

寫給第一次準備與老外溝通的人, 能用到的45個短語

1. 開始溝通 Starting the Conversation

假如你需要人推才能與老外做第一次溝通, 那就一定要看這個文章來激勵你。

任何禮貌的溝通都開始於問候, 有很多方式來打招呼, 你的選擇在於你與誰溝通。

可能與朋友與熟人的非正式場合, 或與同事, 老師, 陌生人或政府人員的正式場合

非正式場合 Informal greetings

讓我們開始非正式場合的學習吧, 以下是如何打招呼::


(A universal greeting that works for every conversation.)


(A neutral and friendly greeting.)


(An informal and relaxed greeting.)


(This is quite formal and rare these days, but could be used humorously among friends.)

正式場合 Formal greetings

更正式的方法是使用 “good + [time of day]”:

Good morning!

(Reserved for any time before noon.)

Good afternoon!

(Typically used between noon and 5-6 p.m.)

Good evening!

(Any time after 6 p.m.)

在這裡特別留意 “good night” 經常表示你想說再見了, 也經常用在要上床睡覺去.

2. 介紹 Introductions

假如你與不認識的人交流, 在打完招呼後, 需要的禮貌的介紹自己與詢問他們的名字, 以下是如何問:

My name is ~. What’s your name?

(This is simple, neutral and always works well!)

假如你碰到從前遇見過的人, 忘了名字

I’m sorry, I don’t remember your name. You are… ?

(This is a bit more informal.)

假如你想介紹一個人給別外的人, 你可以簡單的說

Please meet + [name]

Please meet my friend Tom!

(Formal introduction)

This is + [name]

This is Tom!

(Common introduction)


Nice to meet you!

(The most common)

Pleasure to meet you!

(Simple and polite)

It’s a pleasure!

(Informal, but nice)

3. 閒聊一下Making Small Talk

在互相介紹與問候後, 就開始閒聊下

閒聊在很多英語國家, 特別是美國, 英國, 加拿大都很普遍, 在正式溝通前加入閒聊被認為是很有禮貌的, 不管是正式與非正式場合。 .

最常用的句子是 “How are you?”, 事實上, 這個太常用了, 對人們來說都脫口而出, 都把它當成問候語了


How are you? / How are you doing?


How’s it going?

(More informal)

How are things?


What’s up?

(Very informal)

有趣的事是這些問題不需要真正回答, 除非是非常親密的朋友, 一般都不指望你告訴他們你過的怎麼樣。 .

簡單的回答 “how are you” 就可以了::

I’m well. How are you?

It’s going well, thank you. How are you doing?

Fine, thanks. And yourself?

留意下你可能經常聽到有人回答 “I’m good”, 雖然常用, 但語法是錯誤的, 不要範這樣的錯誤。

4. 問與回答Asking and Answering Questions

交流是交換意見, 有問題, 有答!

以下是兩種典型問句你可以問題的, 一種叫閉環問題, 一種是開放問題.

閉環問題通常叫 “yes/no”問題, 因為最主要是確認一些資訊, 舉例::

Are you having a good day?

Did you just get to the office?

Have you seen my email?

與閉環問題相比, 開放問題需要回答人給出更多的資訊來回答, 不是簡單說 “yes” or “no.”

How is your day going?

(A perfect example of small talk!)

When did you arrive at the office?

What do you think about that email I sent?

開放問題開始於 “who,” “what,” “where,” “when” and “why.” 這使溝通更有效率。 .

當老外問你問題時, 仔細聽關鍵字與留意動詞的使用, 這可以説明你用合適的語法過行回答.

不要擔心出錯, 當你不明白問題是, 不要害怕問

作為第一次與老外溝通, 你可能不能明白所有意思, 沒事, 你還在學習

5. 確認與重複Asking for Clarification

可能你的英語不錯, 但突然你感到失落, 可能老外說的太快或有不熟悉的口音, 你可能聽不懂

這很正常去要求重複與確認, 但一定要禮貌!

你聽不明白時, 你可以說:

I’m sorry, I don’t understand. Could you please repeat that?

I’m sorry, I don’t understand. Could you please explain that?


Care to elaborate?

(This very informal question is the short version of “Do you care to elaborate on this?”)

I’m sorry, I didn’t hear that. Could you please repeat?

I’m sorry, I didn’t catch that. Could you please repeat?

Say it again, please?

尋求幫助不要害羞, 人們一般會開心的解釋與重新講一次的, 但不要忘了感謝他們這樣做.

6. 結束溝通 Bringing the Conversation to a Close

準備結束溝通了, 不管什麼原因, 讓老外知道你不能繼續交流了, 你可以說:

I have to get going. / It’s time for me to go.

(This is polite and neutral.)

I have to run; can we continue later?

(This is more informal, but also polite.)

假如你獲得了所有資訊, 你可以說

Thank you so much for your help!

(A very common and useful expression)

Got it, thanks!

(Very informal and friendly)

I think I have everything I need, thank you!

(This is formal and may come across as rude if you don’t thank the person after, so use it with caution.)

7. 用閒聊的方式結束溝通 Using Small Talk to End a Conversation

閒聊也可以用來結束一段對話, 在說 goodbye前, 禮貌的說一些下面的話:…

Have a good day!

(This works in any situation.)

Enjoy your day!

(This one is a bit more formal.)

Good luck!

(If the person needs it; it will depend on the situation.)

Talk to you soon!

(This is neutral and does not necessarily mean that you will really talk to the person soon.)

Great seeing you / Great talking to you!

(This is informal yet common.)

Catch you later!

(This is very informal and fun.)


8. 講 Goodbye

這很簡單, 你也可以與閒聊合在一起說,


Bye! Have a good day!

Catch you later! Bye-bye!

Good night!

簡單, 對吧?


與老外溝通不要太複雜, 剛開始可能不好意思, 緊張, 沒關係

假如你擔心犯錯誤, 可以理解的, 錯誤使人進步嘛

去說吧, 你已經知道如何進行一段對話了

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