

2018年1月10日晚, 第一屆世界冰上龍舟錦標賽舉辦前夕, 國際冰上龍舟聯合會、國際龍舟聯合會、國際皮划艇聯合會龍舟委員會、國際大學生龍舟聯合會在多倫縣召開新聞發佈會。 會上, 多倫縣人民政府縣長劉建軍對多倫作了宣傳推介, 並進行賽事發佈。 發佈詞全文如下:




Speech at the Press Conference on the 1st World

Ice Dragon Boat Championship of the International

Ice Dragon Boat Federation (IIDBF)


(January 10, 2018)


Liu Jianjun

親愛的媒體朋友們, 尊敬的各位來賓, 女士們、先生們:

Dear Media Friends, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen,


Good Evening!

在這千里冰封、銀裝素裹、分外妖嬈的美好日子裡, 我們齊聚美麗的多倫諾爾, 在這裡隆重舉行國際冰上龍舟聯合會(IIDBF)第一屆世界冰上龍舟錦標賽新聞發佈會, 情緣相聚, 倍感欣喜。 在此, 我代表多倫縣各族各界群眾, 向應邀出席本次新聞發佈會的各位來賓和媒體朋友們, 表示熱烈歡迎和衷心感謝!

In the particularly enchanting and beautiful days with thousands miles of ice and full of white snow, we gather together in charming Dolon Nor for holding the press conference on the 1st World Ice Dragon Boat Championship of the IIDBF. It is our enthusiasm and love that bring us together, for which I feel extremely delighted. Here, on behalf of the people from all walks of life of Duolun County, I would like to extend a warm welcome and express my sincere thanks to all guests and media friends attending the press conference on invitation.


地理位置特異、人文歷史悠久、生態環境極好、旅遊資源豐厚。 總體可以概括為“八個一”, 即:一條線、一個點、一個環、一個圓、一處佛都、一座古城、一半森林、一半綠水。

Situated in the middle of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region and at the south of Xilingol Prairie, Duolun County has a distinctive geographical location, long cultural history, excellent ecological environment and abundant tourism resources. On the whole, it can be summarized as “Eight Highlights”: A Highlight as a Line; A Highlight as a Point, A Highlight as a Ring, A Highlight as a Circle, A Highlight as a Buddha County, A Highlight as an Ancient County, A Highlight with Half Forest, and A Highlight with Half Green Water.

一條線——北京正北, 多倫最美!北京正北180公里, 有座山叫“德勝山”, 與北京“德勝門”同處於國家宜居國土中軸線, 這條線也被地理學家稱為“劉秉忠線”。

A Highlight as a Line: Duolun is most beautiful in the due north direction of Beijing. 180 kilometers away in the due north direction of Beijing, there is a mountain named “Desheng Mountain” which together with Beijing “Deshengmen Gate” lies on the central axis of the national livable territory. This axis is also called “Liu Bingzhong Line” by geographers.


A Highlight as a Point: Duolun County is the meeting point of the following three lines of the two geographical discoveries in the last century: Hu Huanyong Line (Tengchong-Aihui Chinese Population Geographical Dividing Line), Zhu Kezhen 380mm Rainfall Line, and Liu Bingzhong Line.

一個環——1995年, 衛星影像發現一個直徑70公里、環多倫的環, 閃電河盤桓其中, 這是全球第二大、亞洲第一大隕石環, 被地理學家命名為“多倫環”。

A Highlight as a Ring: In 1995, satellite images found a 70km-diameter ring around Duolun and in the ring there was the Lightning River circling around. That was the globally second largest and the Asian largest aerolite ring named “Duolun Ring” by geographers.



A Highlight as a Circle: With Duolun as the center of a circle, the surrounding Xilinhot City and Chifeng City in Inner Mongolia and Chengde City and Zhangjiakou City in Hebei Province are all within the radius about 200km. Duolun is the geographical center of this region.

一處佛都——1690年康熙在此會盟, 1691年敕建匯宗寺, 1731年, 雍正皇帝敕建善因寺。 一座縣城同時擁有兩處皇家寺院, 被民間稱為“草原佛都”。

A Highlight as a Buddha County: Emperor Kangxi formed alliances here in 1690, and in 1691 he approved to build the Huizong Monastery, and Emperor Yongzheng approved to build the Shanyin Monastery in 1731. Because the county has two royal monasteries, it is reputed as “A Buddha County on the Prairie” among the folk people.

