

眾所周知, 現在英美兩國都漲學費了。 這高昂的留學費還是讓不少留學生勒緊了褲腰帶, 畢竟留學的學費真的不便宜啊!!雖說留學費用是越來越貴了, 但是還有獎學金可以申請啊!!看到這裡, 相信很多人會說, 獎學金競爭也很大啊!不是人人都能申請啊!

圖片源自網路, 版權屬於原作者

但是也不乏一些奇葩的獎學金是可以申請的!畢竟名額多!近日, 外媒就爆料了英國大學裡的一些好申請的奇葩獎學金, 據說英國學生每年都有可能會錯過那1.5億英鎊的無人認領的獎學金!!(這數目也是相當龐大了~)為什麼這些獎學金會無人認領呢?

In fact, according to one report by The Scholarship Hub, UK students are potentially missing out on over £150 million in unclaimed scholarships each year. These schemes vary from teaching to engineering degrees, but cast the net wider, and you've much more to play with. The organisation claims half of scholarships are struggling to be filled with some receiving just 50 applicants in total.


【potentially】adv. 可能地、潛在地。

【struggling】adj. v. 奮鬥的、努力的、鬥爭。

圖片源自網路, 版權屬於原作者

原來很大部分的原因是, 很多獎學金都是聞所未聞。 而且這20所提供獎學金的大學裡面, 有14所大學就不願意做獎學金的廣告……(隱藏的很深啊!)想知道這些無人認領的奇葩獎學金有哪些嗎?阿卡索小編這就帶大家來盤點盤點英國大學裡的八大奇葩獎學金!!

1、 素食主義者獎學金

素食主義者也有獎學金可以拿?還真的是, 有些學校真的給素食主義者發放獎學金了!!!如果年齡是在26歲以下, 並且是素食主義者, 可能就有資格可以獲得高達500英鎊的一次性獎學金了。 這個獎勵是由素食慈善機構提供的, 不過這個助學金主要是為那些處於困境的學生設計的。

If you've an exceptional circumstance, are below the age of 26 and are a vegetarian (or vegan), you may qualify for a one off award of up to £500. It's provided for by the Vegetarian Charity and aimed at all vegetarians in need.

圖片源自網路, 版權屬於原作者

2、 合唱團獎學金

這年頭連合唱團都能申請獎學金了?在埃克塞特大教堂(Exeter Cathedral)設立了一個合唱獎學金計畫, 如果你是在埃克塞特大學(The University of Exeter)學習音樂的話, 就有可能獲得3000英鎊的獎學金。 而且, 這些獎學金是可以持續三年有效的。 看來合唱團申請獎學金也是很方便的!!

Budding singers could be eligible for up to £3,000 a year if they study at Exeter University (or plan to), thanks to the Exeter Cathedral Choral Scholarship Programme. There are 6-8 choral scholars in the church's choir, with a similar number of Lay Vicars and 20 boy or girl choristers. If you fit the bill, you may be able to get money off your course fees.


【choristers】n. 唱詩班歌手。

圖片源自網路, 版權屬於原作者


總有一些英國大學生家庭較為貧困, 需要一些經濟資助。 所以Leverhulme慈善信託基金就為這些英國學生每年提供3000英鎊的獎學金!!這些獎學金最多可以申請到3000英鎊, 而且還能申請大學每年提供的新助學金。 (這獎學金真的很誘人啊!)

The Leverhulme Trade Charities Trust offers bursaries of up to £3,000 a year to UK students who are the children, spouse, widow or widower of a Commercial Traveller, chemist or grocer and are in need of financial support.

圖片源自網路, 版權屬於原作者

4、 高爾夫球獎學金

不單單是合唱團可以申請獎學金, 擅長打高爾夫的學生也能申請獎學金了, 當然前提你得是頂尖的高爾夫球手。 要是還在大型比賽中獲過獎的, 你也可以申請高達5000英鎊的獎學金。 那麼有哪些大學可以申請到這個高爾夫獎學金呢?據說有17所英國大學都提供了這個獎學金申請, 包括伯明罕大學(University of Birmingham)、聖安德魯斯大學(University of St Andrews)等, 在8月1日至9月30日之間發送申請表就可以了。(不過,這個獎學金還真是不好申請啊!)

