後由機選再買5注Mega Million彩票。

The fourth Quick Pick was the one that delivered home the winning combination, the officials said.


So when the numbers 28, 30, 39, 59, 70 and the Mega Ball, 10, were announced, Missler said he simply placed a call to share the news with his brother.

所以, 當宣佈28, 30, 39, 59, 70 外加“巨球號”10獲獎時, 他只是冷靜的給他的哥哥打了個電話, 把消息“分享一下”。

Then he met with his father the following morning for a cup of coffee, officials said.

第二天早上, 他和父親一起喝了杯咖啡。

The 7-Eleven will receive a $100,000 bonus commission for selling the winning ticket.



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