一座古城——伴隨寺院興起, 佛教興盛, 康熙帝敕令北京八大商號彙聚多倫, 由此形成走草地、出北口的草原絲綢之路“京北橋頭堡”, 人稱“漠南商埠”, 商人由此出發, 北出滿洲里至彼得堡, 西北出二連浩特至歐洲。

A Highlight as an Ancient County: When the Buddhism became flourishing with the rises of monasteries, Emperor Kangxi ordered Beijing’s 8 major firms to gather in Duolun. Thus, this formed the grassland silk road “North Beijing Bridgehead”, also known as “Monan Trading Ports”. The merchants started from here, traveled to Petersburg after going out of Manzhouli in the north, and to the Europe after going out of Erenhot in the northwest.

一半森林——多倫目前有林面積293萬畝, 被國家命名為“全國生態文明示範區”。 多倫又是天然大氧吧, 每年空氣品質優良天數超過300天, “天然避暑地、北京後花園”的稱號實至名歸。

A Highlight with Half Forest: With a forest area of 2,930,000mu, Duolun is named “National Ecological Civilization Demonstration Area” by the state. As a big natural oxygen bar, Duolun has more than 300 days of fairly good air quality every year. The reputations of “natural summer resort” and “Beijing’s backyard” are well-deserved for Duolun.


面積雖不足錫林郭勒盟2%, 地表水卻占到全盟一半以上, 全縣有47條河流 64個湖泊。 多倫諾爾意為七個湖泊, 美麗的“多倫湖”, 水面面積2萬畝, 是引灤入津的重要樞紐。

A Highlight with Half Green Water: Dolon Nor is rich in water resources. Although the water resources are less than that of Xilingol League, the surface water accounts for more than half of that of the whole Xilingol League. There are 47 rivers and 64 lakes in the county. Dolon Nor has the meaning of seven lakes. The beautiful Duolun Lake covers a water surface area for 20,000mu and it acts as an important hub for water diversion from Luanhe River to Tianjin City.

多倫還是中華草原保護地、中國歷史文化名鎮、全國特色景觀旅遊名鎮、全國全域游示範區、十三五重點開發的14個旅遊休閒城鎮。 多倫瑪瑙、喇嘛廟月餅、銅制佛像、馬鞍馬具等手工業製品享有盛名。

Moreover, Duolun is known as Chinese Protected Land of Grassland, Chinese Famous Historical and Cultural Town, National Famous Tourism Town with Characteristic Landscape, National Whole-region Tourism Demonstration Area and one of the 14 Tourist Leisure Towns to be Emphatically Developed during the 13th Five-Year Plan Period. Duolun agate, lamasery moon-cake, copper Buddha statue, horse saddle and saddlery and other handicrafts always enjoy a high reputation.

多倫擁有秀麗的山川、蜿蜒的河流、清新的濕地、靜怡的森林、澄澈的湖泊、多彩的沙地, 更有悠久的歷史和豐厚的人文。

Duolun doesn’t not only have beautiful mountains, winding rivers, fresh wetlands, tranquil forests, clear lakes and colorful sand, but also a long history and rich cultural resources.

近年來, 我們積極探索全域游、四季游、文體遊等旅遊產業有效途徑, 多倫知名度和美譽度大幅提升。 特別是去年1月16日, 國際冰上龍舟聯合會主席羅忠義先生為多倫縣頒發了“國際冰上龍舟系列賽2017中國·多倫站”授權書,

並成功舉辦了首屆國際冰上龍舟賽, 引起巨大反響和廣泛關注。 我們乘勢而為, 又相繼成功舉辦了中國汽車場地越野錦標賽、“龍越多倫”越野汽車賽、內蒙古環多倫湖公路自行車賽、航空節、音樂季、昆侖決等系列賽事活動, 實現了多倫冬季旅遊“零”突破和文體旅遊融合發展。 旅遊業正在成為主導產業和支柱產業, 多倫也正在成為一個越來越火的地方。

In recent years, we have proactively explored various effective ways of the tourism industry covering whole-region tourism, four-season tourism and cultural & sports tourism, obviously bringing the popularity and reputation of Duolun to a higher level. In particular, on January 16 last year, the Mr. Luo Zhongyi, chairman of the IIDBF, presented the Certificate of Authorization of “International Ice Dragon Boat Series 2017 China · Duolun” to Duolun. The 1st International Ice Dragon Boat Championship was successfully held here, which aroused a big stir and wide attention. Seizing the opportunity, we successfully held China Offroad Championship, “Dragon Boat Crossing Duolun” Offroad Vehicle Competition, Inner Mongolia Duolun Lake Road Cycling Race, Dolon Nor Ice & Snow Aviation Festival, Dolon Nor Prairie Music Season, Dolon Nor Kunlun Fight and other series of competitions, achieving a zero breakthrough in Duolun’s winter tourism and integration development of cultural and sports tourisms. The tourism industry is turning into the leading industry and pillar industry and Duolun is becoming an increasing popular place.

