
中茄會 [轉載] 美國雪茄評論家:這款雪茄,樹立了品鑒新標準

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大衛杜夫The Late Hour雪茄近日不僅躋身全球學家排行榜第三名, 更收穫全球雪茄客與評論家的熱烈反響。

晚小時雪茄, 對雪茄的口感和層次給予非常高的讚賞。


在本年度的國際優質雪茄及鬥煙零售商協會貿易展中, 大衛杜夫推出了溫斯頓•邱吉爾系列新品雪茄:The Late Hour.The Late Hour的命名靈感源自溫斯頓·邱吉爾一天中最具靈感, 創意迸發的時刻 - 深夜。

此款雪茄的獨特之處在於它採用的尼加拉瓜Condega Visus煙草在蘇格蘭威士卡中熟化六個月之久。

這並非大衛杜夫首次使用經酒桶熟化的煙草, 此前大衛杜夫曾在Camacho尼加拉瓜酒桶和美酒酒桶中熟化雪茄。


茄衣:厄瓜多爾哈瓦那雪茄煙, 深褐色


茄芯:多明尼加聖維森特Mejorado Visus,

多明尼加Piloto Seco和Olor Visus,

尼加拉瓜EstelíVisus和尼加拉瓜Condega Visus

尺寸:7 x 48



此款雪茄包葉精美, 齊整, 外觀似皮革, 我剪下茄帽, 測試雪茄的通氣性, 通氣性堪稱完美, 伴有肥沃土壤, 皮革和乾草的芳香。


此款雪茄的前調具有太妃糖, 白胡椒, 奶油巧克力, 土壤和乾草芳香。

的確, 我聞到了少許木桶熟化蘇格蘭威士卡的味道, 還帶有少量泥煤風味, 讓人欣喜味道, 很淡, 依稀可辨, 此款雪茄燃燒完美, 煙體中等, 煙量充沛。


後半截的蘇格蘭威士卡的芳香更加濃郁, 伴隨少量炭化木材風味, 我還聞到了香草芳香, 太妃糖香味微微減弱。

雪茄仍然帶有土壤, 乾草和白胡椒芳香, 同時伴隨柑橘酸的香味, 燃燒依舊完美出眾, 呈中度至豐滿煙體。


我非常, 非常喜愛這款雪茄, 味道引人入勝, 煙體精良, 酒桶熟化的工藝, 為煙草增添了泥煤蘇格蘭威士卡味道, 沁人心脾。

燃燒無可挑剔, 無需單點觸即可打火, 從托羅, 的robusto和邱吉爾三種規格中, 我挑了邱吉爾做點評, 因為我覺得它的味道更加濃郁。

就芳香而言, 其他人觀點與我一致, 原因在於大衛杜夫的邱吉爾很快便出售一空。 將煙草放入艾斯利單一麥芽威士卡桶中熟化6個月, 會帶有蘇格蘭威士卡的風味,味道極好,卻不會過於濃郁。

此款雪茄風味均衡,只是帶有少許柔和的蘇格蘭威士卡芳香,大衛杜夫這一年推出眾多新款雪茄,如702,Avo Ritmo,Camacho American酒桶熟化雪茄和大師系列等,都表現突出。

不過,對於我而言,溫斯頓•邱吉爾晚小時雪茄,尤其是邱吉爾規格的雪茄,在這些新品中當屬最佳。大衛杜夫製造了這個世界上最好的一些雪 而溫斯頓•邱吉爾“晚小時的誕生則為雪茄的品鑒樹立了新標準”。



Davidoff introduced the Winston Churchill Late Hour as an extension of their Winston Churchill cigar line at this year’s IPCPR. The Late Hour is named after time of day that Winston Churchill found most of his inspiration and creative spark, the late hours. What makes this cigar unique is that the Nicaraguan Condega Visus tobacco used in the cigar is aged in fine scotch whisky barrels for six months. This isn’t the first time Davidoff has used barrel aged tobaccos as they use barrel aged tobaccos in both the Camacho Nicaraguan and American Barrel Aged cigars.


The cigar has a beautiful smooth wrapper with a leathery appearance. As I clipped the cap off, I tested the draw of the cigar. The draw was perfect with notes of rich earth, leather and hay.


