
「賽事預測」狼隊 VS 謝菲聯

狼隊 VS 謝菲聯

03/02/2018 英冠聯賽

狼隊 勝 [信心度 8/10]

英冠聯賽領頭羊將在第30輪的比賽中主場作戰, 他們狀態正佳, 所向披靡, 進球如視草芥,

並且已經領先第二名德比郡11分之多, 全隊上下信心爆棚。 不過近三場英冠比賽, 球隊出現了些許起伏, 狼隊在最近的1場比賽中全取3分(伊普斯維奇0比1狼隊), 但在此之前他們戰績為1平1負。

謝菲聯並非弱旅, 但相比於狼隊, 無論從技戰術水準還是球隊發揮來看, 他們依舊會略遜一籌。 目前謝菲聯以46分排在積分榜第七位, 本場比賽之前在主場以0比1輸給了阿斯頓維拉。

狼隊目前輕鬆領跑, 升級的機會近在眼前, 但是在面對謝菲聯這樣的強隊時必須避免過度自信, 本場比賽難免會充滿波折, 但相信最終球隊還是能全取3分。

Wolverhampton - Sheffield United

3rd/Feb 17:30 BST Championship

Wolverhampton [Confidence 信心度 8/10]

The leader host the thirtieth course of the Championship, they are holding a great form, victories are quite usual, goals come easily to them and also the fact of seeing the seconds, Derby, 11 points behind, bring Wolverhampton confidence. However, in the last three Championship fixtures, something unusual has happened. Wolves collected three points in the most recent game (Ipswich 0-1 Wolverhampton) but before this game, they obtained a defeat and a draw.

Sheffield Utd is not a bad side but compared with Wolves, in terms of football style and performances developed, Sheffield Utd should fail to collect points in here. They are sitting 7th with 46 points, reaching this match after a home lost meeting against Aston Villa by 0-1.

Wolves must not be overconfident facing such a good Sheffield Utd, the dream of being promoted is near and at this point in the competition, they are quite comfortables counting with the leadership, but they should be aware of the circumstances of commit stumbles and today, it is a kind of fixture where they have to collect the three points.

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