

人家花錢輸出培訓, 我們花錢引進大爺!

1月22日訊 沙特體育總局與西班牙職業足球聯盟正式宣佈合作, 來自沙特的9名球員將租借至西班牙俱樂部效力半年時間, 為世界盃做準備。

該合作在去年10月首次公佈, 來自西甲第一、二、三級別的聯賽的7家俱樂部將租借9名阿拉伯球員, 租借期為6個月, 讓這些球員在西班牙能夠進一步提高技能水準。

此前西甲俱樂部組織球探, 花費多月時間前往沙特尋找合適的球員, 最終包括3名國腳在內的9名球員得到青睞。 薩利姆-阿爾道薩里、法赫德-穆瓦拉德、雅希亞-薩哈裡將加盟西甲俱樂部萊加內斯、萊萬特、比利亞雷亞爾, 其他球員加盟第二級別球隊和青年隊。

沙特體育總局主席在接受採訪時表示:“足球是沙特最受歡迎的運動, 我們致力於讓年輕球員有機會實現他們的目標, 在高水準聯賽有踢球的機會, 我們將提升沙特足球的水準,

創造出新一代的足球運動員。 ”


The General Sports Authority (GSA) of Saudi Arabia, the Saudi Arabian Football federation (SAFF) andLaLiga, the internationally renowned Spanish football league, today announced key next steps in their partnership to grow the game of football in Saudi Arabia.

First announced in October, the multi-year partnership has multiple elements including an academy partnership and a talent scouting initiative for young footballers in Saudi Arabia.

At an event in Riyadh today seven clubs from LaLiga Santander and LaLiga 1│2│3, the first and second division of Spain’s professional football competition, respectively, announced that they will take 9 players from Saudi Arabia on loan. These loan agreements, for an initial period of six months, allow these players to further develop their skills training and playing in Spain.

The incorporation of players from Saudi Arabia in the Spanish clubs follows a rigorous scouting program that spanned multiple months to identify the best talent. Players coming to Spain include three players from Saudi Arabia’s national team that were instrumental in their nation qualifying for the 2018 FIFA World Cup: Salem Al Dawsari, Fahad Mowallad and Yahia Sahari. They will join teams of Spanish first division clubs. Other talent coming to Spain will join second division and youth teams.

"Football is the most popular sport in Saudi Arabia. Along with the Saudi football federation we are committed to give the youth the chance to achieve their objectives and play football at the highest level possible," said H.E. Turky Al-Alsheikh, chairman of the General Sport Authority of Saudi Arabia. "It is GSA’s ongoing and long-term objective to develop football and elevating its level in the kingdom while also creating the new generation of footballers."

For the Spanish clubs, adding players from Saudi Arabia not only expands their squads, it also means addedexposure in the Arab world. LaLiga already is the most popular international league in the region, the incorporation of players from Saudi Arabia in both first and second division clubs is sure to increase the audience and expand commercial opportunities.

As part of the agreement with LaLiga, SAFF is also working to create local football academies in Saudi Arabia under the brand, technical supervision, and expertise of LaLiga. It aims to provide the best football training methods to young Saudi players allowing them to attain sufficient skills through a long term training process. It also aims to work with football coaches across the country to develop coaching skills and methodologies over the coming years.

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