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an enhanced version of the "Golden Era" bilateral ties

2月1日, 國家主席習近平在北京釣魚臺國賓館會見來華進行正式訪問的英國首相特雷莎·梅。 新華社記者劉衛兵攝

President Xi Jinping met with visiting British Prime Minister Theresa May Thursday, calling on both countries to forge an enhanced version of the "Golden Era" bilateral ties.

國家主席習近平2月1日會見來訪的英國首相特雷莎·梅, 提出中英雙方應共同打造"黃金時代"增強版。

➤ 習近平指出, 2015年我對英國進行了成功訪問, 雙方共同揭開了中英關係"黃金序章(Golden Prologue)"。 中方願同英方一道, 推動中英關係在新時代健康穩定發展(China is willing to work with Britain to promote the healthy and steady development of bilateral ties in a new era), 為兩國人民帶來更多福祉, 為世界繁榮穩定提供更多助力。

➤ 習近平強調, 當前, 世界多極化(world multi-polarization)、經濟全球化(economic globalization)、社會資訊化以及文化多樣化深入發展, 人類命運休戚與共, 和平、發展、合作、共贏(peace, development and win-win cooperation)已經成為時代主流。 中英雙方應順應時代潮流,

結合兩國各自發展階段和合作需求, 賦予中英關係新的時代內涵, 共同打造"黃金時代"增強版(forge an enhanced version of the "Golden Era" bilateral ties)。

➤ 一要提升中英關係"黃金時代"戰略性(upgrade the strategic level of the "Golden Era" bilateral ties), 從戰略高度和全域角度看待和規劃雙邊關係未來發展。 繼續辦好戰略、財金、人文等高層對話機制(continue to host high-level dialogue in areas of strategy, finance and people-to-people exchanges), 不斷夯實"黃金時代"的政治基礎。

➤ 二要增強中英關係"黃金時代"務實性(energize practical cooperation in the "Golden Era" bilateral ties), 推動兩國經貿合作再上新臺階。 中英雙方可以在"一帶一路"框架內開展更大範圍、更高水準、更深層次的互利合作(China and Britain can carry out broader and more in-depth cooperation of higher standard within the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative)。

➤ 三要拓展中英關係"黃金時代"全球性(enhance globalization of the "Golden Era" bilateral ties), 深化在聯合國、二十國集團、世界貿易組織等多邊機構內交流合作, 推動解決氣候變化等全球性挑戰, 共同促進世界和平與穩定。

➤ 四要促進中英關係"黃金時代"包容性(promote inclusiveness of the "Golden Era" bilateral ties),

發揚兩國文明兼收並蓄、博採眾長的傳統理念, 加強人文交流, 增進兩國交往和友誼, 夯實兩國關係民意基礎, 為促進東西方文明交流互鑒、不同文明國家"和合共生"樹立典範。


黃金時代 Golden Era

順應時代潮流 conform to the trend of the times

和合共生 realize harmony and coexistance

尊重和照顧彼此核心利益和重大關切 respect and consider each other's core interests and major concerns


Polar Silk Road

China's Belt and Road Initiative will bring opportunities for parties concerned to jointly build a "Polar Silk Road", and facilitate connectivity and sustainable economic and social development of the Arctic, said a whitepaper.

一份白皮書表示, 中國的"一帶一路"倡議將為有關各方共建"冰上絲綢之路"帶來機遇, 有利於北極地區的互聯互通和可持續經濟社會發展。

➤ 國務院新聞辦公室(State Council Information Office)1月26日發表《中國的北極政策》(China's Arctic Policy)白皮書, 提出"中國願依託北極航道(Arctic shipping routes)的開發利用, 與各方共建'冰上絲綢之路(Polar Silk Road)'", 引起世界的高度關注。

➤ 白皮書指出, 中國將鼓勵企業參與北極航道基礎設施建設, 依法開展商業試航(conduct commercial trial voyages), 穩步推進北極航道的商業化利用和常態化運行。 中國重視北極航道的航行安全(navigation security), 積極開展北極航道研究, 不斷加強航運水文調查(hydrographic survey), 提高北極航行、安全和後勤保障能力(improve navigation, security and logistical capacities in the Arctic)。

➤ 白皮書指出, 中國主張和平利用北極, 致力於維護和促進北極的和平與穩定。

切實遵守《極地水域船舶航行安全規則》(abide by the International Code for Ships Operating in Polar Waters), 支援國際海事組織(International Maritime Organization)在北極航運規則制定方面發揮積極作用。 主張在北極航道基礎設施建設和運營方面加強國際合作。


北極事務 Arctic affairs

全球變暖 global warming

人類命運共同體 a community with a shared future for mankind

互聯互通 connectivity


personal credit records

A document, issued by the Communist Party of China Central Committee and the State Council, proposes establishing a long-term mechanism for the evaluation of teachers' ethics, including their personal credit records and a negative list system.


