
What!Chengdu Is On The List Again!

Stop thinking about how to get a cool winter vacation. Elite Daily has told you the answer!

Lately, Elite Daily has released a list "The Coolest Cities to Visit in 2018" . Among them lies Chengdu.

The other seven cities are:

Heraklion, Greece

It is the capital of the Greek island of Crete. Along with the beautiful island scenery, you can also visit some historical sites, such as the palace of Knossos.

Shannon in County Clare, Ireland

County Clare has a ton of gems to visit, like the Dromoland Castle and the beautiful Cliffs of Moher.

Pasitano On the Amalfi Coast of Italy

The cliffside views are amazing for any Instagram pic you want to post. You can also enjoy the beaches and Italian food.

Ketchikan, the US

Once you are there, you can go zip-lining, shopping along Front Street, or even see the world's biggest totem poles.

Sedona, the US

The natural rocks are a perfect backdrop for your SNS vacation pics.

Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany

It is the home to the Zugspitze, which is Germany's tallest peak. Whether up high or down on the ground, you cannot escape breathtaking views here.

Kitakyushu, Japan

The gorgeous garden is notoriously known for its wisteria flowers, which is a purple lover's dream come true.

Although those cities are not as well-known as their countries' capitals and usually they are not the first choice for travelers, traveling to places that are not as popular can be the most amazing experiences, because there destinations become a secret oasis just for you, said Elite Daily.


As the only Chinese city that is on the list, Elite Daily indicates that before you check off Hong Kong and Beijing on your bucket list, Chengdu is a must-see destination.

Elite Daily also highlighted Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding, for pandas there are so fluffy that people's hearts are melting.

In addition to the attractions and foods familiar with people, there are still some winter activities which are worth experiencing.

There are many famous teahouse in Chengdu, such as Heming, Mixun. In spite of changes of form, teahouse always has a typical cultural implication of Chengdu - leisure. Especially on Winter afternoons, you feel statisfied when chatting with old friends with hot tea in cosy sunlight.

If you ask a native of Chengdu about the resort of snow mountain ski, the answer must be Xiling Snow Mountain, whose name is for Du Fu's masterpiece "A thousand-year snow on Xiling Mountain comes into view when I sit by the window. "

The Hedonism is in the blood of Chengdu people, therefore, it is no wonder that they will take a bath in the hot spring in winter. Referring to the hot springs around Chengdu, E Mei Mountain's hot spring cannot be omitted, for you can not only enjoy the spring, but also can reach the peak in the morning to watch the sunrise.

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There are many famous teahouse in Chengdu, such as Heming, Mixun. In spite of changes of form, teahouse always has a typical cultural implication of Chengdu - leisure. Especially on Winter afternoons, you feel statisfied when chatting with old friends with hot tea in cosy sunlight.

If you ask a native of Chengdu about the resort of snow mountain ski, the answer must be Xiling Snow Mountain, whose name is for Du Fu's masterpiece "A thousand-year snow on Xiling Mountain comes into view when I sit by the window. "

The Hedonism is in the blood of Chengdu people, therefore, it is no wonder that they will take a bath in the hot spring in winter. Referring to the hot springs around Chengdu, E Mei Mountain's hot spring cannot be omitted, for you can not only enjoy the spring, but also can reach the peak in the morning to watch the sunrise.

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