



麥肯錫管理諮詢公司(Mckinsey & Company),是由傑姆斯·麥肯錫(James O.McKinsey, 1889-1937)於 1926 年創建的, 同時他也開創了現代管理諮詢的新紀元。 麥肯錫公司在 20 世紀 50 年代實現了快速發展, 成為美國國內諮詢業首屈一指的領先者, 並為其隨後於 60年代在國際市場上的拓展作好了充分的準備。 到 60 年代末, 麥肯錫公司已成為一家在歐洲和北美市場享有盛譽的大型諮詢公司。



Stage 1:網申

Stage 2: Problem-solving test (PST)

Stage 3: first round interviews

Stage 4: final round interviews

Stage 5:發 Offer.



 在申請期間, 當很多人線上申請的時候,

網站容易出現死機或聯不上伺服器的情況, 所以建議大家挑選人員相對不密集的時間上網, 如午飯、淩晨等;此外記得填寫完一頁就及時保存所填寫的內容, 免得做無用功。

 配置不太好或上網環境不穩定, 機器常常會長時間聯線後出現死機斷網的情況, 所以最好去網速快的地方上網, 還有在填寫比較大篇幅問題的時候, 儘量在 word環境下填寫, 然後再粘貼到網頁上去;word保存還有一點好處, 那就是它可以顯示一些錯誤, 提醒你改正, 尤其是一些不太容易察覺的比如拼寫之類的小錯誤。

 千萬別犯低級錯誤, 注意拼寫、語法等細節問題。 一般大公司都較注重專業精神, 如果連“家庭作業”都要出現拼寫語法等錯誤,

不是你不夠重視就是你英語不過關。 在“複製 -粘貼”的時候, 注意格式的變化, 有些特殊字元在文字方塊中不能正常的顯示, 需要替換為 *號和 #號等分類符。

 請注意網申的系統。 今年的網申還是從官網上填的, 裡面表格很詳細。 對於這樣的表格, 首先, 你的資訊要盡可能填的完善, 因為網上申請有一個很重要的檢索步驟是電腦自動地按照關鍵字來檢索, 所以如果你的申請資料上沒有 hr想要的這一類關鍵字, 很有可能你就被篩選掉了。 因此最好儘量在你的資料中覆蓋這些重要的關鍵字。 當然你不可能知道這些關鍵字具體是哪些, 因此最好的辦法是盡可能填的完善。

 如應聘者屬於首次提交簡歷, 應先進行註冊或登陸,

並務必牢記註冊時的用戶名和密碼, 以便及時查詢資訊。

 申請提交成功後, 應聘者應經常查閱 E-MAIL郵件, 查看筆試通知信;由於有的E-MAIL郵箱對於一些郵件具有自動遮罩功能, 通過“我的校園招聘”查看通知信是最為穩妥的資訊接收方式。

 應聘者應對個人填報資訊的真實性負責。 同時, 請務必保證提交的聯繫方式(包括 E-MAIL郵箱、手機等)正確無誤, 並保證通訊暢通。


3.1筆試真題:Case 題庫

書面的case study, 主要測試大家解決問題的能力。 60分鐘做3個case大概40幾個題目, 全部選擇題, 裡面涉及不少計算, 不過都比較簡單, 估算一下就好。 一般先有一段文字描述公司的情況和問題然後每道題目前都會增加資訊和條件引導你完成題目,

問題大多是關於問題界定, 在該問題下你需要那些重要資訊, 如何獲得, 獲得後得出什麼結論, 相應給出什麼建議。

下面給大家分享3道case題目, 大家也可以去職問題庫App上練習更多的筆試題目。


一家boatseller, 為了提高profit, 想推出leasing(融資租賃)。 後面解釋了很大一段(以前看過這個, 所以我直接跳過, 因此有廣泛的商業知識背景還是蠻重要的)。 客戶要解釋的是這種leasing是否能帶來extra revenue。 於是緊接著兩個邏輯題, 就是要你從四個選項中挑mostdirect object然後又是一頁材料, 補充說明08年和10(預期)的cash, rental, leasing的市場分隔。 問要在10年的leasing中達到多少marketshare才能完成ceo要求(用方程求解比較快)。


第二家公司是做女性奢侈品的, 也是銷售方面遇到瓶頸, 希望從兩個角度入手, 一是尋找新的使用者二是增加現有客戶的消費量。

題目展開, 先是一個圖表展示客戶收入和消費總額比較。 接下來說想收購另一家奢侈品店來增加銷售, 給出一個圖示要求計算什麼的。


關於一個sweaterfashion的供應商, 客戶群體主要是針對有高收入的女性, 一直以來經營的很好, 銷售額, 市場份額都很高, 利潤每年都有10%以上的增長, 現在他們的領導有aggresive target想再提高sales and profit, 想通過兼併一家同樣是給高收入女性提供高檔產品, 然後就是對要對現在想兼併的公司進行調查, 對他們現在顧客的share, 公司的revenue等進行比較分析, 有資料, 有圖表題, 還有推理題, 最後是針對前面提供的分析, 做個結論, 就是告訴我們諮詢顧問大致是怎麼工作的。 感覺這個還看的比較認真, 做完第一個已經用了25分鐘,下面做的就有點緊張了。


 考題題面廣,平時積累是非常重要。

 經濟時事知識較多,專業題還是比較專業的。

 建議同學們們看一看公司的歷史。

 筆試對英語速度能力要求較高,要好好複習。



麥肯錫的面試流程包括first round和final round兩個環節。

4.2 面試經驗

4.2.1 兩輪面試形式

First round:

There were 2 one-to-one interviews held on the same day. They had the same format, including some competency questions and a case study. The compentency questions were fairly standard but you do need to be familiar with your CV. The case study was led by the interviewer who asked guiding questions throughout the interview. Exhibits were handed to me after uncovering some key trends / making the correct hypothesis. The case interviews

bore some similarity to the ones in Case in Point. Again, calculations were involved in the interview. Since calculators can't be used, those with good mental math skills would have an edge. If you aren't that confident about your mental math, don't be shy to use the pen and paper provided.

Final round:

There were 3 one-to-one interviews in total, each on a different day. The interview format was the same as the first round. But the case interviews would be more difficult to prepare for, as they were quite different from the ones in Case in Point. I would recommend doing a

quick research into the background of your interviewers. It'd be helpful to know their industry/practice focus and understand the business model of those industries.







 考題題面廣,平時積累是非常重要。

 經濟時事知識較多,專業題還是比較專業的。

 建議同學們們看一看公司的歷史。

 筆試對英語速度能力要求較高,要好好複習。



麥肯錫的面試流程包括first round和final round兩個環節。

4.2 面試經驗

4.2.1 兩輪面試形式

First round:

There were 2 one-to-one interviews held on the same day. They had the same format, including some competency questions and a case study. The compentency questions were fairly standard but you do need to be familiar with your CV. The case study was led by the interviewer who asked guiding questions throughout the interview. Exhibits were handed to me after uncovering some key trends / making the correct hypothesis. The case interviews

bore some similarity to the ones in Case in Point. Again, calculations were involved in the interview. Since calculators can't be used, those with good mental math skills would have an edge. If you aren't that confident about your mental math, don't be shy to use the pen and paper provided.

Final round:

There were 3 one-to-one interviews in total, each on a different day. The interview format was the same as the first round. But the case interviews would be more difficult to prepare for, as they were quite different from the ones in Case in Point. I would recommend doing a

quick research into the background of your interviewers. It'd be helpful to know their industry/practice focus and understand the business model of those industries.





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