If you're a top golfer with an impressive guideline handicap of +1 (for men) and +3 (for women), or have recently been offered a place in a national squad, you may be able to claim a Royal & Ancient Golf Scholarship of up to £5,000 at one of 17 universities.


5、 英國海軍家屬獎學金

在英國的家庭裡,如果你的父母任何一方是為海軍工作的,那麼就能申請到這個助學金了。這個助學金是朴茨茅斯大學(University of Portsmouth)與格林威治醫院(Greenwich Hospital)慈善機構合作,為前海軍工人的孩子設計了一個助學金。申請條件是怎麼樣的呢?如果父母是皇家海軍的成員就擁有申請資格了。不過前提是家庭收入得低於25000英鎊。

Portsmouth university in conjunction with the Greenwich Hospital Charity, has a bursary designed for anyone that is the child of an ex-Navy worker. To qualify, you must have a parent who is a serving or retired Royal Navy or Royal Marine personnel.


6、 想拯救世界獎學金


The Desmond Tutu Scholarship at Kings College, University of London, is worth up to £1,000 and is for students in financial need, who can also prove a commitment to improving the lives of people in developing nations. There are 18 scholarships available, and all applicants must be undergraduates applying to King’s College London.


7、 威爾士語獎學金


Students studying subjects through the medium of Welsh can apply for up to £1,500 through The Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol Scholarship - which, if successful, will be paid out at £500 a year.


8、 優秀學生獎學金

優秀的學生不管是在哪裡都能輕鬆申請獎學金。被評為優秀學生就有資格申請利物浦約翰摩爾斯大學(Liverpool John Moores University)副校長提供的獎學金,而且這個獎學金還高達10000英鎊!不過前提是,你的第一個大學必須就是利物浦約翰摩爾斯。

A more traditional approach, outstanding students with a minimum of three grade As at A2 level or equivalent (144 UCAS points from three units) could be eligible for a Vice Chancellor's Scholarship at Liverpool John Moores University for up to £10,000 a year.







If you're a top golfer with an impressive guideline handicap of +1 (for men) and +3 (for women), or have recently been offered a place in a national squad, you may be able to claim a Royal & Ancient Golf Scholarship of up to £5,000 at one of 17 universities.


5、 英國海軍家屬獎學金

在英國的家庭裡,如果你的父母任何一方是為海軍工作的,那麼就能申請到這個助學金了。這個助學金是朴茨茅斯大學(University of Portsmouth)與格林威治醫院(Greenwich Hospital)慈善機構合作,為前海軍工人的孩子設計了一個助學金。申請條件是怎麼樣的呢?如果父母是皇家海軍的成員就擁有申請資格了。不過前提是家庭收入得低於25000英鎊。

Portsmouth university in conjunction with the Greenwich Hospital Charity, has a bursary designed for anyone that is the child of an ex-Navy worker. To qualify, you must have a parent who is a serving or retired Royal Navy or Royal Marine personnel.


6、 想拯救世界獎學金


The Desmond Tutu Scholarship at Kings College, University of London, is worth up to £1,000 and is for students in financial need, who can also prove a commitment to improving the lives of people in developing nations. There are 18 scholarships available, and all applicants must be undergraduates applying to King’s College London.


7、 威爾士語獎學金


Students studying subjects through the medium of Welsh can apply for up to £1,500 through The Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol Scholarship - which, if successful, will be paid out at £500 a year.


8、 優秀學生獎學金

優秀的學生不管是在哪裡都能輕鬆申請獎學金。被評為優秀學生就有資格申請利物浦約翰摩爾斯大學(Liverpool John Moores University)副校長提供的獎學金,而且這個獎學金還高達10000英鎊!不過前提是,你的第一個大學必須就是利物浦約翰摩爾斯。

A more traditional approach, outstanding students with a minimum of three grade As at A2 level or equivalent (144 UCAS points from three units) could be eligible for a Vice Chancellor's Scholarship at Liverpool John Moores University for up to £10,000 a year.






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