

近日, 前俄羅斯體操國家隊運動員——格裡什娜, 公開向俄媒求助:無家可歸、身無分文。

Anastasia Grishina, 是2012年倫敦奧運體操女團銀牌成員之一。

1996年1月16日出生的她, 很幸運地在自己剛滿16周歲那年參加了奧運會。 很幸運地拿到了奧運銀牌。 也獲得了大筆獎金和豪車。












Oh my God, that’s so sad! It’s a very long story, but basically Anastasia Grishina herself sent a letter to the newspaper asking for help after her mother, father and brothers took all her money and how now she has nowhere to live.

Nastya was underage when, after the Olympics, she received a car and prize money, so she trusted her mother with it. She had a lot of trouble with getting her mother to give her money for an apartment after getting married and having a child, and it was then when she finally found out the big amunt of money she had earned as a gymnast (salaries, prize money for competitions, cars), but of that amount, almost nothing was left, as her family had took them all. She finally bought an apartment, but her mother made her buy it in her own name or else she wouldn’t give her money to, under the excuse that this way, her husband can’t claim it, but after several fights with her mother who ended up living with them anyway, she left the apartment and her mother changed the locks. She now has no right to the apartment she bought, nor has any money. Her husband works, but most money go on renting a place and she’s looking for a job despite having an 8 month old baby.

She found out that all these years her family has been living off the money she earned and now that the money’s over, they kicked her out and her family is threatening her to shut up about it. The most heartbreaking part is her saying she knows her family never loved her, but she says she has to do this even if she’ll become even more of an outcast for them, as she needs money to raise her son and to find a place to live.











Oh my God, that’s so sad! It’s a very long story, but basically Anastasia Grishina herself sent a letter to the newspaper asking for help after her mother, father and brothers took all her money and how now she has nowhere to live.

Nastya was underage when, after the Olympics, she received a car and prize money, so she trusted her mother with it. She had a lot of trouble with getting her mother to give her money for an apartment after getting married and having a child, and it was then when she finally found out the big amunt of money she had earned as a gymnast (salaries, prize money for competitions, cars), but of that amount, almost nothing was left, as her family had took them all. She finally bought an apartment, but her mother made her buy it in her own name or else she wouldn’t give her money to, under the excuse that this way, her husband can’t claim it, but after several fights with her mother who ended up living with them anyway, she left the apartment and her mother changed the locks. She now has no right to the apartment she bought, nor has any money. Her husband works, but most money go on renting a place and she’s looking for a job despite having an 8 month old baby.

She found out that all these years her family has been living off the money she earned and now that the money’s over, they kicked her out and her family is threatening her to shut up about it. The most heartbreaking part is her saying she knows her family never loved her, but she says she has to do this even if she’ll become even more of an outcast for them, as she needs money to raise her son and to find a place to live.

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