

You may have memorized endless lists of vocabulary, you may know all the grammar needed to hold any conversation and still find yourself at a loss when wanting to express yourself.

你可能已經記住了無窮無盡的詞彙表, 你可能知道所有的用來進行任何對話的語法, 但仍然在表達時感到困惑。

In this article, I would like to give you a few tips to help overcome the difficulties you might be experiencing, using some of the simplest methods to improve your English communication skills.


我想給你一些建議, 幫助你克服你可能遇到的困難, 用一些最簡單的方法來提高你的英語溝通能力。

1. Slow Down Your Speaking Speed


You might be an eloquent speaker when it comes to your mother tongue, but expecting the same standards from yourself when speaking in a foreign language may not be very realistic.

談到母語時, 你可能是一個雄辯的演說家, 但用外語講話時, 期望自己達到同樣的標準可能不太現實。

Especially, if you’re at the early stages of learning. Learners are often told not to worry about the mistakes they’re making, however, it is easy to understand why you would like to make a good impression on your audience.

特別是, 如果你處於學習的早期階段。 學習者經常被告知不要擔心他們犯的錯誤。 然而, 你很容易理解為什麼你想給聽眾留下好印象。

To overcome this difficulty, you may try slowing down your speaking speed.

為了克服這個困難, 你可以試著放慢語速。

Nobody will hold it against you if you speak more slowly and clearly. Great speakers do the same to get their message across. Selecting your words carefully may also be seen as a sign of respect towards your audience. It shows that you want to give them the best possible answer.

如果你說得慢一點, 沒有人會反對你的。 偉大的演說家也會這樣做以傳達他們的資訊。 謹慎發言也可以被看作是對聽眾的尊敬。 這表明你想給他們最好的答案。

2. Give Yourself Time to Think


You may be worried that the people you’re talking to are impatient and would like you to say what you want as quickly as possible.



First of all, it may not be true – people often prefer a well-thought-out answer to a rushed one.So just relax.

首先, 這可能不是真的——人們往往喜歡深思熟慮的回答。 所以放鬆一下。

Another practical thing you can do is equipping yourself with fixed phrases you can use when remaining silent doesn’t seem to be an option. Here’s an example:

你可以做的另一個實際的事情是給自己配備一些固定短語, 當你保持沉默似乎不是一個好的選擇時, 你可以使用。 下面舉個例子:

Why is there so much violence on TV? That’s a good question. Let me think for a moment, I haven’t really thought about it before. Well, I suppose…

為什麼電視上有這麼多暴力鏡頭?這是個好問題。 讓我想一想, 我以前沒有想過這個問題。 嗯, 我想…

Here the speaker gains considerable amount of time to reflect just by repeating the question and adding a few sentences. If you do the same, you’ll sound more fluent and won’t feel the pressure of having to say something before you’re ready.

在這裡, 演講者可以通過重複提問和添加一些句子來獲得大量的時間來思考。 如果你做同樣的事情, 你會說得更流利, 也不會感到在你準備好之前要說點什麼的壓力。

Fixed or set phrases are phrases whose words are usually fixed in a certain order. They can be verb patterns, idioms, collocations – basically anything we always say in one particular way. For example,

固定片語或組合片語是通常按一定順序固定的短語。 它們可以是動詞模式, 習語, 搭配——基本上我們總是用一種特定的方式表達。


during the day


in the meantime


It’s been a long time since


Sorry to bother/trouble you, but…

很抱歉打擾你, 但是…

Would you mind if…?


Oh, come on!

哦, 來吧!

I’m just kidding!


For what it’s worth,…

它的價值是, …

To be right/wrong about


Tit for tat/an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth

以牙還牙, 以眼還眼以牙還牙/眼, 以牙還牙

3. Learn Sentences, Not Only Words

3.學習句子, 而不只是詞語

In a way, this will take the pressure off too. When you learn a new word, try to memorize a couple of sentences that contain it.

