
今日福利!紅彩外籍盈利高手送足彩高賠推薦 意甲要爆冷?

2018年2月5日, 今日足彩比賽較少, 外籍盈利高手查理斯 Owl帶來一場意甲免費推薦, 熱那亞面對拉齊奧能保持不敗嗎?看看專家怎麼說。

比賽:意甲 拉齊奧主場VS熱那亞


It seems very unlikely that Lazio will continue to score with this continuity also because it is important to consider the absences that Mr. Inzaghi has to face this round of the championship, given the absences of Lulic and Milinkovic both disqualified and with the bench for Anderson .

Immobileee returns and this is good news, but, the two consecutive stops, first in the league and then in the cup against Milan show that the team is tired and there is a need to catch some players always used.

The Genoa is a team that suffers very little and plays a good football. In away it lost to Juventus only measurement, and drew goalless against Torino and Fiorentina.

Rossettini replaces the disqualified Spolli in defense, Izzo recovers from the bruise that made him work separately. Forward space to Pandev with Taarabt always dangerous.

There is no doubt that this is an odds too low for Lazio that although playing at home will face a defensive wall formed by Rossettini, Zukanovic and Izzo over the expert Perin goalkeeper to overcome.

I reserve the possibility of a measured victory for Lazio in the double play, but I am much more convinced that this time a draw is not to be ruled out in this match.

Good luck

我不認為拉齊奧能一直保持好狀態, 因為馬上就迎來歐冠賽事, 而且Lulic和Milinkovic都會缺席, Anderson也會做在替補席上。

因莫比萊重回陣容是個好消息, 但是球隊連續兩場比賽賽程密集, 需要輪換一些球員了。

熱那亞隊員都很少受傷, 踢的不錯, 過去三個客場比賽輸給了尤文圖斯, 與都靈和佛羅倫斯打平。 izzo傷癒複出, 前鋒潘德夫總能夠創造威脅。

毫無疑問拉齊奧的賠率很低, 但是他們要面對熱那亞的防線想要大勝並不容易, 我保留的拉齊奧小勝的可能性, 更加看好熱那亞不敗

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