

五十年後弱女歸來, 誰是真凶?

五十年前, 在這人丁興旺的村子, 有一戶富足人家。 這一家一夜之間, 夫妻雙亡, 只留下一個小女孩,


女孩被窮叔叔照顧。 這窮叔叔有三個不爭氣的兒子, 敗完了他的錢財。

很多次, 這幾個惡少揚言要賣掉伯伯的房子, 搬到這繁華的城市

有一天, 女孩不見了。


一個月之後, 兩個員警來了, 告訴村長, 那個幾個惡少把那個少女和其她的十個賣掉了。 警方正在找他們!

警方指出, 少女的叔叔就是那個謀劃著

少女的窮叔叔感到羞愧難當, 就服毒自殺了

嬸嬸不敢再住在那房子裡面, 就再嫁了, 走了。

五十年後, 一個老婦來到村子, 還帶來了一幫男女老少

他和那冒牌員警也殺了她的叔叔, 殺死了她的嬸嬸。 然後, 他成了這房子的主人。

她等待著, 直到她這個 弱女子有能力來找他!

她就是以前的那個小女孩!他們湧進那個房子, 揪出那個已經年邁的村長!

婦人說, 就是他和那兩個冒牌員警殺了她的父母和三個哥哥。 但是她被哥哥藏起來了, 逃過一劫!

他和那冒牌員警也殺了她的叔叔, 殺死了她的嬸嬸。 然後, 他成了這房子的主人。

她等待著, 直到她這個 弱女子有能力來找他!


今天,這女子回來就是為了讓大家知道這個德高望重的老混蛋是什麼東西, 那些被冤枉的親人又是什麼樣的人,還有,要問問這個這老混蛋為什麼那麼喜歡這房子!



Fifty years ago, there was a rich village in which there was a rich familly. The husband and wife suddenly died, leaving only a girlbaby, who was only three years old.

The girl was taken care of by her poor uncle who had

three sons who did nothing good

and used up all his money

Several times the bad young men said

they would sold their uncle's house

and moved to the busy city

One day the girl disappeared,

so did the young men

One month later, two policemen came to tell the village head that the young men had sold the girl and ten other girls, so the police were looking for them

The police pointed out that the girl's uncle was the person who had planned the whole thing!

The girl's poor uncle felt so ashamed that he drank poison and killed himelf. Her aunt dare not live in the house any more and married another man and left

Fifty years later,

an old lady came to the village

with many people of different ages

He and the fake policemen killed her uncle and aunt ,too. Then he became the owner of the house.

She had waited for fifty years before a poor woman as her was powerful enough to face him

She was the lost girl when she was young. They went into the house and dragged the once-village head out, who was very old then

The lady said it was he who killed her parents, three brothers. But she was hidden by her brother and escaped being killed

He and the fake policemen killed her uncle and aunt ,too. Then he became the owner of the house.

She had waited for fifty years before a poor woman as she was powerful enough to face him

Today, the women came back to tell people the truth about the respected old goat and the relatives that had been blackened, and asked the old goat why he liked the house so much!

In a word, what kind of punishment he wanted to get.


今天,這女子回來就是為了讓大家知道這個德高望重的老混蛋是什麼東西, 那些被冤枉的親人又是什麼樣的人,還有,要問問這個這老混蛋為什麼那麼喜歡這房子!



Fifty years ago, there was a rich village in which there was a rich familly. The husband and wife suddenly died, leaving only a girlbaby, who was only three years old.

The girl was taken care of by her poor uncle who had

three sons who did nothing good

and used up all his money

Several times the bad young men said

they would sold their uncle's house

and moved to the busy city

One day the girl disappeared,

so did the young men

One month later, two policemen came to tell the village head that the young men had sold the girl and ten other girls, so the police were looking for them

The police pointed out that the girl's uncle was the person who had planned the whole thing!

The girl's poor uncle felt so ashamed that he drank poison and killed himelf. Her aunt dare not live in the house any more and married another man and left

Fifty years later,

an old lady came to the village

with many people of different ages

He and the fake policemen killed her uncle and aunt ,too. Then he became the owner of the house.

She had waited for fifty years before a poor woman as her was powerful enough to face him

She was the lost girl when she was young. They went into the house and dragged the once-village head out, who was very old then

The lady said it was he who killed her parents, three brothers. But she was hidden by her brother and escaped being killed

He and the fake policemen killed her uncle and aunt ,too. Then he became the owner of the house.

She had waited for fifty years before a poor woman as she was powerful enough to face him

Today, the women came back to tell people the truth about the respected old goat and the relatives that had been blackened, and asked the old goat why he liked the house so much!

In a word, what kind of punishment he wanted to get.

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