
歪果仁探討閱讀的目的:What's the purpose of reading?

What's the purpose of reading?


在知乎上, 很多人可能嘗試更明確地解釋“閱讀是我的精神食糧”, 所以出現這樣的回答:


之所以這樣回答可能是大家都意識到了, 這個回答好像避開了什麼——閱讀的實用性。 在睿丁君看來, 閱讀起碼有這樣一個靠譜的功能——它可以幫助你理解別人的思維。 (當然我們不能單純地讀心理學, 因為別人的思想可能豐富到你必須去泛讀百家)


不過, 歪果仁探討閱讀的目的, 卻和國內的思維不一樣:

"A man's mind is the total sum of all the experiences he carries and whatever you experience, enhances your sub conscience"

So, as far as your book goes, the purpose could be,

1. You must have enjoyed the book to have completed it, so you enjoy your present experience reading it.

2. There must be some parts, that you remember, but you don't remember the source, so you can relate at certain situations.

3. You can recommend it to someone even if you don't remember the entire stuff, because that is why you read the book completely or did want to finish it.

4. You can impersonate the parts which you liked or were funny, because they made you laugh or imagine.

5. Since, the book is some one else's experience but the story tells you enough to understand it through your mind, you can learn the directions, because experiences often clash, its the path that we take and the situation that is different.

人的本質是一切社會關係的總和, 無論你經歷什麼, 都會豐富你的三觀。

所以, 就你的書來說, 目的可能是:




2、有些你知其然不知其所以然的部分, 讓你以某種方式聯繫了起來

3、你可以把它安利給別人, 即使你並不記得所有的細節, 這就是你完整讀完它的原因。

4、你可以模仿裡面你喜歡或者覺得有趣的部分, 因為它讓你大笑, 或者散發想像力。

5、因為, 書籍裡包含一些別人的經驗, 足夠的故事讓你可以借助自己的大腦去理解它, 你可以學習到大致的方向, 因為經驗常常有衝突, 我們所經歷的情況可能有所不同。

這些觀點是否對你有所啟發, 好了, 關於reading, 睿丁君就幫你到這裡了。

最後, 你讀書的目的是什麼?

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