在某種程度上, 這也將消除壓力。 當你學習一個新單詞時, 試著記住包含它的幾個句子。

There might come a time when you can use one particular sentence with little, or no alteration at all. Unfortunately, many people learn words by heart, but have no idea how to use them in a sentence.

可能會有一段時間, 你可以用特定不變的一句話, 不幸的是, 許多人背單詞, 但不知道如何在句子中使用它們。

It will be such a relief not having to worry about whether the sentence is correct grammatically or not. Let’s look at an example:

你不必擔心句子的語法正確與否。 讓我們看一個例子:

to appreciate = to recognize the value of something/somebody


I think it’s necessary to feel appreciated in a relationship/ at work.

I appreciate all your hard work.

Isn’t it much more useful to memorize ’appreciate’ this way?




4. Learn to Listen


When speaking in a foreign language, you might be so focused on what you are saying and whether it’s correct or not, that you forget to listen to what others are saying.

當你用外語講話時, 你可能會把注意力放在你說的話上,

或者說對與錯, 這樣你就忘了聽別人說什麼。

This is a big mistake as they might be using the exact words or grammar you’ll be needing later on. So pay attention to what’s being said around you, it’s your most important resource at the time of speaking to someone.

這是一個大錯誤, 因為他們可能會用到你以後將需要的確切的單詞或語法。 所以, 注意你周圍所說的話, 這是你和某人說話時最重要的資源。

5. Practise Your Interrogatives

5. 練習你的疑問句

We also need to keep in mind the fact that communication is a two-way process. Not only does it make you seem uninterested – even rude – if you don’t ask questions, you might also end up being the one who has to do all the talking. So, when you’ve run out of ideas about what to say next, remember: others might have something to add.

我們還需要記住這樣的事實, 溝通是一個雙向過程。 如果你不問問題, 它不僅讓你看起來對談話不感興趣–甚至是粗魯的–你也可能最終被終止做所有的談話。 所以, 當你對下一步不知道該怎麼說的時候, 記住:其他人可能會補充一些東西。

What are your views on that?

How about you? What do you think?

Why do you think there’s so much violence on TV?




Questions like this will keep the conversation going and will show your interest in other people’s opinion. They will also give you time to relax a little and start enjoying yourself.

這樣的問題會使談話繼續進行, 也會顯示出你對他人意見的興趣。

他們也會給你時間放鬆一下, 開始享受你自己的時間。

Interrogatives can be quite tricky, so make sure you spend enough time learning the correct ways of asking questions.

疑問句是相當棘手的, 所以確保你花足夠的時間學習提問的正確方法。

6. Produce, Produce, Produce

6.產出, 產出, 再產出

As I said at the beginning of this article, you might know a lot about the language, but this is passive knowledge that must be activated somehow. Your aim is to be able to produce correct English; practice is undeniably the best way to learn and improve.

正如我在本文開頭所說的, 您可能對語言瞭解很多, 但這是被動的知識, 必須以某種方式啟動。 你的目標是能夠掌握正確的英語;實踐無疑是學習和提高的最好方法。

Writing is one way of producing language; it may help you get used to and reflect on the ways English operates, which, in turn, might prove to be useful when speaking.

寫作是表達語言的一種方式, 它可以説明你習慣和反思英語的運作方式, 而這反過來又可能在說話時被證明是有用的。

Speaking, on the other hand, is a much more spontaneous process and nothing prepares you for it better than actually doing it. So, find people you can practise with – either on Skype, or on language exchange sites, or here on MyEnglishTeacher.eu with the help of our native teachers – I have a feeling that it will be a great experience.

從另一方面說, 這是一個更自發的過程, 沒有什麼比實際做準備更好的了。 所以, 你可以在Skype找人練習, 或者語言交流的網站, 或在這裡MyEnglishTeacher.eu向我們外教老師尋求幫助, 我有一種感覺, 這將是一個偉大的經歷。

I hope you will find these tips useful. Feel free to ask any questions if something is not clear. Remember how important it is to ask? We’re here to help you.







I hope you will find these tips useful. Feel free to ask any questions if something is not clear. Remember how important it is to ask? We’re here to help you.







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