

近日, 英國威廉王子與凱特王妃參觀了瑞典國家建築和設計中心ArkDes, 在那裡他們會見了宜家設計主管, 並表示了他們對價格合理傢俱的喜愛。 每日鏡報的記者稱:威廉王子與凱特王妃雖然都是皇室, 但是他們仍然很喜歡不太貴的宜家傢俱。

圖片源自網路, 版權屬於原作者

就連宜家的設計主管Marcus Engman在會見威廉王子夫婦後, 也說道:“威廉王子和凱特王妃還透露, 他們為孩子們的房間準備了宜家傢俱。 ”這是不是說明, 宜家的誘惑力很大, 連英國皇室都十分青睞。 此次英國參訪瑞典話題都是不離宜家, 看來皇室都愛平民傢俱。

During a stop in Stockholm as part of the pair’s royal tour of Sweden and Norway, the royals visited ArkDes, Sweden’s national center for architecture and design. While there, Prince William and the former Kate Middleton met with Ikea’s head of design and revealed their taste in affordable furniture.

“They may be royal but William and Kate still love IKEA furniture,” Victoria Murphy, the Daily Mirror’s royal correspondent tweeted on Tuesday. “The company’s head of design Marcus Engman said after meeting them: ‘They also revealed that they have Ikea pieces for the children’s rooms.’”




圖片源自網路, 版權屬於原作者

要是說以前的皇室是高不可攀的, 那麼如今的皇室卻是親切、親民的。 話說, 英國皇室除了青睞宜家之外, 還鍾愛哪些平民商品呢?


說到lobe-Trotter, 可能很多人還是第一次聽說, 它的確是一個比較小眾的牌子, 但是英國皇室卻十分鍾愛它。 Globe-Trotter是一個地道的英國品牌, 誕生於1897年, 主要做全手工製造的奢華箱包產品。 看准了, 是純手工製作哦!這個品牌的箱子就連邱吉爾(Winston Churchill)也是十分鍾愛,

英女王與超級名模凱特莫斯(Kate Moss)也離不了它家的行李箱。

Ever since Globe-Trotter persuaded an elephant to stand on its cases to prove their strength, it’s been the first choice for lightweight yet durable luggage. The processes that go into handcrafting each piece are largely the same as they were when the brand was founded in 1897. All handmade in Hertfordshire, England. Made Sir Winston Churchill's briefcase.



圖片源自網路, 版權屬於原作者

御用嬰兒車——Silver Cross

要說英國皇室最引人注目的人物除了凱特王妃之外, 喬治王子和夏洛特公主也是群眾眼裡的一大亮點。 而皇室寶寶們最愛的嬰兒車,

也廣受關注。 Silver Cross被稱為最受歡迎的皇室嬰兒車, 中文又稱銀十字寶貝, 是英國工程師William Wilson在1887年創立的一個嬰兒車品牌, 從材料到技術, 再到品味。 Silver Cross沿用的都是頂級品質的標準, 難怪英國皇室只買這個品牌的嬰兒車了。

Silver Cross is one of the world’s leading nursery brands. A nursery specialist, Silver Cross was founded in Yorkshire in 1877 and remains famous for its coach built baby carriages. Today, Silver Cross is internationally recognised for its range including prams, travel systems, strollers, nursery furniture and car seats, all of which have helped to make the brand a trusted household name.



圖片源自網路, 版權屬於原作者


說完行李箱和嬰兒車, 肯定不能忘了英女王最愛的手提包包啦!大家都知道英女王的衣著時尚, 而英女王手上的包包也是十分時尚有品位哦。 LAUNER這個牌子, 可能很多人都沒聽過, 但是說英女王最愛的包包, 你可能就知道了。 這個品牌創立於1941年, 從1968年就開始為皇室供應包包了, 而且在1981年就獲得過女王徽章。 每次公開亮相, 女王手上的包基本都是LAUNER.

HM the Queen, the Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall are all customers of its refined designs. Launer has attracted a new legion of dedicated customers propelling the brand on a global basis as a contemporary label. Launer handbags are often featured in films and prominent stage plays both in the UK and on Broadway. Selling in the finest department stores of Selfridges, Fortnum and Mason and Fenwick in London, Launer can also be found internationally in countries including Japan, Russia Italy, Canada and China. Launer’s quintessential British handwriting makes it hugely popular in the USA.












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