

近日, 出租女友這一消息再次刷爆各大網路。 春節即將到來, 不少單身人士也準備回家過年了, 但是單身回家總好像缺失點什麼東西!!沒錯, 缺的就是男/女朋友了!瞧瞧現在的共用單車、共用汽車、共用酒店、共用健身房什麼的, 為什麼就就偏偏少了個靠譜的共用男/女友?

Marriage is an issue that's unavoidable and inescapable in China where it is often considered de rigueur for people, especially women, to get married by the time they are 27.




圖片源自網路, 版權屬於原作者

這不, 程式猿租女友被騙的消息就出來了!北京的一程式猿小哥為避免春節被逼婚, 於是就上網租女友。 搜羅了各大租友網站後, 小哥就在網站上租了個“女友”, 直接網上付款100元之後, 小哥就順利加到了妹子的微信。 都談好了各種出租事宜, 就差正式見面了。 後面小哥就約了妹子準備見面, 誰知妹子說距離太遠了, 你得先付個路費。 小哥心想, 反正都已經預定了,

也不差這路費了, 直接微信轉了200元路費給妹子。 誰知道, 微信轉帳之後, 小哥就被妹子拉黑了!!!後面心情抑鬱的小哥就去找網站退錢, 然而網站卻拒絕退款, 而且還態度惡劣的把小哥直接刪了。

After this nominal age, single men and women are referred to as 'leftover' - a mar on their social status. Parents, family friends and even strangers will often and frequently ask whether someone is in a relationship, with the pressure particularly intense during national holidays such as Chinese New Year.





吃了個悶虧的小哥, 決定把這件租女友這坑爹的事件經過分享出來, 給想租男/女友的網友們一個警戒。 誰知道網友們紛紛表示:不同情小哥!自己做程式猿都被套路了?你就當交智商稅了吧!

看完小哥一波三折的出租女友經歷, 大家是不是也會好奇歪果仁有沒有這樣的“共用女友”服務呢?還真別說, 原來歪果仁在早幾年就玩起了租女友的服務了!阿卡索小編帶大家來盤點盤點那些奇葩的出租女友服務。



眾所周知, 日本一直是個先進的國家, 出租女友?這有什麼難的, 早在幾年前日本的租女友服務就已經相當成熟了。 只需進入到日本網站預約, 挑選一位自己喜歡的女孩作為對象後,

就能獲得這位女孩的公司信箱了。 而且做了初步認識之後, 就可以直接討論實際約會的內容。 不過, 單身狗們還是得看緊自己的錢包, 日本的出租女友服務一小時就要4500日元了, 最長可出租5小時, 也就是要19500日元。 不過, 如果出租的女友喜歡你的話, 下一次約會你就不需要支付額外的負擔2000日元了。 相對的, 如果女孩不喜歡你, 下次你再出租的費用會更高哦!

Whatever the case, there are guys out there who feel lost when it comes to showing a lady a good time. To those men, we recommend “Moé Date”, a new Japanese dating service where you can rent a girlfriend for a day of real simulated romance. What better way to get back in the game than with a little warm up, right fellas?

That said, we sent one of our own dried-up correspondents, Daiichiro Tashiro, on a three hour Moé Date to find out if the service could reignite the flame of passion that once burned in his heart.

圖片源自網路, 版權屬於原作者


說到國外女友肯定就不能忘了老美了!前兩年美國就已經興起了“職業女友”服務啦!想知道職業女友到底提供了什麼服務?美國的職業女友可以陪雇主看電影、泡溫泉spa、還能陪吃飯玩遊戲。 不過, 職業女友的收費也是相當高昂的, 月光族的不用想了......單單陪散步的職業女友, 可能就要支付2萬美刀了。 不過, 不少的美國“職業女友”表示, 即使退出這個行業, 還是會和之前的雇主保持聯繫。 這個行業除了收入高, 能得到一些音樂會、娛樂場所的門票, 也能因此認識很多可能對自己有利的人。近幾年來歐美國家的“甜心寶貝”也是讓不少外國妹子傾情入駐的……

No matter where you live, all you have to do is enter the location you wish to search on the Friend search page. Once you choose the location of where you are looking to find a new Friend, you will instantly see available Friends that are located in that area. You can view their photos, read their profiles and see what they are interested in for FREE.






Thai culture is quite different from the Western culture when it comes to relationships. One of the differences is that a Thai girl often gets married for security over love. And even more so when marrying a foreigner. Love can come over time, and it can grow very strong. A Thai girl may be the best wife you could ever want, but most relationships between a Thai girl and a western man start out of convenience for the girl. A Thai girl looks for stability and a man that can take care of her and to some degree her family.







No matter where you live, all you have to do is enter the location you wish to search on the Friend search page. Once you choose the location of where you are looking to find a new Friend, you will instantly see available Friends that are located in that area. You can view their photos, read their profiles and see what they are interested in for FREE.






Thai culture is quite different from the Western culture when it comes to relationships. One of the differences is that a Thai girl often gets married for security over love. And even more so when marrying a foreigner. Love can come over time, and it can grow very strong. A Thai girl may be the best wife you could ever want, but most relationships between a Thai girl and a western man start out of convenience for the girl. A Thai girl looks for stability and a man that can take care of her and to some degree her family.






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