
「回顧」盤古智庫2018年1月大事記(with English Version)


● 1月2日, 盤古智庫與泛華集團簽訂戰略合作協定, 正式結成合作夥伴關係。

● 1月10日, 印度新任駐華大使班浩然(Gautam Bambawale)、印度駐華公使林凡(Amit Narang)一行到訪盤古智庫,


● 1月11日, 人民日報國際部副主任馬小甯一行到訪盤古智庫。

● 1月12日, 國務院發展研究中心對外經濟研究部在國務院新聞辦召開了“學術研究與高端智庫建設”座談會。 盤古智庫副秘書長王岳參會。

● 1月13日, “首屆中國雄安產業發展論壇暨北京支援雄安產業發展促進會成立大會”在雄安新區舉行。 盤古智庫理事長易鵬出席論壇並致詞。

● 1月15日, 盤古智庫舉辦“葡萄園金融系列沙龍——油氣產業鏈研討會”, 50余位企業代表和專家學者參加。

● 1月16日-18日, 盤古智庫理事長易鵬應邀參加了由中國工業經濟聯合會、深圳市政府發展研究中心共同主辦的“‘一帶一路’倡議下的城市與產業國際合作(深圳)論壇”。

● 1月20日, 盤古智庫舉辦“盤古智庫‘思想匯’——子牙學宮專場”活動。 盤古智庫理事長、子牙學宮理事易鵬為子牙學宮首批企業家學員做了題為:“‘一帶一路’的商業機會和地方經濟的未來”的主題講座分享。

● 1月24日, 廣東國際戰略研究院研究員、廣東外語外貿大學新聞學院副院長、教授侯迎忠一行到訪盤古智庫。

● 1月26日, 盤古智庫學者代表受邀參加印度駐華大使館“印度共和國日招待會”。

● 1月下旬, 2018年省級地方兩會密集召開, 多名盤古智庫學者參加2018省級兩會並提交提案。

Pangoal's Events in January 2018

On January 2nd, Pangoal Institution signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Pan-China Group, formally establishing a strategic partnership.

On January 10th, the newly-appointed Indian Ambassador to China Gautam Bambawale, Indian Envoy to China Amit Narang, and their delegation visited Pangoal Institution. This was Bambawale’s first visit to a China-based private think tank.

On January 11th, Ma Xiaoning, Deputy Director of the International News Department of the People’s Daily, and her delegation visited Pangoal Institution.

On January 12th, the Research Department of Foreign Economic Relations under Development Research Center of the State Council held a seminar on “Academic Research and Construction of High-level Think Tanks” at the State Council Information Office. Deputy Secretary General Wang Yue of Pangoal Institution attended the seminar.

On January 13th, the first Xiong’an Industry Development Forum and the inaugural ceremony of Beijing Supports Xiong’an New Area Development Association was held in Xiong’an New Area. President Yi Peng of Pangoal Institution attended and addressed the forum.

On January 15th, Pangoal Institution held the “Vineyard Financial Workshops: A Seminar on Oiland Gas Industry Chain”, which brought together more than 50 business representatives, experts, and scholars.

From January 16th to 18th, President Yi Peng of Pangoal Institution was invited to the International Cooperation Forum for Cities and Industries under the Belt and Road Initiative (Shenzhen) jointly held by China Federationof Industrial Economics and Development Research Center of Shenzhen Municipal People’s Government.

On January 20th,Pangoal Institution held the “Pangoal Thought Sharing at Ziya School”. Yi Peng, President of Pangoal Institution and council member of Ziya School, delivered a keynote address titled “Business Opportunities under Belt and Road Initiative and Prospects of Regional Economy” to the first batch of entrepreneurs attending Ziya School.

On January 24th, Hou Yingzhong, Researcher of Guangdong Institute for International Strategies and Deputy Dean and Professor of School of Journalism and Communication at Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, and his delegation visited Pangoal Institution.

On January 26th, representatives of scholars at Pangoal Institution were invited to the Republic Day Reception hosted by Embassy of India in China.

In late January, the 2018 Two Sessions (the annual plenary sessions of the national or local People’s Congress and the national or local committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference) at both provincial and local levels were convened. A number of scholars at Pangoal Institution attended the 2018 provincial Two Sessions and submitted their proposals.


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