

老師就是老師, 起帶頭模範作用!!

約基奇發界外球, 傳給哈裡斯三分絕殺。 賽後接受場邊記者採訪。 美女記者:the final second that Thunders tied the game for the first time all night,you were able to let one fly, and get this win home.

約基奇:we actually got this play earlier this season, we throws a lob.

they played really good defense, they didn't let the guy over the top,

and I think Russell fell asleep, let Gary slide to the side and knocked down the three.

that's probably the best assist of my life.

我們這個賽季用過這個戰術, 是傳一個空接球。 他們防得很好, 沒有讓我們傳球到弧頂, 然後威少睡著了, 讓哈裡斯溜到邊線投進三分。 這可能是我這輩子最好的一次助攻。

約老師可能對最後那個犯規不是很滿意, 最後看懵逼了, 哈裡斯突然就一個大空位。 約基奇畢竟之前那次接球臉上挨了一巴掌, 牙套都給打出來了, 爬起來之後差點沖上去, 關鍵是最後還贏了, 而且約老師大三雙, 對面差一板, 那賽後採訪, 可想而知了

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