

Hey guys! Our society is all about becoming more and more effective and convenient in the way we do things. We want to be this way in work, in school, and also in the way we communicate with our friends. In America we don’t use Wechat, we use regular text messaging.

Echo的小夥伴們, 你們好呀~現代社會是越來越高效便捷了, 我們也希望工作、學校、與朋友交流的方式如此高效便捷。 在美國, 我們不用微信, 我們用普通的短信交流。

In our text messaging it is way too inconvenient to write full sentences so a common thing for the younger generation today is to write text and even sometimes speak text language. So today I want to introduce you guys to a list of messages you can use on Wechat for more convenience.

在我們發短信的時候, 我們覺得輸入完整的一句話實在是太麻煩了, 特別是年輕的一代人, 他們更喜歡使用簡潔的短信語言進行交流。 所以, 今天我想向你們介紹一些你們可以在微信發消息時使用的短信縮略語。

1. BRB

This is very common and popular today. BRB means “Be Right Back”, and people not only use it when texting, but they use it in actual conversation when talking to people. I recommend with friends, but only for friends and not with your boss.

“我等下就來”是現在非常常見和受歡迎的短信縮略語, 我們不僅在短信中使用, 還在現實交流中使用。 我指的是朋友之間的交流, 而不是與你的上司。

2. BTW

Basically means “By The Way”, and this is more often used in speech. I think it is because it flows off the tongue better when speaking, but the meaning behind this is if you want to remind someone of something.

BTW基本上指的就是“順便一提”, 這是一個在交流中使用得更為廣泛的短信縮略語。 我認為這樣說比較好發音,



This means “Talk To You Later” and I really don’t know how many times I have seen this when I was texting my friends in America, maybe five hundred times. Also extremely common in texting, but not in speaking.

“稍後回復你”, 我真的記不清我在美國用了多少次這個詞了, 估計有五百次。 當然, 這一般只在短信中使用, 而非現實交流中。

4. IDK

Is short for “I Don't Know.”


5. LOL

This means “Laughing Out Loud”, this may be very confusing to your friends, as it was to many of my friends in China when I wrote this in a text message. Most of them thought I was talking about “League of Legends.” This is extremely popular; I use it today even in China. This one you just have to be mindful of who you are talking to.

“放聲大笑”, 這個詞在中國發短信的時候使用會讓朋友感到不解, 因為大多數時候他們都以為我在說“英雄聯盟”。 這是個使用率非常高的縮略語, 我在中國也常用這個表達。 但是用之前你要明白跟你說話的物件是誰。

That’s all for this week! TTyl (Talk To You Later)!


美化編輯 | Kilinno

封面圖片 | 淼淼

審核校對 | 張津

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