

愛迪達要出3D列印鞋啦!日前, 愛迪達透露, 愛迪達與Carbon公司合作, 使用連續不間斷的液態3D列印技術, 不久將可以批量生產Futurecraft 4D運動鞋。 這種獨特的列印技術利用紫外線將液態樹脂聚合物固化為精美的格子鞋底, 為客戶定制個性化鞋子。

Adidas just debuted its newest shoe -- which has a 3D-printed sole. 愛迪達日前亮出了它的最新款運動鞋, 這款鞋的鞋底是3D列印出來的。

The German company said 5,000 of the "Futurecraft 4D" shoes will be available at retail stores in the fall and winter. It plans to start mass producing them next year and expects to have made more than 100,000 pairs by the end of 2018. The company would not disclose where the shoes will be manufactured. 這家德國公司稱, 今年秋冬, 愛迪達零售店將供應5000雙Futurecraft 4D運動鞋。 公司計畫明年量產, 並且預計到2018年底, 該鞋產量將超過10萬雙。 不過他們並不打算透露產地。

Adidas (ADDDF) partnered with Silicon Valley-based startup Carbon to create the shoe, which uses a new technology called digital light synthesis. 愛迪達此次與矽谷的初創企業Carbon合作開發, 而Carbon此次會採用一項名為數位光照合成的新技術。

3D printed materials are often rigid or malleable and wouldn't work well for a shoe. But with Carbon's technology, the material is springy and able to bounce back almost instantaneously. 3D列印出來的材料通常不易彎曲, 或者是容易變形, 所以該技術不適用於造鞋。 不過有了Carbon公司的這個技術, 列印出來的材料更有彈性, 彎折後能夠迅速恢復原狀。

The technology works by using UV lasers to project a pattern for a midsole liquid. The light turns the liquid into a solid and the result is a flexible, but durable, midsole. 製作鞋底夾層的液體倒入後, 該技術會用紫外鐳射給鞋底塑形。

鐳射會凝固液體, 使其形成有彈力而且耐久的鞋底。

The technology could save time and money in the production process and will allow for greater customization. 該技術縮短了製造時間, 節省了製造成本, 而且還能為客戶提供更好的定制服務。

"We can produce ... up to 100 times faster than other 3D printing and additive manufacturing processes," an Adidas spokesperson told CNNTech. 愛迪達的發言人對美國有線電視新聞網科技頻道的記者說:“我們的生產速度可以比其他3D列印和增材製造的速度快上100倍。 ”

Eventually, Adidas plans to use the technology to customize shoes for individual consumers. 最後, 愛迪達還打算運用該技術為客戶定制運動鞋。

"In the long run, we will be able to provide each athlete with bespoke performance products tailored to their individual physiological data and needs on demand," the spokesperson said. 愛迪達發言人說:“從長遠來看, 我們以後就能根據每一位元運動員的個人身體資料和需求量身定制高性能產品了。 ”

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