

Jeff Goins是一位作家, 演講家, 企業家。 他目前為止出過5本書, 更博超過1000篇, 他分享了自己如何堅持寫作的方法, 希望他的方法對你們也有用。

Most writers struggle with getting their writing done for one surprising reason. They think writing is a one-step process, when in fact, it's a three-step process.

很多寫作者希望自己的文章能夠一蹴而就, 他們認為寫文章是個一步到位的事情, 事實上, 寫作需要三個步驟。

What we call “writing” is actually made up of three distinct activities: coming up with ideas, turning those ideas into drafts, and then editing those drafts into publishable pieces.

我們所謂的“寫作”其實是由三個涇渭分明的模組組成的:靈感乍現, 將靈感變成草稿, 將草稿變成可以出版的作品。

When I decided to become a writer and made the commitment to write 500 words per day, every single day, I quickly ran into the resistance that holds most of us back from doing our work.

那時候我決定成為一名作家, 給自己定了一個每天500字的目標, 然而, 我很快就遇到了大多數寫作者都會遇到的一個困境。

I'd get up early, brew my coffee, and sit down to write. And I'd wait. And wait. And I'd wait for the words to come, but nothing would come quickly. Some days, nothing would come at all.

我早早起床, 沖好咖啡, 坐下來開始寫作。 然後我等啊等, 等那些字句言語能夠蹦出來, 但它們遲遲不肯出現, 有時候乾脆直接缺席。

The minutes would tick by, with me stupidly staring at the cursor, squandering what little time I had before having to go to work. When my writing time was over, I'd pack my stuff up, defeated, and beat myself up for the rest of the day.

時間一分一秒的過去, 我還在傻傻的盯著那個游標閃啊閃, 等著時間流逝, 我不得不去上班了。 寫作時間結束, 我收拾東西出發, 帶著挫折感度過接下來的一天。

Why couldn't I focus?


The truth is most writers struggle with this. Because they believe the myth that writing is one thing. When I realized that coming up with a great idea, writing 500–1,000 words on that idea, and then editing that idea into something I could publish on my blog — all in one sitting — was, in fact, a ridiculous goal.

這是很多寫作者都面臨的一個問題, 原因在於大多數寫作者認為寫作是一件事。 當我有了好的想法, 寫完500到1000字的草稿, 再把它們編輯好發到博客上去的時候, 我突然意識到, 所謂的一步到位式寫作, 事實上是一件荒謬的事情,

I began breaking those activities — ideation, creation, and editing — into three separate actions. And you know what? When you have one goal to accomplish, you are far more productive and focused than when you have three.

我開始把構思過程、創作過程和編輯過程區分為三個不同的版塊。 你知道嗎?當你只有一個目標要實現的時候, 會比你一次要實現三個目標的時候, 效率更高。

Imagine that.


As I did this, writing became easier and easier. I started writing more. I stopped getting writer's block — period. I didn't feel stuck anymore. I knew exactly what I needed to do, and I knew I could do it — so I did.

當我開始實行這個方法後, 寫作變得越來越輕鬆。 我寫得更多, 我跨越了寫作障礙, 我再也沒有卡文的感覺。 我清楚的知道自己需要做什麼, 我也知道自己能夠做得到——我確實做到了。

What resulted was, to my own chagrin, a system. To be honest, I'm not a very organized guy. I wish I were. But the truth is most of my life is messier than I care to admit. But what I've realized is every working writer I know has some sort of system to get the work done.

這樣做的結果, 就是形成了我自己的一套寫作系統。 老實說, 我不是一個井井有條的人, 雖然我希望自己是, 但我的生活大多時候混亂到自己都不想承認。 我意識到, 我認識的每一位元勤勞的作家, 他們都有一套可行的寫作系統。

A system doesn't have to be complicated or confusing. It just has to work. To quote my friend Tim Grahl, a system is just a way of doing something that gets you a predictable result every time. Like, putting your keys in the same place every day after work (which I only recently started doing).

這樣的一套系統不必複雜難懂, 它只要行得通就成。 引用我朋友Tim Grahl的一句話就是, 系統就是每天説明你在某事上達到預期效果的一種方法。 比如, 每天下班回家後把鑰匙都放在同一個地方(我也是最近才開始這麼做)。

Below is my system, and maybe it'll work for you, too. I call it: The Three-Bucket System. And it's how I get my writing done.

以下就是我的寫作系統, 也許它對你也會有所幫助, 我把它稱為:三步寫作法。 這就是我能堅持寫下去的原因。

Bucket #1: Ideas


All throughout the day, I capture ideas using an app called Drafts that syncs with Evernote.

That's the first bucket: ideas.

每一天, 我都會把捕捉到的靈感記錄在一個叫Drafts的app上,

它會同步到Evernote上。 這就是第一步:記錄靈感。

(咱們不一定非得用他用的app啦, 選擇自己用的慣的就成)

I have a whole folder full of them for when I'm feeling dry in the creativity department.

我有一個資料夾, 滿滿的都是我的各種靈感想法, 當我才思枯竭的時候就派上了大用場。

You can use a notebook for this as well. The tool doesn't matter, as long as you aren't just hanging onto all those ideas in your brain. Don't trust that operating system. It will fail you.

You must capture ideas in a place where you can return to them later when your memory fails you.

你也可以用筆記本把它們記下來, 工具並不重要, 只要別只是把它們記在腦子裡就成。 別太相信你的大腦, 它會令你失望的。 你必須把你的靈感想法記錄下來, 當你的記憶力出賣你的時候, 你依然可以把它們找回來。

Bucket #2: Drafts


Then, when it's time for me to write (usually in the morning), I'll pull an idea out from the first bucket and start writing, usually around 500 words in one session. This process makes it easier to just start writing because I don't have to think about what I'm going to write — I already have a prompt.