又到了白雪皚皚、惟餘莽莽的北國冰雪季節。 隨著2022年冬奧會的成功申辦, 冬季冰雪項目在我國得到迅速普及和發展。 為積極回應習近平總書記提出的“三億人參與冰雪運動”的宏偉目標, 多倫憑藉豐富的冰雪資源、便捷的交通區位等優勢,國際冰上龍舟聯合會(IIDBF)第一屆世界冰上龍舟錦標賽成功落戶美麗的多倫諾爾,即將盛大開幕。我們計畫通過不懈努力,將此項賽事打造成為國內外知名的固定品牌賽事和多倫諾爾體育賽事與旅遊融合發展的特色IP。近期,我們還將舉辦古韻多倫冬季冰雪那達慕歡樂游、白音部落激情冰雪嘉年華體驗遊、熙臨湖冬捕祈福民俗體驗游等多項冰雪活動以及攏旺火、掄冰花、新春焰火、元宵燈會等一系列富有民族特色的旅遊節慶活動,帶您開啟多倫冬季冰雪體驗之旅,領略茶道古城不一樣的冰雪風情。以此助推形成以冰雪旅遊為核心,冰雪健身休閒和競賽表演為主要內容的冬季旅遊產業發展格局。

Now, it is the moment when everything in Northern China is covered by white snow. With the successful bidding of the 2022 Olympic Winter Games, winter ice and snow events have been rapidly popularized and developed in our country. To actively responding to the ambitious goal of “300,000,000 People’s Participation in Ice and Snow Sports” set by the General Secretary Xi Jinping, Dolon Nor has been ready for holding the 1st World Ice Dragon Boat Championship of the IIDBF, relying on its rich ice and snow resources, convenient transportation and location advantages. Through unremitting efforts, we will make this event into a fixed brand event and a featured IP integration the development of Dolon Nor’s sports events and tourism. In the near future, we will also hold various ice and snow activities including Duolun Winter Ice & Snow Nadam Joy Tour, Baiyin Tribal Ice & Snow Carnival Experience Tour, Xilin Lake Winter Fishing & Blessing Folk Customs Experience Tour, and a series of tourism festivals with rich ethnic minorities’ characteristics, such as crowding around a hot fire, whirling ice flowers, New Year’s fireworks show and lantern festival, etc. All of these will take you on a journey of experiencing Duolun’s winter ice and snow and of appreciating the unique ice and snow features of the ancient tea culture town. All of these ways will boost the formation of the development pattern in which ice and snow tourism is taken as the core, and ice and snow fitness and leisure and competition performances as main contents.


This year, we will continue vigorously developing whole-region tourism, four-seaso n tourism, cultural tourism and flower-viewing tourism to make Duolon an ideal tourist place with enjoyable sceneries everywhere. We will deepen all-round cooperation with well-known tourism companies to create a new Duolun Lake Scenic Area according to 5A-class scenic spot standard, vigorously advance the tourist development of Guniang Lake-Dadukou Scenic Area and Liao Dynasty’s Royal Ruins Park, and start construction of wildlife world, youth and middle age countryside health preservation town, impression on small Jiangnan town, and ice and snow sports center. Besides, we will build Dahekou Reservoir-Liao Dynasty’s Royal Ruins Park, Dadukou Rim-Guniang Lake highway and red tourism highways, as well as prairie stations integrating observation platform and parking lot. We will select and condense competition brands, and host Ice and Snow Nadam Series, the 12th Inner Mongolia Duolun Lake Road Cycling Race, Mongolian and Chinese Herbal Medicines Culture Festival at the time of the 1st World Ice Dragon Boat Championship of the IIDBF, in order to create Duolun’s tourism brand events.


Duolun tourism has stepped into the window phase of leaping development. Based on the whole-region conception, it is improving the whole-region tourism planning, speeding up the infrastructure construction and promoting the tourism level to vigorously create an important cultural and sports tourism town and thus to continue to write the legend of Dolon Nor.


It is a great honor for me to announce: today, the 4 major international dragon boat organizations of International Dragon Boat Federation, International Ice Dragon Boat Federation, International Canoe Federation-Dragon Boat Committee, and International Collegiate Dragon Boat Federation gather in Dolon Nor and will issue a four-party joint statement, namely “Duolun Statement”. This aims to jointly push excellent Chinese traditional culture and dragon boat events to the world and let more people participate in dragon boat sports. Its ultimate goal is to take the dragon boat sports to the Olympic family. This is a historic moment for Dolon Nor in promoting dragon boat sports around the world. It is a great honor for us and we will cherish it.


Besides, a three-party agreement of the People’s Government of Duolun County, International Dragon Boat Federation and IIDBF will be signed, which means that beautiful Dolon Nor can not only successfully host international ice dragon boat competitions, but also can realize the dream of hosting water dragon boat races.


