

你問我愛你有多深, 我說不出來, 只知道你已成為我生活的習慣, 不可缺少的習慣, 每夜每天, 可以不吃飯、不睡覺, 卻無法不想你。 今天, wed114結婚網小編為大家帶來深情的英文表白句子大全, 分享浪漫到哭的英文情書。

【小編推薦】最文藝的英文表白句子 英文表白句子十字以內

1、我真想變成你的手機:永遠被你握在手裡, 經常聽到你的心語, 還能拍下你看到的美麗, 時時把我記在心裡。

I really want to become your phone: always to be hold in your hand, often hear your Xinyu, can take you to see the beautiful, and always put the I in mind.

2、誠征女友:性格跟你一樣, 相貌和你雷同, 外型與你如出一轍, 可愛與你不相上下, 給我感覺和你分毫不差!

Girlfriend wanted: character, like you, and you looks identical, appearance and you run in the same groove, lovely roughly the same with you, I feel you perfectness.

3、我一生中最幸運的兩件事:一件是時間終於將我對你的愛消耗殆盡;一件是很久很久以前有一天, 我遇見你。

The luckiest thing in my life two things: one is the time finally my love for you, one is long, long time ago, one day, I met you.

4、好想牽著你的手, 幸福道路一起走;好想摟著你的腰, 從此快樂又逍遙;好想親親你的臉, 我們相伴到永遠!

I really want to hold your hand, walk along the road of happiness, really want to hug your waist, from now on happy and free and unfettered; good want to kiss your face, we accompany forever!

5、回想起我們在一起的日子, 我就忍不住一陣陣的心痛不是曾經說好了不要分開的嗎?你怎麼忍心就這樣丟下我一個?

Back to think of us together, I can't help but a burst of heartache not once said good not to separate it? How could you have the heart to leave me like this?

6、有了短信之後, 思念便變得伸手可及起來, 至少此刻的你, 知道我正在想你, 知道有一份因相思而起的痛, 在我心裡。

After a short message, miss will become hand and up, at least at the moment of you, know that I am thinking of you, know that there is a love from the pain, in my heart.

7、如果是真愛就不要放手, 錢沒有了還可以在賺感情沒了, 一輩子也追不回來!請珍惜你身邊的人,勿忘否則後悔的是你自己!

If it is true love, do not let go, no money can also be in the feelings of the lost, a lifetime will not come back! Please cherish the people around you, do not forget or regret is your own!

8、愛你, 卻不能與你長相廝守, 這是一種痛苦;等你, 卻不知道結局, 這是一種無奈;求此刻能擁有你, 求此生能與你在一起。

Love you, but can not with you together, this is a pain; so you do not know the outcome, this is a kind of helpless; for now to have you, for life can together with you.

9、走在漆黑的夜裡, 沒有說再見, 怕你聽到我嗚咽的聲音, 沒有回頭, 怕你看見我滑落的淚滴, 漆黑的夜裡我聽見心碎的聲音。

Walking in the dark night, didn't say goodbye. If you hear me cry sound, there is no turning back, afraid you see slide off my tears, in the dark of the night I hear the brokenhearted sound.

10、即便互相傷害, 我們也不會加濕機分開, 只要兩人在一起, 儘管有時會受傷,

傷口總會癒合的, 因為我聽的見他心裡的聲音。

Even hurt each other, we will not be separated from the humidifier, as long as two people together, although sometimes hurt, the wound will heal, because I hear the voice of his heart.

11、你似乎咫尺又遙遠, 每次都是擦肩而過, 淡淡的樣子, 飄逸的頭髮, 像心弦地波亂對你的心思。 想對你說, 愛你, 是一生一世。

You seem very close and distant, every time pass by, the faint look, flowing hair, such as chord surface wave chaos in your mind. Want to say to you, love you, is one's whole life.

12、靜靜的電話陪著呆呆的燈光, 孤獨的胸膛擁著冰冷的臂膀。 透過洞穿的雙眼只見一顆固執的心, 依然倔強地等待著你愛的迴響。

Silent phone with the dull lights, lonely chest holding the cold arms. Through the past eyes saw a stubborn heart, still stubborn echoes of love waiting for you.

13、這個世界上, 也許有人比我更優秀, 但沒人比我更懂你;也許有人比我更適合你, 但沒人比我更愛你;我永遠是陪你一生的人!

There may be people who are better than me in this world, but no one knows you better than me; maybe someone will suit you better than me, but no one will love you more than I do; I'll always be the one to accompany you!


In the busy work, please accept my most sincere sincerity and blessing; I wish to eliminate the work of the day to work to bring the fatigue; may happiness and happiness with you every day of life.

15、因為有你, 我變得充滿活力;因為有你, 我改變了生活方式;因為有你, 我的生活更加精彩!不敢想像沒有你世界會變成什麼樣。

Because of you, I become full of vitality; because of you, I have changed the way of life; because of you, my life is more exciting! Can't imagine what the world would be like without you.


