

2018年1月12日下午, 國際冰上龍舟聯合會第一屆世界冰上龍舟錦標賽在美麗的多倫諾爾龍澤湖畔盛大開幕。 開幕式上, 多倫縣人民政府縣長劉建軍致開幕辭。 致辭全文如下:





尊敬的麥克·湯瑪斯主席、羅忠義主席, 尊敬的蔚治國主任, 尊敬的各位領導、各位來賓, 來自世界各地的運動員們、新聞媒體朋友們, 女士們、先生們:

Your Excellency President Mike Thomas, distinguished leaders, guests, friends from all over the world, media friends, ladies and gentlemen:


Good afternoon!

萬眾期待的國際冰上龍舟聯合會第一屆世界冰上龍舟錦標賽即將在我們美麗的多倫諾爾龍澤湖畔盛大開啟。 此刻, 我站在世界最美草原·錫林郭勒大草原, 向各位來賓、世界各國運動員和新聞媒體朋友們表示熱烈的歡迎!並通過網路直播媒體, 向全世界喜愛龍舟運動的朋友們表示誠摯的問候!也代表多倫諾爾向世界喜歡中國的朋友們發出最熱情的邀請!

Today, the much-anticipated First World Ice Dragon Boat Championships of International Ice Dragon Boat Federation is about to begin in our beautiful Duolun Longze Lake. At this very moment, I’m standing on the Xilin gol league grassland which is the most beautiful grassland all around the world, to extend my warm welcome to the dinstinguished guests, athletes and friends of new media! And to greet with all the dragon boat lovers via internet live! On behalf of Duolun to invite the friends to come here warmly .

北京正北, 多倫最美!冰上龍舟, 世界賽事, 源於多倫, 也必將走向世界。

Duolun is the most beautiful place to the north of Beijing! Ice dragon boat, world-wide competition, born of Duolun, and it definitely will tend toward the world.

2017年1月16日, 我們成功舉辦了首屆多倫諾爾國際冰上龍舟賽。 比賽得到了國際冰上龍舟聯合會的大力支持, 羅忠義主席親赴多倫, 為我們頒發了“國際冰上龍舟系列賽2017中國·多倫站”授權書。

We held the first Duolun nor international ice dragon boat competition on 2017. obtained great support of International Ice dragon federation, chairman luo zhongyi made a personal appearance to award the authorization of International ice dragon boat series competition 2017 China.Duolun Station.

不到一年 , 今天, 1月12日, 我們榮幸地承辦了這次“國際冰上龍舟聯合會第一屆世界冰上龍舟錦標賽”。 我們相信, 這次比賽必將載入冰上龍舟運動發展史冊。 冰上龍舟運動將會作為競技項目從多倫諾爾出發, 越走越遠!

Less than one year, today,12th. January, we have the honour of undertaking the first world ice dragon boat championship of international ice dragon boat federation. We firmly believe that

this competition will certainly go down in history. The ice dragon boat sport surely will start off from Duolun as a competitive sports and will develop further and further.

這次錦標賽在多倫舉辦, 來之不易, 多倫從多地競爭中脫穎而出。 這不是一次普通的比賽, 具有里程碑意義。 10日晚, 大賽新聞發佈會上,

有兩項重大成果。 一是, 會上發表了四方“多倫宣言”, 一個是, 三方“聯合聲明”。

It’s not easy to obtain the right by standing out in regional competition. It’s not only an ordinary competition, but also has the great meaning of milestone. . Two important achievements had been made on the press conference,On the 10th, January. Firstly,we have published Duolun declaration of four groups, secondly, we published joint declaration of three groups.

國際龍舟聯合會、國際冰上龍舟聯合會、國際皮划艇協會龍舟委員會、國際大學生龍舟聯合會四大國際龍舟協會巨頭, 齊聚多倫諾爾, 聯合發表了極其重要的四方“多倫宣言”, 四方首次表示, 將會精誠合作、齊心協力共同促進龍舟項目在全世界普及, 推動龍舟運動進入奧運大家庭, 為中國文化融入世界做出貢獻。

Four magnate of international dragon boat association of International dragon boat federation, international ice dragon boat federation, international Kayaking association and dragon boat committee and international college dragon boat union meet in Duolun Nor, jointly published Duolun declaration of four groups, the four groups expressed for the first time that would cooperate sincerely and cooperate jointly to promote popularization of dragon boat item world-widely, to promote the dragon boat sport join in the Olympics family, to contribute to integrate Chinese culture into the world.

會上, 我們還與國際龍舟聯合會、國際冰上龍舟聯合會簽署了三方“聯合聲明”, 兩大龍舟組織一致認為, 經過廣泛考察, 多倫完全具備夏季水上、冬季冰上龍舟運動條件, 是具備舉辦A類龍舟賽事的理想地區。 三方就今後龍舟運動合作事宜,


We signed the joint declaration of three groups with international dragon boat federation, international ice dragon boat federation, two large associations agreed that Duolun was the ideal district could meet the requirement of sports on water in summer and on ice in winter after extensive investigation, was the ideal district for the Level A dragon boat race.

還有一個重大消息發佈, 昨天我們欣聞, 這次錦標賽得到了2022冬奧會組委會大力支持, 作為支援單位支援比賽, 龍舟、奧運, 奧運、龍舟, 已經有了不期而遇的約定。

We have a significant news that heard of yesterday to publish, we obtained the support of organizing committee of 2022 winter olympics,dragon boat and Olympics ,Olympics and dragon, we have an unexpected agreement.

龍是中華民族的象徵, 我們是龍的傳人!劃龍舟, 是中華民族古老的傳統民俗文化和群眾性娛樂活動。 中國國家主席習近平說, “冰天雪地也是金山銀山”, 中國政府申辦2022年冬奧會時, 也向國際社會作出過鄭重承諾, “3億人參與冰雪運動”。 我們相信, 冰雪旅遊黃金期已經到來, 多倫必將成為冰雪旅遊聖地.

The dragon is the symbol of the Chinese nation,we are the descendants of the dragon! rowing the dragon boat is an traditional chinese folk custom and amass recreational activities . our president Xi jinping said:the ice and snow is also a mountain of fortune, when the government of China bade for the Olympic Games ,also made solemn promise that involved 300million people to participate in the ice and snow sports. We surely believe, the golden time of ice and snow tourism have been coming, duolun will be the holy land of ice and snow tourism.

多倫還具有獨特的地理交通優勢, 我們距離2022年冬奧會滑雪主會場100多公里, 距離首都北京300多公里, 今年通往北京的火車也將正式運行。 距離不是問題,


We still take the advantages of Geography and transportation, we are about more than 100 kilometers from the main ski field of 2022 winter Olympic, about more than 300 kilometers from capital beijing, the train to beijing will run in this year. The distance is not a problem, you can feel the beauty of landscape during you journey.


Let’s wish the first world ice dragon boat championship of the international ice dragon boat federation to achieve complete a success.


Wish all teams to obtain the excellent result


Wish you health, happiness and good luck in everything!

更希望, 這次錦標賽是世界各國朋友喜歡中國、熱愛多倫的開始!

What’s more ,wish championship is a beginning of people around the world like China and duolun!


We are waiting for you on the wild xilin gol league grassland!


We are looking forward to meeting you in charming duolun in the championship next year!

Thank You!

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