

每個人都希望談一場以結婚為目的的戀愛, 兩個人從互相喜歡互相關心, 到確定戀愛關係, 到結婚, 再一起白頭偕老。


★Single 單身

★【你談對象了麼?】英文翻譯:Are you seeing anyone?

★【你咋還單著?你條件這麼好!】英文翻譯:How are you still single? You are such a good catch.

★【你就是太挑剔了!】英文翻譯:You're just too picky.

★Just friends 朋友而已

★A platonic relationship 純精神友誼的

★【我倆是絕對純潔的男女關係。 】英文翻譯:Our relationship is strictly platonic.

★Unrequited love 暗戀

★【愛上一個不會回報你的愛的人。 】英文翻譯:Loving someone who doesn't love you back.

★【一個人對另一人的感情得不到回應。 】英文翻譯:One person has feelings for another that is not reciprocated.

★【我單戀著John。 】英文翻譯:I'm in unrequited love with John.


★【我覺得他喜歡我。 我也挺喜歡他的。 】英文翻譯:I think he's into me. I'm kind of into him too.

★Asked (someone) out 約會

★【有男生主動約我。 】英文翻譯:He asked me out.

★Seeing each other 沒有確認彼此要完全投入這段感情

★【我們正在交往, 不過還不是特別嚴肅那種。 】英文翻譯:We're seeing each other. It's nothing serious, though.

★Dating 戀愛中

★【我們戀愛了。 】英文翻譯:We're dating.

★In a relationship 戀愛中

★【我正在戀愛中。 】英文翻譯:I'm in a relationship.

★Going steady確立關係

★【他倆確立關係8個月了。 】英文翻譯: They've been going steady for 8 months now.

★Get engaged 訂婚

★【Scott和我剛剛訂婚。 】英文翻譯: Scott and I just got engaged!

★【我們已經訂婚了。 】英文翻譯:We're engaged.

★Newlyweds 新婚燕爾

★【我倆剛結婚那陣, 他每週帶花回家。 】英文翻譯:Back when we were newlyweds, he'd bring home flowers once a week.

★Happily married 婚姻幸福

★【我婚姻幸福, 有兩個孩子,

一個男孩, 一個女孩。 】英文翻譯:I'm happily married, with two kids, a boy and a girl.

★Partner 伴侶

★Significant other 另一半、愛人

★【你有另一半了還是單身?】英文翻譯:Do you have a significant other or are you single?


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