➤ 近日,中共中央、國務院印發了《關於全面深化新時代教師隊伍建設改革的意見》,對新時代教師隊伍建設作出頂層設計(top-level design)。這是新中國成立以來黨中央出臺的第一個專門面向教師隊伍建設的里程碑式政策檔(policy document)。

➤ 意見提出,經過5年左右努力,我國將解決城鄉教師隊伍結構性失衡(structural imbalance between teachers in urban and rural areas)問題,教師培養培訓體系(system for the cultivation and training of teachers)基本健全,提升教師待遇,增強教師職業吸引力(make teaching a more attractive profession)。

➤ 到2035年,教師綜合素質(comprehensive quality)、專業化水準和創新能力(innovation capacity)大幅提升,培養造就數以百萬計的骨幹教師(cultivate millions of "exemplary teachers")、數以十萬計的卓越教師、數以萬計的教育家型教師。

➤ 針對社會關注的師德(teachers' ethics)失範、學術不端(academic misconduct)等問題,意見提出,注重加強對教師思想政治素質、師德師風等的監察監督,強化師德考評,體現獎優罰劣(reward the good and punish the bad),推行師德考核負面清單制度(negative list system),建立教師個人信用記錄(teachers' personal credit records),完善誠信承諾和失信懲戒機制。

➤ 意見還提出要不斷提高教師的地位待遇(improve teachers' social status and raise their salaries),要健全中小學教師工資長效聯動機制,核定績效工資總量時統籌考慮當地公務員實際收入水準,確保中小學教師平均工資收入水準不低於或高於當地公務員平均工資收入水準。


職業道德 professional ethics

加強教師隊伍建設 improve the ranks of teachers

農村教師 rural teacher

一專多能教師 versatile teacher

義務教育均衡發展 balanced development of compulsory education

學前教育 preschool education

職業教育 vocational education


Super Blue Blood Moon

在寧夏銀川市拍攝的“紅月亮”。新華社記者 隋先凱 攝

The "super moon", "blue moon", and "blood moon", rolled into one "Super Blue Blood Moon" on Wednesday night, the first of its kind in 152 years.


➤ 1月31日晚,全球多地的民眾與媒體記者一同見證了百年難遇的"超級藍血月(Super Blue Blood Moon)"天文奇觀。天上一輪明月升,地上萬眾齊仰頭,超級藍血月也在微信朋友圈裡強勢刷屏。"超級月亮(super moon)"、"藍月(blue moon)"或"血月(blood moon)"單獨出現並不稀奇,但是這三種天文現象同時出現(these three astronomical phenomena appear alongside)的景象卻十分罕見,上一次發生還是在1866年的3月31日。

➤"超級月亮"指的是在繞地運行軌道上處於近地點的滿月(a full moon at its closest orbital point to Earth)。"藍月"並非月亮真的變成了藍色,而是指一個月中的第二次滿月(a second full moon within the same month),由英語短語"罕見的事情"(blue moon)直譯而來。

➤ "血月"通常在月全食(a total lunar eclipse)中出現,此時太陽、地球和月球成一條直線(the sun, earth, and moon are aligned to form a line),人們看到月亮緩緩變暗,並且因光線經過大氣層發生折射而呈現出紅銅色,因此,月全食有時也叫"血月"。


滿月 full moon

月球近地點 the lunar perigee

橢圓軌道 elliptical orbit

日偏食 partial solar eclipse

流星雨 meteor shower


message sweater

Sweaters with messages have won many Chinese youths' hearts in recent days, as the clothes are expected to free them from family members' nagging during the upcoming Spring Festival.


➤ 這類創意衛衣(creative sweater)一般售價不到百元,能得到市場的青睞倒不是因為設計有多時尚前衛,而是因為它們剛好戳中了時下年輕人的痛點,為他們提供了一種發洩無奈和不滿情緒的方式。其中一款衛衣上寫著"別問成績了吧(please don't ask me the grades in final examinations"、"您家孩子最棒棒(your child is really great)"、"工資保密(no talking about salary)"、"我減肥我不能吃太多(I am on a diet, I can't eat too much"、"沒有物件(I don't have a girlfriend/boyfriend)"等字樣。

➤ 春節(Spring Festival)期間,全家團圓(family members gather together),這時有的長輩總是喜歡向小輩們拋出一些他們不願回答的問題(questions which they feel reluctant to answer)。比如,"期末考了多少分呀(how many points did you get in final examinations)"、"我們家孩子期末考第一,你呢(my child got the first in the final examinations, how about you"、"你每個月工資多少呀(how much do you earn per month"、"你怎麼吃這麼少呀(why do you eat so little)"或者"什麼時候結婚呀(when will you be married)"等等。


新春快樂 Happy Spring Festival

恭喜發財 Wish you prosperity

萬事如意 Everything goes well

常見的祝福語 often-used greetings

我這麼做都是為你好 What I did is for your own good

編輯:馬文英 彭娜 劉明

實習:朱芸 鄭麗


Text "CD" to 10658000.

Twice a day (Mon-Fri), 5 yuan a month.






A document, issued by the Communist Party of China Central Committee and the State Council, proposes establishing a long-term mechanism for the evaluation of teachers' ethics, including their personal credit records and a negative list system.


