


首先, 你要明確一點:


1) “用”中文記住了一個英語單詞?再“用”中文記住幾個“例句”或者“實用英語口語”?這就是你一貫來“學習”英語口語的“方法”嗎?

腰間贅肉:excess fat around your waist


1.Well,I am gaining excess fat around my waist. I must work out to reduce it.

“用”中文“理解”:腰間贅肉多多, 得鍛煉減少減少才行了。

2. Excess fat around your waist is dangerous to your health.


如果這就叫“英語口語”, 那也不過是只有語言“輸入”, 沒有“輸出”的英語口語。

2) 有語言“輸出”的“用”英語“學”英語

1. “輸入”:

How to Reduce Excess Fat Around the WaistFat around the waist is not only dangerous to your health, but it's also often the most responsive to traditional weight-loss methods.


Okay.Got it. I'll say Excess fat around my waist when I want to say 腰間贅肉 in English.I can also say Fat around my waist.


With dietary revisions, an increase in physical activity, adequate sleep and a decrease in stress, you can reduce the amount of fat around your middle.Too much of the wrong types of foods contribute to excess belly fat. Thick around the waist? Learn how to lose those extra inchesHow to burn the fat around my waist?Belly Fat in Women: Taking --and Keeping-- It off - Mayo Clinic


Okay.I got you.We have many ways to say Excess fat around your waist.We can say Fat around your middle.We can say Excess belly fat, Thick around the waist, or those extra inches.They all mean 腰間贅肉 in English.Excess fat around the waist的“動詞搭配”口語:

3) When we have excess fat around our waist, we can say:

1.I am gaining some belly fat.

2. I want to reduce/lose/get rid of my extra inches.

可能你根本不是這種帶“主動輸出”的學英語的, 難怪你的英語老是學不好。

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