

近日, 美國新聞聚合網站Buzzfeed報導, 咱國內的一項網路挑戰火到了國外, 讓不少外國網友紛紛效仿!!What?我們啥時候出了一項這麼火爆的網路挑戰了?相信不少人也和小編一樣, 一臉的不明所以。 仔細一看, 原來這個火爆海外的網路挑戰就是:天道好輪回!!

圖片源自網路, 版權屬於原作者

相信不少小夥伴都不知道這是個什麼樣的挑戰遊戲。 其實說直白些, 這個網路挑戰就是化妝前後對比圖。 這個挑戰也是再次驗證了世上沒有不好看的人, 只有不會化妝的人!!這個網上挑戰天道好輪回, 也是讓歪果仁集體驚呆了!!這真的真的真的是同一個人嗎?完全不像啊!!!

The videos usually start with people dressed down in pajamas or hoodies and without makeup, singing along to the song "Antique Gucci," a Cryptex mashup of the Kreayshawn song "Gucci Gucci" and Beats Antique's "I Got".

They then say the line, "Oh well, karma's a b** " — first said by Veronica Lodge in the TV series Riverdale — and throw a towel over themselves to transform their look completely.



圖片源自網路, 版權屬於原作者



看完這項網路挑戰後, 就連歪果仁都不得不佩服咱們的神奇化妝技術了, 從凡人直接升級到男/女神級, 只差了一個化妝。 這個天道好輪回挑戰視頻一經發佈就登上了Reddit的頂級位置, 也是火到不行。

The videos were so incredible that a video compilation featuring some of the best ones became the top post on Reddit on Friday.

圖片源自網路, 版權屬於原作者

圖片源自網路, 版權屬於原作者

看完這個莫名火到國外的網路挑戰, 大家是不是還有些意猶未盡?今天阿卡索小編為大家盤點盤點那些大熱的網路挑戰!

冰桶挑戰 IceBucket Challenge

說到冰桶挑戰, 相信大家都不會陌生, 當時的冰桶挑戰簡直就是風靡全球。 就連微軟公司的比爾蓋茨、Facebook的紮克伯格和蘋果的庫克都親自參加過。

其實冰桶挑戰是為了讓人們瞭解, 並體會被稱為“漸凍人”的罕見病人, 同時募款治病。 這個網路挑戰一出來, 不少明星紛紛參加助力。

The Ice Bucket Challenge, sometimes called the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, is an activity involving the dumping of a bucket of ice and water over a person's head, either by another person or self-administered, to promote awareness of the disease amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS, also known as motor neurone disease and in the US as Lou Gehrig's disease) and encourage donations to research. It went viral on social media during July–August 2014. In the US, many people participated for the ALS Association, and in the UK, many people participated for the Motor Neurone Disease Association, although some individuals opted to donate their money from the Ice Bucket Challenge to other organizations.




圖片源自網路, 版權屬於原作者

隱形盒子挑戰 Invisible Box Challenge


As challenges go on social media, stepping over an invisible box has proved to be quite tricky for some people. It might sound easy - there's nothing there - but it takes a fair amount of skill and strength to create the illusion there is a box present. When Ariel Olivar, a cheerleader in Manvel, Texas, USA, showed off her dexterity at defying gravity, her video on Twitter was retweeted 136,000 times (and counting) and liked by over a quarter of a million users.




木頭人挑戰Mannequin Challenge


The Mannequin Challenge is a viral Internet video trend which became popular in November 2016 in which people remain frozen in action like mannequins while a moving camera films them, usually with the song "Black Beatles" by Rae Sremmurd Or Other Song playing in the background. The hashtag #Mannequin Challenge was used for popular social media platforms such as Twitter and Instagram. It is believed that the phenomenon was started by students at Ed White High School in Jacksonville, Fl. The initial posting has inspired works by other groups, especially professional athletes and sports teams, who have posted increasingly complex and elaborate videos.











隱形盒子挑戰 Invisible Box Challenge


As challenges go on social media, stepping over an invisible box has proved to be quite tricky for some people. It might sound easy - there's nothing there - but it takes a fair amount of skill and strength to create the illusion there is a box present. When Ariel Olivar, a cheerleader in Manvel, Texas, USA, showed off her dexterity at defying gravity, her video on Twitter was retweeted 136,000 times (and counting) and liked by over a quarter of a million users.




木頭人挑戰Mannequin Challenge


The Mannequin Challenge is a viral Internet video trend which became popular in November 2016 in which people remain frozen in action like mannequins while a moving camera films them, usually with the song "Black Beatles" by Rae Sremmurd Or Other Song playing in the background. The hashtag #Mannequin Challenge was used for popular social media platforms such as Twitter and Instagram. It is believed that the phenomenon was started by students at Ed White High School in Jacksonville, Fl. The initial posting has inspired works by other groups, especially professional athletes and sports teams, who have posted increasingly complex and elaborate videos.










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