

Being tired is rubbish.


You want nothing more than to return to bed, but more often than not you have the whole day ahead of you. It's the worst.

明明只想上床睡覺, 但是通常一天才剛剛開始。 煩透了。

However, it may not just be lack of sleep that's getting to you - the fuel you're putting into your body is just as important.

可能不是缺乏睡眠的問題, 身體攝入的能量同樣重要。

A nutritional therapist recently spoke to Cosmo Australia about the dietary needs of your body, and how you can help it feel well-rested and refreshed.

雜誌《Cosmo Australia》和一位營養理療師進行了對話, 談了談人體對飲食的需求, 如何通過飲食讓身體得到充分休息和更新。

After all, a diet of junk food will lead to junk energy levels.

畢竟, 攝入垃圾食品只能讓身體陷入垃圾能量狀態。

Jackie Lynch, a nutritional therapist, told Cosmopolitan Australia that the five types of tiredness were as follows:

營養理療師傑克·林馳告訴《Cosmopolitan Australia》, 疲憊總共分五種類型。

Energy highs and lows - Jackie attributes this to blood sugar rising and falling during the day, which can also irritate.

能量巔峰和能量低谷。 傑克說這種疲憊源於一天中血糖的變化。

Emptiness - Jackie says this is defined by magnesium levels, which support muscle function and regulate the stress response. You may feel muscle cramps, headaches, twitches or palpitations.

空虛。 這種疲乏由鎂水準變化引起。 鎂決定了肌肉功能和受到壓力時的反應。 鎂會讓人肌肉麻痹、頭痛、抽搐和心悸

Lacking stamina - In this case, Jackie says you're likely to be low in Iron, an essential part of haemoglobin. You'll feel very low and it can be common among women with regular heavy periods.

缺乏毅力。 鐵含量偏低容易引起此類疲憊, 鐵是血紅蛋白的重要組成部分。 缺鐵會讓人情緒非常低落, 通常生理期比較嚴重的女性會出現這種症狀。

Reduced concentration - You may be lacking certain B vitamins, which help produce energy. Chronic stress or regular alcohol intake can deplete B vitamins, and you can boost them by eating more vegetables and steaming rather than boiling them.

注意力渙散。 維生素B能產生能量, 缺乏維生素B可能會導致注意力渙散。 長期壓力或經常喝酒會使維生素B流失。


Wired and fatigued - You've maybe had too much coffee but can't sleep. You'll be struggling to sleep and it may block the absorption of iron, aiding fatigue. Jackie advises one shot of coffee instead of the regular two and swap out caffeinated fizzy drinks.

勞累。 可能喝了太多咖啡, 所以不能入睡。 入睡困難會阻礙鐵的吸收, 人會更疲倦。 傑克建議把每天兩杯咖啡改為一杯, 含咖啡因的汽水也要換掉。

So, if you stick to a healthy diet and a good amount of regular sleep most nights, you'll probably fare a lot better during the day.

只要堅持健康飲食、夜晚睡眠足夠, 白天狀態就會好很多。

有沒有一個方法能夠讓大家輕鬆破解英語句式問題呢?有的, 比如能動英語的“句式魔方”課程。


通過學習“句式魔方”, 孩子最終能形成語感, 內化成語言本能, 熟練生成各種句子。

沒有學習“句式魔方”的孩子, 要麼只能機械的用各種單詞按照漢語習慣,

生成各種中式英語句子, 要麼就是不得不花費大量的精力背誦各種語法規則, 亦步亦趨的按照這些規則生成句子, 很可能被各種語法細碎知識點搞得頭昏腦漲而喪失學習興趣。 而學習了“句式魔方”的孩子, 通過“句式魔方”的短語矩陣訓練, 不但能熟練的生成各種短語, 並在訓練的過程中, 增加了語感, 還能再具體的語境中自然習得單詞含義, 同時“句式魔方”通過其核心句的生成以及其它五種基本句式推導轉換的練習, 讓孩子熟練掌握各種句式和常用時態的變化, 最終獲得句子生成能力。

學完“句式魔方”, 一方面有了具體語境後, 孩子就知道了單詞意義, 再結合已習得的“表音密碼”基礎, 孩子就可將單詞的“音”、“形”、“意”對應起來,

徹底解決單詞問題;另一方面, 孩子可掌握短語與句子的生成機制, 以及應對各種時態與句式的轉換問題, 來輕鬆自主的生成各種句子, 掌握應用!

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