

米老鼠、天線寶寶、小豬佩琪……這些都是大家耳熟能詳的動畫片。 但是你能想到, 有人利用這些兒童動畫做出令人髮指的事情嗎?

比如, 幾次在工作郵箱裡收到詭異的兒童視頻, 公司高管在集體觀看虐童視頻後被辭退……然後, 他又發現自己五歲的侄女在 YouTube 上觀看他之前所在公司製作的動畫片。 仔細瞭解才知道, 這些都是以兒童熟悉的卡通人物包裝的, 帶有血腥暴力或軟色情內容、甚至虐童的動畫或真人小短片。


“在YouTube Kids裡, 這些令人震驚的視頻逃脫了過濾機制”

自從2015年初YouTube Kids面世以來, 家長和孩子們蜂擁而至。 這款App每週觀眾超過1100萬人次, 擁有不計其數的視頻片段, 其中包括迪士尼和 Nickelodeon(尼克國際兒童頻道)中最受歡迎的內容。 同時, 該App經過YouTube主站的自動過濾, 本應該只有對兒童友善的內容。

Parents and children have flocked to YouTube Kids since it was introduced in early 2015. The app’s more than 11 million weekly viewers are drawn in by its seemingly infinite supply of clips, including those from popular shows by Disney and Nickelodeon, and the knowledge that the app is supposed to contain only child-friendly content that has been automatically filtered from the main YouTube site.

但是App中同樣還有著陰暗的角落, 這些對孩子們產生嚴重影響的不良視頻, 或是意外避開過濾機制, 或是有意欺騙了Youtube Kids的演算法, 從而呈現在孩子們面前。

But the app contains dark corners, too, as videos that are disturbing for children slip past its filters, either by mistake or because bad actors have found ways to fool the YouTube Kids algorithms.

這類視頻被統稱為“Elsagate”, 看福布斯網站給出的定義:

Elsagate類視頻很容易辨別:成本極低、製作粗糙、使用盜版迪士尼人物形象, 舉止怪誕。

Videos that fall under the category of “Elsagate” are easy to recognize. They’re all extremely low-budget, low-effort, and populated with unlicensed Disney characters behaving oddly.

有些是真人出鏡, 有些是動畫片。 大部分的主角是蜘蛛俠和冰雪公主艾爾莎, 其中的對話含混、行為荒謬。

Some are live-action, some are animated. The vast majority seem to feature Spiderman and Elsa together. Most are a mess of garbled dialogue and nonsensical activity.


自上世紀70年代導致尼克森總統辭職的“水門事件”以來, 諸多醜聞大都被冠以-gate尾碼。

去年11月底, YouTube曾發表聲明, 確認“終止了270個帳戶並刪除了超過15萬條視頻”, “關閉了62.5萬條針對兒童的視頻下評論”, 以及“刪除了偽裝成家庭友好型內容的近200萬條視頻和超過5萬個頻道的廣告 ”。

In a statement, YouTube confirmed that it had "terminated more than 270 accounts and removed over 150,000 videos", "turned off comments on more than 625,000 videos targeted by child predators" and "removed ads from nearly 2 million videos and over 50,000 channels masquerading as family-friendly content".


英文中,cult可以指邪教,或者狂熱的獻身或崇拜,慣用搭配為"cult of sth/sb"(對……的狂熱)。在電影界,Cult Film是指那些在小圈子內被支持者喜愛及推崇的電影,也可稱為非主流電影或另類電影。


Chinese video websites have said they will delete or block videos with inappropriate content disguised as popular cartoons from the U.S., media reported on Sunday.

The statement came after an article in Sina Weibo last Tuesday drew attention to Elsagate, a trend in which seemingly innocent animation and reality show videos that actually involve bloody, pornographic and violent content were uploaded to YouTube.



In a statement, YouTube confirmed that it had "terminated more than 270 accounts and removed over 150,000 videos", "turned off comments on more than 625,000 videos targeted by child predators" and "removed ads from nearly 2 million videos and over 50,000 channels masquerading as family-friendly content".


英文中,cult可以指邪教,或者狂熱的獻身或崇拜,慣用搭配為"cult of sth/sb"(對……的狂熱)。在電影界,Cult Film是指那些在小圈子內被支持者喜愛及推崇的電影,也可稱為非主流電影或另類電影。


Chinese video websites have said they will delete or block videos with inappropriate content disguised as popular cartoons from the U.S., media reported on Sunday.

The statement came after an article in Sina Weibo last Tuesday drew attention to Elsagate, a trend in which seemingly innocent animation and reality show videos that actually involve bloody, pornographic and violent content were uploaded to YouTube.



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