

瑜伽 yoga

柔韌度 nimbleness['nimbl]

自控力 self-control

意志力 resistance

namaste[nɑ:'mɑ:ste] 瑜伽中的問好

瑜伽練習者 yoga practitioner

練習 practice

熟能生巧 practice makes perfect


瑜伽服 yoga wear

瑜伽墊 yoga mat

熱身訓練 warm-up

姿勢 pose

直角式 right angle pose

牛面式 cow's face pose

吸氣 inhale

呼氣 exhale

不勞而獲 no pain, no gain

stretch your arms 伸直手臂

bend forward 前傾

keep your knees straight 伸直膝蓋

look upward 向上看

lie flat on the back 仰臥

lie flat on the stomach 俯臥

pay attention to your breath 關注呼吸

pay attention to your bteathing helps you to stretch fully into a yoga pose.關注呼吸能夠幫助你充分的伸.

neck rolls 頸旋轉

relax 放鬆

repeat 反復

leg stretches 腿部伸展

shoulder rotation 肩旋轉

look back as far as possible 盡可能地向後看

drop your chin to your chest 把下巴靠近胸口

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