

作為中國國家主席, 習近平既有嚴肅的一面, 又有輕鬆風趣的一面。 他在眾多國內外重要場合, 留下過風趣幽默的言行, 這迅速拉近了他與廣大線民的距離, 讓人們感到中國最高領導人也是一個有血有肉的普通人, 是一位有親和力的國家領導人。


撞肩、揮拳、踢足球、吃蘋果、登奧運領獎臺, 這可能是一個你從沒見過的中國國家主席。

A light-hearted bump… A boxer’s uppercut… A kick of a football… A bite of an apple… And arms raised on the Olympic podium. It’s a side of China’s president you’ve probably never seen before.

這五年來, 人們經常可以見到習近平主席繁忙而嚴肅的一面, 其實他在繁重的工作之餘, 也經常會有輕鬆風趣的時刻, 他是一個快樂而幽默的人。

Most people have only seen the serious, business-like side of Xi Jinping. But he also makes time for some light-hearted moments in his day-to-day activities.


中國國家主席, 當然也是中國的首席外交官。 但是偶爾, 他也會客串一下中國文化的講解員。

He’s China’s head of state and also its chief diplomat. And sometimes he serves as a promoter of Chinese culture.

你看這個工藝還是很好。 它是鐵芯銅制, 外面還鎏金的。

The metalwork is impressive. It blends copper into iron. The exterior is covered in gold.

你們看, 我的祖先很魁梧吧。

Just behold the bulky figure of my ancestor.

下面這段談話, 他作為外交官的身份似乎就更奇特了。

Occasionally his duties go beyond those of a regular diplomat.

在我來荷蘭之前, 我和我的夫人與你的夫人蜜雪兒見了面, 我們進行了愉快的談話。 在我與蜜雪兒臨別時, 她讓我正式向總統先生轉達她對你的親切問候。

Before leaving for the Netherlands. My wife and I met your wife, Michelle. We had a pleasant conversation. Before she left, Michelle asked me to convey to the president her very kind regards.


很多旅行愛好者們都在憧憬著走遍澳大利亞,這個目標,習近平主席早在 2014 年就已經實現啦--只不過,是在繁忙的出訪之中。

Many travellers dream of seeing every region of Australia. Xi Jinping fulfilled this goal in 2014, after many visits to the country.

1988年以來,我訪問過除塔斯馬尼亞州之外的五個州和兩個地區。來之前不久,我和夫人收到了塔斯馬尼亞州 16 名可愛的小學生的來信,他們在信中描繪了那裡的獨特物產和美麗風光,特別提到了塔胡恩空中棧道、大峽谷,當然還有“塔斯馬尼亞惡魔”,這讓我充滿了好奇。

Since 1988, I have visited all of Australia, except Tasmania, including five states and two territories. Before my arrival, my wife and I received a letter from Tasmania. It was written by 16 lovely school children. They described the Tahune Air Walk in the Huon, River Valley. And, of course, the "Tasmanian devil", which really piqued my curiosity.


Tomorrow I will go to the island state. It will mean I have visited all the regions of Australia. I wonder if somebody will grant me a certificate for it.



Xi Jinping’s love of sport, especially football, is well known in China.


Some foreign dignitaries have adopted football diplomacy. In Argentina, Xi Jinping was presented with two football shirts, one of them the famous No.10 worn by Maradona and Messi.


Some foreign dignitaries have tried to diversify Xi Jinping’s interests.


I had no plans to try the sport. Now that the president has given me the equipment I will have a go at it.


As a sports enthusiast, Xi Jinping often rubs shoulders with athletes.


Build up your muscles and bulk up.

很多旅行愛好者們都在憧憬著走遍澳大利亞,這個目標,習近平主席早在 2014 年就已經實現啦--只不過,是在繁忙的出訪之中。

Many travellers dream of seeing every region of Australia. Xi Jinping fulfilled this goal in 2014, after many visits to the country.

1988年以來,我訪問過除塔斯馬尼亞州之外的五個州和兩個地區。來之前不久,我和夫人收到了塔斯馬尼亞州 16 名可愛的小學生的來信,他們在信中描繪了那裡的獨特物產和美麗風光,特別提到了塔胡恩空中棧道、大峽谷,當然還有“塔斯馬尼亞惡魔”,這讓我充滿了好奇。

Since 1988, I have visited all of Australia, except Tasmania, including five states and two territories. Before my arrival, my wife and I received a letter from Tasmania. It was written by 16 lovely school children. They described the Tahune Air Walk in the Huon, River Valley. And, of course, the "Tasmanian devil", which really piqued my curiosity.


Tomorrow I will go to the island state. It will mean I have visited all the regions of Australia. I wonder if somebody will grant me a certificate for it.



Xi Jinping’s love of sport, especially football, is well known in China.


Some foreign dignitaries have adopted football diplomacy. In Argentina, Xi Jinping was presented with two football shirts, one of them the famous No.10 worn by Maradona and Messi.


Some foreign dignitaries have tried to diversify Xi Jinping’s interests.


I had no plans to try the sport. Now that the president has given me the equipment I will have a go at it.


As a sports enthusiast, Xi Jinping often rubs shoulders with athletes.


Build up your muscles and bulk up.

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