Dear all friends,


Only in Duolun, can you experience the broad mind of the prairie.


Only in Duolun, can you feel the great enthusiasm of the prairie.


Only in Duolun, will you know the blue sky, the white clouds, the green grass, the clear water and the frozen ice.


Dear all friends,


Duolun tourism is expecting to join hands together with you.


Duolun’s economic dividends are expecting to be shared with you.


Dolon Nor is opening its arms, sincerely welcoming all guests and friends from every part of the world.


Finally, wish you every success in your work, best of health and good luck in everything.


Thank You!


Now, it is the moment when everything in Northern China is covered by white snow. With the successful bidding of the 2022 Olympic Winter Games, winter ice and snow events have been rapidly popularized and developed in our country. To actively responding to the ambitious goal of “300,000,000 People’s Participation in Ice and Snow Sports” set by the General Secretary Xi Jinping, Dolon Nor has been ready for holding the 1st World Ice Dragon Boat Championship of the IIDBF, relying on its rich ice and snow resources, convenient transportation and location advantages. Through unremitting efforts, we will make this event into a fixed brand event and a featured IP integration the development of Dolon Nor’s sports events and tourism. In the near future, we will also hold various ice and snow activities including Duolun Winter Ice & Snow Nadam Joy Tour, Baiyin Tribal Ice & Snow Carnival Experience Tour, Xilin Lake Winter Fishing & Blessing Folk Customs Experience Tour, and a series of tourism festivals with rich ethnic minorities’ characteristics, such as crowding around a hot fire, whirling ice flowers, New Year’s fireworks show and lantern festival, etc. All of these will take you on a journey of experiencing Duolun’s winter ice and snow and of appreciating the unique ice and snow features of the ancient tea culture town. All of these ways will boost the formation of the development pattern in which ice and snow tourism is taken as the core, and ice and snow fitness and leisure and competition performances as main contents.


This year, we will continue vigorously developing whole-region tourism, four-seaso n tourism, cultural tourism and flower-viewing tourism to make Duolon an ideal tourist place with enjoyable sceneries everywhere. We will deepen all-round cooperation with well-known tourism companies to create a new Duolun Lake Scenic Area according to 5A-class scenic spot standard, vigorously advance the tourist development of Guniang Lake-Dadukou Scenic Area and Liao Dynasty’s Royal Ruins Park, and start construction of wildlife world, youth and middle age countryside health preservation town, impression on small Jiangnan town, and ice and snow sports center. Besides, we will build Dahekou Reservoir-Liao Dynasty’s Royal Ruins Park, Dadukou Rim-Guniang Lake highway and red tourism highways, as well as prairie stations integrating observation platform and parking lot. We will select and condense competition brands, and host Ice and Snow Nadam Series, the 12th Inner Mongolia Duolun Lake Road Cycling Race, Mongolian and Chinese Herbal Medicines Culture Festival at the time of the 1st World Ice Dragon Boat Championship of the IIDBF, in order to create Duolun’s tourism brand events.


Duolun tourism has stepped into the window phase of leaping development. Based on the whole-region conception, it is improving the whole-region tourism planning, speeding up the infrastructure construction and promoting the tourism level to vigorously create an important cultural and sports tourism town and thus to continue to write the legend of Dolon Nor.


It is a great honor for me to announce: today, the 4 major international dragon boat organizations of International Dragon Boat Federation, International Ice Dragon Boat Federation, International Canoe Federation-Dragon Boat Committee, and International Collegiate Dragon Boat Federation gather in Dolon Nor and will issue a four-party joint statement, namely “Duolun Statement”. This aims to jointly push excellent Chinese traditional culture and dragon boat events to the world and let more people participate in dragon boat sports. Its ultimate goal is to take the dragon boat sports to the Olympic family. This is a historic moment for Dolon Nor in promoting dragon boat sports around the world. It is a great honor for us and we will cherish it.


Besides, a three-party agreement of the People’s Government of Duolun County, International Dragon Boat Federation and IIDBF will be signed, which means that beautiful Dolon Nor can not only successfully host international ice dragon boat competitions, but also can realize the dream of hosting water dragon boat races.


Dear all friends,


Only in Duolun, can you experience the broad mind of the prairie.


Only in Duolun, can you feel the great enthusiasm of the prairie.


Only in Duolun, will you know the blue sky, the white clouds, the green grass, the clear water and the frozen ice.


Dear all friends,


Duolun tourism is expecting to join hands together with you.


Duolun’s economic dividends are expecting to be shared with you.


Dolon Nor is opening its arms, sincerely welcoming all guests and friends from every part of the world.


Finally, wish you every success in your work, best of health and good luck in everything.


Thank You!

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