16、時間見證著愛的點滴, 空間彌漫著相思的努力, 心跳改變自從見你那天起, 愛你的情節充盈這條資訊, 願幸福屬於我和最愛的你。

Time to witness the love of intravenous drip, space filled with the effort of Acacia, heart rate changes since seeing you that day, love your plot filling this information, may happiness belong to me and love you.

17、你像明鏡, 今生跟你已註定;你像花朵, 愛你愛到沒處躲;你像綠水, 我的愛只對你追;你像藍天, 一見你就瘋癲。 愛你, 愛你!

You like a mirror, this life with you has been doomed; you like flowers, love you love to have no place to hide; you like green, I love only for you chase; you like the blue sky, I see you mad. Love you, love you!

18、相思為你流浪, 築起愛的城牆, 無論你身在何方, 總有心兒嚮往。 期盼與你成雙, 打造愛的天堂, 不管末日在前方, 愛意依然萬丈。

Lovesickness is you wandering, build the walls of love, no matter where you are, there is always yearning heart. Look forward to working with you to create, the love of heaven, no matter in the front end, love is still a.

19、緣份是前世臨終時感情的延續, 緣份是此生輪回前不變的誓言, 緣分是你我曾說過的幸福約定, 緣份是再做人時還能相遇的美好夢想!

Fate is when preexistence is mortal feeling of continuity, fate is the life cycle of the same oath, fate is happy agreement that we ever had said, the fate is to life can meet the beautiful dream!

20、花兒朵朵開, 朵朵有人愛, 要愛愛一朵,

不要朵朵愛, 實在朵朵愛, 只好躲著愛, 不能朵朵躲, 只需躲一朵, 實在沒得躲, 多朵就多朵。

Open flowers were blossoming blossoming with love, to love a flower, blossoming don't love, really blossoming love, had to hide the love, not blossoming hide, only to hide a flower, there is really no hiding, the flower is old.

21、本人姓我, 名愛你, 字想你, 號戀你, 學名疼你, 乳名念你, 筆名夢你, 大名懂你, 外號追你, 威名泡你, 其實我的真名是逗你!哈哈!

My name is I, who love you. The word to you, love you, scientific name hurts you, read your pet name, pseudonym of your dreams, the name you know, after your nickname Wal - Mart bubble you, in fact, my real name is teasing you! ha-ha!

22、你是自由翱翔的海鳥, 我是不起眼的小島。 累了, 你可以在我這兒歇歇腳;餓了, 可以在我這兒尋找你所需要。 其實除了你, 我啥都不要!

Are you free flying seabirds, I was a humble island. Tired, you can rest here in my feet; hungry, you can find what you need here. In fact, in addition to you, I nothing!

23、清風, 是我雙手, 陽光, 是我的懷抱, 星星是我的眼睛, 細雨是我的思念, 經緯牽線, 白雲搭橋, 短信送來我的心聲, 親愛的, 我想你拉!

Wind is my hands, the sun is in my arms, the stars are my eyes, the rain is my thoughts, latitude and longitude to pull strings, Baiyun bypass, text messages sent my heart, dear, I want to pull you!

24、收此資訊你就是喜歡我了, 刪除你就是暗戀我了, 回資訊你就是想嫁我了, 不回則答應嫁給我, 修改就死都是我的人, 儲存則下輩子都歸我。

You just like me to receive this information, delete you is like me, and back to the information you want to marry me, not back then promised to marry me, I will be modified to die, save the life of my life is to me.

25、當你不在我身邊, 才忽然發覺你之於我的重要性, 沒有你的夜真的好寂寞,好漫長,每天想你,想你千遍也不厭倦,每一次想念都讓我心顫。

When you are not in my side, I suddenly found you in my importance, not your night is really good lonely, good long, every day I miss you, I think you are not tired of a thousand times, every time I miss the heart.


Miss you, miss you! If the passionate refreshing breeze, please bring my thoughts of you, care you for my life's time. If graceful white cloud knows, please take away my love for you, the generation after generations is willing with you together!


I found that I a moment also cannot do without you, really want to hold a cup of wine, drunk for you! Pick up a bouquet of flowers, bless you! With a sincere heart to say: I love you!


Now every day wake up and opened my eyes to see is the mobile phone that you like the sun like smile, really want to wake up someday, touched on first glance is real you that like to spend like a sweet Shuirong...


You ask me how much I love you, I can not say it, just know that you have become a habit of my life, indispensable habit, night every day, can not eat and sleep, but can not you.




When you are not in my side, I suddenly found you in my importance, not your night is really good lonely, good long, every day I miss you, I think you are not tired of a thousand times, every time I miss the heart.


Miss you, miss you! If the passionate refreshing breeze, please bring my thoughts of you, care you for my life's time. If graceful white cloud knows, please take away my love for you, the generation after generations is willing with you together!


I found that I a moment also cannot do without you, really want to hold a cup of wine, drunk for you! Pick up a bouquet of flowers, bless you! With a sincere heart to say: I love you!


Now every day wake up and opened my eyes to see is the mobile phone that you like the sun like smile, really want to wake up someday, touched on first glance is real you that like to spend like a sweet Shuirong...


You ask me how much I love you, I can not say it, just know that you have become a habit of my life, indispensable habit, night every day, can not eat and sleep, but can not you.



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