


本人語言培訓12年經驗告訴你一件事, 那就是和老外, 尤其是跟黑人談過戀愛的絕對不能交往。 理由如下:中國在對外國人辦簽證時不會強制檢查外國人是否有愛滋病。 這是聯合國規定不能歧視愛滋病患者的一項決議。 愛滋病有的人潛伏期非常長。 你想想那些和老外談過戀愛又分手的女孩被感染的幾率還是非常高的(外國人一般不會有安全措施)。 有的女孩面容較好身材苗條, 但是, 呵呵!你懂得...生命誠可貴, 愛情價更高?扯淡!我周圍好多老實的單身的找物件都會問女的是否和老外談過的。

那個病萬一感染到你身上, 你一輩子就廢了!接盤俠不能這樣去接盤!

According to my language learning experiences for 12 years, I'd like to share with you some significant info, which means those girls who have ever dated with foreigners, are not proper to step into marriage with you. Reasons are as follows: It is not compulsory to determine whether travelers from other countries to China have already got HIV before being permitted to come to our country through medical checks cos UN has made a deal with its members, including China in case that there would be some kind of discrimination. Before the HIV symtom shows itself, there would be a long time. You can imagine how the possibilities of those girls' getting infected are going to be after their breaking up with white or black boyfriends as so many motherfucking foreign guys never use condoms. Can any of you take such huge risks to have a girl who ever had a lover from another country? Forget that and save youself and your parents once in your lifetime from those girls.

2. 婚前做過人流的女孩

人流, 一種某些人認為是謀殺的行為。 我不是說做過人流的女孩不好, 畢竟這種事男女都有過錯。 但不公平的就是男方身體上沒有任何傷害。

女方那身子骨可受罪了。 你想想你的對象和你談戀愛時為之前的男友做過人流的。 那你們的生育會不會受到影響。 我明確告訴你, 做過人流的女孩生孩子風險要很大一點。

其實現在找女孩處女不處女並不是很重要了。 哪怕之前從事娛樂場所的只要決定好好過日子都可以考慮。

畢竟中國男的比女的多幾千萬。 但唯獨以上兩點任何時候都不能忽視。 一對自己的健康二對後代的負責都是非常重要的。 男人找女人成家一定注意!

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