The cigar opens with notes of toffee, white pepper, milk chocolate, earth and hay notes. I do get hints of the scotch from the cask aging. It imparts a hint of a peaty flavor that’s really nice. It’s faint, but its there. The burn is perfect and the cigar puts off a large volume up smoke with a medium body.


The last half has more of the scotch notes with a bit of charred wood flavor. I get hints of vanilla as well and the toffee note has subsided some. The cigar still has the earth, hay and white pepper notes along with picking up a slight citrus sour note. The burn is still excellent with a medium-full body.


I really, really love this cigar. The flavors were very tasty, had a good body to it and the barrel aging imparted a nice peaty scotch flavor to the tobacco. The burn was impeccable and didn’t need a single touch up. I choose the Churchill size to do my review as I feel it had a lot more flavor than the toro or the robusto. Others agree with me on that note as Davidoff was sold out of the churchill size for a little while. Aging the tobacco in Isley single malt scotch barrels for 6 months, really imparted a nice flavor from the scotch, but not overly so. It’s still balanced in flavor, but with a nice muted scotch whisky note. Davidoff has had an amazing year with the new cigar releases like the 702, Avo Ritmo, Camacho American Barrel Aged and The Master Collection. For me though, the Winston Churchill Late Hour, especially in the churchill size, is the best of these new releases. Davidoff produces some of the best cigars in the world and the Winston Churchill Late Hour sets a new benchmark for others to be judged.









此款雪茄風味均衡,只是帶有少許柔和的蘇格蘭威士卡芳香,大衛杜夫這一年推出眾多新款雪茄,如702,Avo Ritmo,Camacho American酒桶熟化雪茄和大師系列等,都表現突出。

不過,對於我而言,溫斯頓•邱吉爾晚小時雪茄,尤其是邱吉爾規格的雪茄,在這些新品中當屬最佳。大衛杜夫製造了這個世界上最好的一些雪 而溫斯頓•邱吉爾“晚小時的誕生則為雪茄的品鑒樹立了新標準”。



Davidoff introduced the Winston Churchill Late Hour as an extension of their Winston Churchill cigar line at this year’s IPCPR. The Late Hour is named after time of day that Winston Churchill found most of his inspiration and creative spark, the late hours. What makes this cigar unique is that the Nicaraguan Condega Visus tobacco used in the cigar is aged in fine scotch whisky barrels for six months. This isn’t the first time Davidoff has used barrel aged tobaccos as they use barrel aged tobaccos in both the Camacho Nicaraguan and American Barrel Aged cigars.


The cigar has a beautiful smooth wrapper with a leathery appearance. As I clipped the cap off, I tested the draw of the cigar. The draw was perfect with notes of rich earth, leather and hay.


The cigar opens with notes of toffee, white pepper, milk chocolate, earth and hay notes. I do get hints of the scotch from the cask aging. It imparts a hint of a peaty flavor that’s really nice. It’s faint, but its there. The burn is perfect and the cigar puts off a large volume up smoke with a medium body.


The last half has more of the scotch notes with a bit of charred wood flavor. I get hints of vanilla as well and the toffee note has subsided some. The cigar still has the earth, hay and white pepper notes along with picking up a slight citrus sour note. The burn is still excellent with a medium-full body.


I really, really love this cigar. The flavors were very tasty, had a good body to it and the barrel aging imparted a nice peaty scotch flavor to the tobacco. The burn was impeccable and didn’t need a single touch up. I choose the Churchill size to do my review as I feel it had a lot more flavor than the toro or the robusto. Others agree with me on that note as Davidoff was sold out of the churchill size for a little while. Aging the tobacco in Isley single malt scotch barrels for 6 months, really imparted a nice flavor from the scotch, but not overly so. It’s still balanced in flavor, but with a nice muted scotch whisky note. Davidoff has had an amazing year with the new cigar releases like the 702, Avo Ritmo, Camacho American Barrel Aged and The Master Collection. For me though, the Winston Churchill Late Hour, especially in the churchill size, is the best of these new releases. Davidoff produces some of the best cigars in the world and the Winston Churchill Late Hour sets a new benchmark for others to be judged.








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