➤ 近日,中共中央、國務院印發了《關於全面深化新時代教師隊伍建設改革的意見》,對新時代教師隊伍建設作出頂層設計(top-level design)。這是新中國成立以來黨中央出臺的第一個專門面向教師隊伍建設的里程碑式政策檔(policy document)。

➤ 意見提出,經過5年左右努力,我國將解決城鄉教師隊伍結構性失衡(structural imbalance between teachers in urban and rural areas)問題,教師培養培訓體系(system for the cultivation and training of teachers)基本健全,提升教師待遇,增強教師職業吸引力(make teaching a more attractive profession)。

➤ 到2035年,教師綜合素質(comprehensive quality)、專業化水準和創新能力(innovation capacity)大幅提升,培養造就數以百萬計的骨幹教師(cultivate millions of "exemplary teachers")、數以十萬計的卓越教師、數以萬計的教育家型教師。

➤ 針對社會關注的師德(teachers' ethics)失範、學術不端(academic misconduct)等問題,意見提出,注重加強對教師思想政治素質、師德師風等的監察監督,強化師德考評,體現獎優罰劣(reward the good and punish the bad),推行師德考核負面清單制度(negative list system),建立教師個人信用記錄(teachers' personal credit records),完善誠信承諾和失信懲戒機制。

➤ 意見還提出要不斷提高教師的地位待遇(improve teachers' social status and raise their salaries),要健全中小學教師工資長效聯動機制,核定績效工資總量時統籌考慮當地公務員實際收入水準,確保中小學教師平均工資收入水準不低於或高於當地公務員平均工資收入水準。


職業道德 professional ethics

加強教師隊伍建設 improve the ranks of teachers

農村教師 rural teacher

一專多能教師 versatile teacher

義務教育均衡發展 balanced development of compulsory education

學前教育 preschool education

職業教育 vocational education


Super Blue Blood Moon

在寧夏銀川市拍攝的“紅月亮”。新華社記者 隋先凱 攝

The "super moon", "blue moon", and "blood moon", rolled into one "Super Blue Blood Moon" on Wednesday night, the first of its kind in 152 years.


➤ 1月31日晚,全球多地的民眾與媒體記者一同見證了百年難遇的"超級藍血月(Super Blue Blood Moon)"天文奇觀。天上一輪明月升,地上萬眾齊仰頭,超級藍血月也在微信朋友圈裡強勢刷屏。"超級月亮(super moon)"、"藍月(blue moon)"或"血月(blood moon)"單獨出現並不稀奇,但是這三種天文現象同時出現(these three astronomical phenomena appear alongside)的景象卻十分罕見,上一次發生還是在1866年的3月31日。

➤"超級月亮"指的是在繞地運行軌道上處於近地點的滿月(a full moon at its closest orbital point to Earth)。"藍月"並非月亮真的變成了藍色,而是指一個月中的第二次滿月(a second full moon within the same month),由英語短語"罕見的事情"(blue moon)直譯而來。

➤ "血月"通常在月全食(a total lunar eclipse)中出現,此時太陽、地球和月球成一條直線(the sun, earth, and moon are aligned to form a line),人們看到月亮緩緩變暗,並且因光線經過大氣層發生折射而呈現出紅銅色,因此,月全食有時也叫"血月"。


滿月 full moon

月球近地點 the lunar perigee

橢圓軌道 elliptical orbit

日偏食 partial solar eclipse

流星雨 meteor shower


message sweater

Sweaters with messages have won many Chinese youths' hearts in recent days, as the clothes are expected to free them from family members' nagging during the upcoming Spring Festival.


➤ 這類創意衛衣(creative sweater)一般售價不到百元,能得到市場的青睞倒不是因為設計有多時尚前衛,而是因為它們剛好戳中了時下年輕人的痛點,為他們提供了一種發洩無奈和不滿情緒的方式。其中一款衛衣上寫著"別問成績了吧(please don't ask me the grades in final examinations"、"您家孩子最棒棒(your child is really great)"、"工資保密(no talking about salary)"、"我減肥我不能吃太多(I am on a diet, I can't eat too much"、"沒有物件(I don't have a girlfriend/boyfriend)"等字樣。

➤ 春節(Spring Festival)期間,全家團圓(family members gather together),這時有的長輩總是喜歡向小輩們拋出一些他們不願回答的問題(questions which they feel reluctant to answer)。比如,"期末考了多少分呀(how many points did you get in final examinations)"、"我們家孩子期末考第一,你呢(my child got the first in the final examinations, how about you"、"你每個月工資多少呀(how much do you earn per month"、"你怎麼吃這麼少呀(why do you eat so little)"或者"什麼時候結婚呀(when will you be married)"等等。


新春快樂 Happy Spring Festival

恭喜發財 Wish you prosperity

萬事如意 Everything goes well

常見的祝福語 often-used greetings

我這麼做都是為你好 What I did is for your own good

編輯:馬文英 彭娜 劉明

實習:朱芸 鄭麗


Text "CD" to 10658000.

Twice a day (Mon-Fri), 5 yuan a month.






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