

A story .A man has a lot of choices ,and these choices made in life are rarely perfect .So he decides to sign a contract ,because he wants to make a difference .He wants to save this world ,make it a better place .The consequences are punishing ,unforgiving ,and he questions why he ever signed that contract .So what's the fucking point ? I guess the point is responsibility of duty .Love of country .A way of life . Are we on the right side of this ?These aren't our questions to ask . A marine fights for the person standing next to him . He fights for the man who can't stand anymore .He fights so that others can have the opportunity to make a difference .That's how we make the unforgiving forgivable . And if we're lucky ,somewhere in all the fighting and dying , we discover hope .And the marines who killed and bled and died will always be jarheads .Their families will have to live with the unbearable demands of their ultimate sacrifice .And the ones who make it home,we never really leave our brothers behind.We always remember. We're professional fighting men.We are jarheads.

講個故事。 一個人面臨很多選擇, 而人生中的選擇很少是完美的。 於是他決定參軍, 因為想幹一番大事。 他想拯救這世界, 使之更美好。

後果是殘酷的, 不可寬恕的, 他質疑為何要參軍, 到底有什麼意義?我想這意義就是責任感, 愛國心, 一種生活方式。 我們是戰爭的正義一方嗎?這不是我們該問的問題。 陸戰隊員為身邊的戰友而戰。 為倒下的戰友而戰。 為其他戰友有機會幹一番大事而戰。 這樣就使不可寬恕的變為寬恕的。 運氣好的話, 在戰鬥和犧牲的期間, 我們會找到希望。 那些流血犧牲的陸戰隊員們, 將永遠是鍋蓋頭。 他們的家人將承受難以承受的他們的犧牲。 那些活著回國的, 我們從未丟下我們的戰友。 我們永遠記在心裡。 我們是職業軍人。 我們是鍋蓋頭。

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