然後, 到了我每天早晨的寫作時間, 我會從第一步所記錄的靈感裡找一個開始寫, 通常是寫500字。 這一步驟變得很輕鬆, 你只要開始寫就好了, 而不是費力思考到底要寫什麼——畢竟我是有“溫馨提示”的人啊。

The ideas I collect function as prompts for me, but this is not just a writing exercise. It's work. I never write something without the intent of publishing it.This is what my friend Marion calls “writing with intent.” The best practice is the kind done in public, and the best writing is the stuff you intend to publish.


但這不僅僅是一次寫作訓練。 它是作品。 我每次寫作都是帶著要發表的目的而寫。 正如我朋友Marion所說的“帶著目標寫作”。 最好的練習是是把作品公之於眾, 而你最好的作品就是那些你想發表的文章。

Once I've written about 500 words on my idea, I save it as a draft in Scrivener (if I'm working on a book) or in Byword (if it's a blog post). Again, these are the tools I use. They don't matter as much as the method.

一旦我寫完500字, 就把他們保存到Scrivener(如果是寫書的話)或Byword(如果是博文的話)。 重申一下, 這些只是我慣用的工具而已, 重要的是方法而不是工具。

This is the second bucket: drafts.


At any given time, I have a whole bunch of half-finished chapters and blog posts on my computer begging to be edited and completed.

無論什麼時候, 我電腦裡都存著一大堆半成品文章或博文, 在等著最後的編輯和完成。

This is not an overwhelming feeling. It's an empowering one, because when it's time to edit, I get to choose what I want to work on. I don't have to come up with an idea or “just write.”

這種感覺一點都不沉重, 反而還棒棒噠。 因為到了完成作品的時候, 我選一個出來進行最後的編輯就好了。 我不用再費心想什麼點子, 也不用再寫。

The point of this system is to think as little as possible and just do the next thing.


Bucket #3: Edits


Finally, I pull out one of those half-completed drafts and edit it. I'll polish up the flow and sentence structure and of course, check for grammar and spelling.


At this point, the piece isn't perfect, but it's at least 90% done. I'll either schedule it for a blog post or tuck it away in another folder called “Finished pieces” on my computer.


This is the third bucket: edits.


These are pieces of writing that are more or less ready for the world to see. The next step is to share them with an editor or publisher or post to my blog. Again, I don't write anything just for fun. It all has a purpose.


This is what professionals do. They write for an audience, always with the intent of publishing. Anything less than that will result in something that isn't your best work.


Putting it together


So here's how this works in practice. But a quick word: if you're just beginning, you'll really need two days to get the system fully running.


1. Collect Ideas


Today, as you go on with the rest of your day, grab any ideas that come to you and capture them in a notebook or on an app that you can easily return to later. Shoot for five ideas. Write down a sentence or a phrase. Just enough to save the idea.


2. Write and Save


Tomorrow, when it's time to write (say, in the morning, or whenever works for you), pull one of those ideas out of that first bucket.


I find that certain ideas speak to me, call to me even, and I try to listen to that voice. But sometimes, I just pick one. Typically, I choose the one that either most excites me or represents a deadline I have to meet.


When you're done, put this piece in the “drafts” folder and save it for later. Then today, you're done.


3. Edit and Publish


The day after, return to yesterday's draft and edit it. Then move it to bucket three, maybe even publish it on your blog or wherever. Then go to bucket one to pull out a new idea and start writing again.


Do this every day, and you'll never run out of writing topics. You'll never run out of things to edit and publish. You'll never have writer's block again.


As long as you remember: writing is not one thing. It's three things. So that's my system.


Give it a try, see how it works.






The point of this system is to think as little as possible and just do the next thing.


Bucket #3: Edits


Finally, I pull out one of those half-completed drafts and edit it. I'll polish up the flow and sentence structure and of course, check for grammar and spelling.


At this point, the piece isn't perfect, but it's at least 90% done. I'll either schedule it for a blog post or tuck it away in another folder called “Finished pieces” on my computer.


This is the third bucket: edits.


These are pieces of writing that are more or less ready for the world to see. The next step is to share them with an editor or publisher or post to my blog. Again, I don't write anything just for fun. It all has a purpose.


This is what professionals do. They write for an audience, always with the intent of publishing. Anything less than that will result in something that isn't your best work.


Putting it together


So here's how this works in practice. But a quick word: if you're just beginning, you'll really need two days to get the system fully running.


1. Collect Ideas


Today, as you go on with the rest of your day, grab any ideas that come to you and capture them in a notebook or on an app that you can easily return to later. Shoot for five ideas. Write down a sentence or a phrase. Just enough to save the idea.


2. Write and Save


Tomorrow, when it's time to write (say, in the morning, or whenever works for you), pull one of those ideas out of that first bucket.


I find that certain ideas speak to me, call to me even, and I try to listen to that voice. But sometimes, I just pick one. Typically, I choose the one that either most excites me or represents a deadline I have to meet.


When you're done, put this piece in the “drafts” folder and save it for later. Then today, you're done.


3. Edit and Publish


The day after, return to yesterday's draft and edit it. Then move it to bucket three, maybe even publish it on your blog or wherever. Then go to bucket one to pull out a new idea and start writing again.


Do this every day, and you'll never run out of writing topics. You'll never run out of things to edit and publish. You'll never have writer's block again.


As long as you remember: writing is not one thing. It's three things. So that's my system.


Give it a try, see how it works.





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